With the dynamically changing environment of society, managing change is the vital element of organizations's survival and growth. Health care organizations have expended enormous resources to restructure patient care delivery. Despite the growing literature describing these organizational innovations, there is a paucity of credible data that reflects systematic measurement and evaluation of such changes. This study examined the nurses' psychological response toward the work process redesign, newly introduced by the nursing department in a acute care hospital. The aim of the study was to figure out how nurses's general perception of change and perceived attributes of change affected their acceptance of change during the organizational transition. This was descriptive-correlational. The sample for the study included 50 head nurses and 135 staff nurses. Data was analyzed using SPSS PC+, version 10.0. The major findings of the study were as follows: First, the mean score of the perception of change was 71.2 (SD=13.8) with the range of 0-100, which means nurses generally perceived change positively. There were significant differences in perception of change by gender and education level. Head nurses perceived change more positively than staff nurses. The higher education level showed the more positive view of change. Second, among the perceived attributes of change, trialability had the highest mean score, which means nurses perceived the change more positively if it is testable on a limited basis. Relative advantage was perceived the most negatively. Finally, factors influencing the acceptability of the work-process redesign were perceived comparability, complexity, relative advantage, and observability, which accounted for 43.7% of the variance in the acceptability of change.This study evaluated the preliminary effects of the nursing process for reengineering, focusing on nurses' acceptability towards change. The usefulness of this research study was to determine the factors influencing acceptance of organizational members during transitional periods of change and to suggest effective strategies for increasing adoption as well as for decreasing resistance to change.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this descriptive study was to identify the nursing needs of patients with chronic illness. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 636 patients with chronic illness, 323 general nurses, and 106 public health nurses. The instruments used for this study were questionnaires including perceived functions of nursing from the center for chronic illness, preference to placement, intention to use, needs to receive services from the center for chronic illness, strategies management for nursing, and nursing needs of chronically ill patients. RESULTS: The mean of perceived functions for nursing from the center were 3.1(0.5) in public health nurses, 2.9 (0.59) in general nurses, and 2.4(1.33) in chronically ill patients. Regards of needs to receive on services of the nursing centers were, the regularly physical examination, for health educational services which was perceived highest request amongst chronically ill patients. We found the means of each specific need as 2.2(0.6), for physical health, 2.1(0.7), for psychosocial health, and 1.8(0.6) for spiritual health. CONCLUSION: From the results of this study, it is suggested that establishing a nursing center for chronically ill patients consider physical, psychosocial, for spiritual health needs of chronically ill patients. It is also a consideration that direct care for symptom management and health education in the nursing center be implemented.
PURPOSE: Knowing the accurate GA is critical in nursing care of high-risk newborns. A descriptive study was performed to examine the reliability and clinical applicability of the new Ballard examination (NBE) in high-risk infants. METHOD: A NBE was performed to measure GA by assessing the neuromuscular and physical maturity in the course of physical examination of a convenient sample of 50 high-risk infants. RESULTS: 1) There was a highly correlation between both the GA by LMP (GA-LMP) and GA by NBE (GA-NBE) (r = .894, p = .000) 2) There was a greater positive relationship in neuromuscular maturity than physical maturity in the GA-NBE of the high-risk newborn (r = .657 versus r = .915, p<. 05). 3) The high-risk infants were thoes with congenital anomalies, prematurity, and RDS(Respiratory Distress Syndrome). Male infants showed a higher neuromuscular maturity, compared to female infants. 4) There was a positive correlation between neuromuscular, physical, total maturity, GA-LMP and GA-NBE in the birth weight, 1 minute Apgar score. CONCLUSION: The study supports the reliability an clinical relevance of NBE in assessment of the accurate GA in high-risk infants.
PURPOSE: This study was to identify and clarify the relationship between perceived health, self-esteem, and self-care agencies for promoting self care among Korean adolescents. METHOD: Data were collected from 817 adolescents in schools located in Seoul, Kyungki-do, and Chuncheon from Sept, 16th to Sept, 28th, 1999, and from Mar 10th to Mar 25th, 2000. The instruments used for this study were the Health Self-Rating Scale, Self-Care Agency Assessment Questionnaire (Denyes, 1981), the Self-Esteem Questionnaire (Rosenberg, 1971). RESULT: 1) The mean perceived health status among Korean adolescents was 8.75 (SD=1.72) 2) The mean self-esteem was 27.27 (SD=4.64). 3) The mean self-care agency was 99.64 (SD=21.02) and the average self-care agency score was 3.99 (SD=0.84). In the subcategories, the highest degree was feelings towards health (4.15), followed by ego strength (4.06), attending to health (3.87), general health knowledge (3.56), and the lowest degree was specific health knowledge (3.20) 4) