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Volume 6(2); December 1976
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Original Articles
A Study of the Attitudes of Nurses toward the Geriatric Nursing Care
Kyoung Ock Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1976;6(2):1-9.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Presently, there is increasing demand for geriatric nursing care because of increasing proportion of elderly population due to extended age. Of particular importance in determining the effectiveness of nursing care given to the elderly is the attitude of the nurse toward the elderly patient. Knowledge of the various changes that usually occur with aging will enable the nurse to help an aged person maximize his potential in illness and in health. The objectives of this study were : 1 . To delineate the attitudes of nurses toward the geriatric nursing care. 2 . To learn the influencing factors affecting the attitudes of nurses toward the geriatric nursing care. The study population defined and randomly selected is 225 nurses at one general hospital, one private hospital, two national hospitals in Seoul during the period of October 10th - 20th, 1975. The questionnare method was used. Respondents were 140 nurses. X2-test and t-test were employed in analyzing the data. The questionnare form inculded 54 statements which concerned the attitudes of nurses toward geriatric nursing care. It was divided into five areas : 1 ) General characteristics of study population. 2 ) The nurse's concepts of elderly. 3 ) Care of the geriatric patient. 4 ) Interpersonal relationship with geriatric patient. 5) Teaching of the geriatric patient. Each of the 54 statements of the questionnare was considered to be either Positive or Negative. A Positive response was assigned the value of+1, and a Negative response or no response was assigned the value of 0. The results of the study were as follows : 1. The Investigation of attitudes of nurses toward geriatric nursing care. a. Data indicated respondents have negative attitudes in their concepts of elderly (74.3%) b. Data indicated respondents have positive attitudes in care of geriatric patient (64. 3%). c. Data indicated respondents have positive attitudes in interpersonal relationship with geriatric patient (85%). d. Data indicated respondents have positive attitudes in teaching of geriatric patient (89.3%). 2. The results of study regarding the five hypothesis were as follows: a. There was significant difference in the mean scores between the attitudes of nurses toward the geriatric nursing care and level of education of the nurse. b. There was no significant difference between the attitudes of nurses toward the geriatric nursing care and clinical experience, but there was significant difference between care of the geriatric patient and clinical experience. c. There was no significant difference between the attitudes of nurses toward the geriatric nursing care and shift most frequently worked, but there was significant difference between care of the geriatric patient and shift most frequently worked. d. There was no significant difference in the mean scores between the attitudes of nurses toward the geriatric nursing care and marital status, but there was significant difference in the mean scores between interpersonal relationship, teaching of geriatric patient and marital status. e. There was no significant difference in the mean scores between the attitudes of nurses toward the geriatric nursing care and experience with elderly, but there was significant difference in the mean scores between care of geriatric patient and experience with elderly.

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A Study on Causes and Reactions of Intending Turnover of Staff Nurses Working in Hospitals
Sae Nam Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1976;6(2):10-17.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

High turnover rate of nurses working in the hospitals is one of the serious problems in nursing society at the present time which can result in reducing the economic condition of hospital and providing low quality nursing care. This study was designed identify the causes and turnover rate of 248 clinical staff nurses in relation to their rewards and incentives in 6 hospitals located in Seoul from Oct. 1 to Oct. 20, 1975. Questionnaires and analyzing items were formulated on the basic of Maslow' s hierarchy of basic needs which were grouped in three categories such as safety and social and psychological rewards and incentives. The data were analyzed by means of mean, Chi square, Percentage and F- ratio. The following results were obtained : 1) There were 69% of respondents who have definitely decided or hoped to leave the hospital. 2) Those who are in the range of 26 to 30 years of age showed the strongest desire to leave the hospital. 3) There was no significant difference between those who want to leave the hospital and those who want to remain in relation to age, educational background, past experience and expecting period of clinical work. However, the married nurses tend to remain in the hospital than the single. 4) When the rewards scores in the three categories were calculated, psychological rewards were placed in the first rank by the mean score 14. 09 ; and each of safety rewards and social rewards were 9. 06 and 4. 84. When the scores in three categories were compared it was found that there was significant difference. (F<0. 01)


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    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2012; 13(8): 3586.     CrossRef
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A Study of Factors Causing Anxiety of Patients by Medical Personnel
Jung Hwa Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1976;6(2):18-24.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This study to find out the causes and degree of anxiety experienced by hospitalized patients, with the objective of instituting improvement of Nursing care program based on the needs of patients. The present study was carry out from July 1 , 1975 to October 10, 1975 with 168 pati ents random sampling from those admitted of Kyung Hee Medical Center. The questionnaire form included 47 questions which are considered to be anxiety events for admitted patients and was devided into four areas namely, such events related to 1) hospital environment, 2) Psychology and emotion, 3) Nursing care and treatment, and 4 )Edu-catiun. The results of the study were as fallows : 1) Most of the respondents (70.09%) felt uneasy about their disease affected by the behaviors of medical personnel. 2 ) Regarding the correlation between anxiety felt by patients and their educational level. Only 9 sub - items of 47 items showed significant difference. 3 ) There was revealed no particular significance in the correlation between anxiety felt by patients and period of hospitalization. 4 ) Only 5 sub- items out of 47 items showed significant difference in the correlation between anxiety felt by patients and privious experience of operation. 5) Only 3 sub-items out of 47 items showed significant difference in the correlation between anxiety felt dy patients and privious experience of hospitalization. 6 ) Regarding the extent of anxiety felt by patients, "insufficient explanation about meals" showed the highest score followed. "The visit of physicions and Nurses to the patient is too frequent" showed the lowest score and "Nurses change too frequently the physical posture of patients" followed.

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Correlation between Perception and Clinical Achievements of Nursing Students
Sang Sook Han
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1976;6(2):25-31.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The present study was carried out for the period from July 14 through September 13, 1975 by means of questionaire distributed to 300 nursing students whose extent of satisfaction is known to be relatively low compared with other students of the different course of study by applying the perceptual orientation scale based on the principle defining that the e-ffectiveness in maintaining helpful relation with others in human society depends upon the per-cepthn possessed by individuals. The present study was intended to investigate the effectiveness of nursing profession for nursing students of the 4 - year system and 3 - year system nursing school and relationship between perceptual orientation and clinical achievements, thereby, attempting more efficient a-pplication of the perceptual orientation scale. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. There was observed no significant difference in perceptual orientation between the nursing students of the 4 - year system and 3 - year system nursing schools. 2. 'There was observed significant correlation between the perceptual orientation and clinical achivements of the nursing students. 3. In the comparison of the perceptual orientation point and mean value by school, significant difference was observed between schools other than B and C schools of the 4 - year system. 4 . Marked correlation was observed between the perceptual orientation and clinical achievements of the students of 4 - year system nursing courses. 5 . Low correlation was observed between the perceptual orientation and clinical achievements of the students of the 3 - year system nursing school.

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Learning Needs of Registered Nurse for Inservice Education
Kyung Sun Hyun
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1976;6(2):32-38.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The advanced knowledge is increasing day by day due to the progress of medicine and technics, the increase of nursing research nowadays. In paralled with these, nursing profession has a need of the nursing care with improvement of new Kiowledge, technics and nursing procedure through the inservice education. Therefore, this study was attempted to investigate that to grasp learning need of nurses about inservice education play a pivotal role in the progress of inservice education. This study was made from 242 clinical nurse at 4 hospitals in Seoul and through question-are consisting of 1 ) ideologial part 2 ) basic sciense 3 ) nursing part 4 ) administrative part 5 ) the others from 10 July '75 to 7 Oct. '75. The data were treated by persentage, Likert method, and chi- square examination. Significant differnce p is 0.05. The results of this studies are as follows ; A. learning needs of nurses 1 ) Generally the learning needs of nurses is very high. 2 ) Of the learning need of inservice education for nurses, the highest learning need is as follow (Table 2 ) 1st ; Charting 2nd ; The ability of grasping patient' s needs and problems. 3rd ; The contents and the methods of the advanced nursing skill 4th ; The importance of team work 5th ; The general knowledge of the various disease 6th ; The dicision of a propriate nursing diagnosis under the general condition 7th ; The introduction of the new nursing theory 8th ; The Nurses role and the responsibility in emergency and disater 9th ; The improvement of nursing skill for the perfect interpersonal relationship 10th; Cultural education B . Verification of hypothesis 1. Hypothesis I , learning needs of nurses and educational level of nurse will be co- rredated, is rejected (Table 3) 2 . Hypothesis II, learning need of nurses and duties of post will be corredated, is rejected (Table 4 ) 3. Hypothesis 3, learning need of nurse and clinical experience of nurses will be co rredated, is rejected (Table 5 )

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Epidemiolgical Study of the Accident patients in Chun Chon area
Hea Ja Peak
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1976;6(2):39-54.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

In order to contribute to the formulation of a public health plan, the epidemiological study conducted by the record of 834 accident patients during the year Jan. 1975 to Dec. 1975 at Lim' s clinic Chun Chon city has been analysed in hospital treatment. The accident patients were divided into Common, Psychosomatic, Industrial and Traffic. The results obtained from this study are summarized as follows; 1. Common accident showed highest rate as 32.1%, Industrial showed 28.6% rate, Psychosomatic showed 27.2% and Trafic accident showed lower rate as 12.1%. 2. The age group from 16 to 20 years old showed the highest rate as 23.0% and the distribution of this same age group in the Kang Won Province area was 20.4%, sexual grouping shows men with the highest rate as much as 69.5%. 3. The highest rate of accidents (23.9%) occurred from 3Pm to 6Pm. The highest monthly accident rate (13.1%) occurred in July, in the most concentrated season, summer(31.3%) 4. The place of indoor accidents were highest 30. 3% 5. Bruise and larceration form wounds showed highest with traffic accident victims suffering 35.0% of this bruise rate 6. Wound liesions of the upper limbs showed the highest type 28. 6% by head liesions 28. 2% 7. Among those completely cured after treatment(84.1% of the total), intoxication cases showed the highest rate (86. 5%) 8. From accident tims to treatment at the clinic, intoxication cases had the longest wait (77. 2%) treated within six hours.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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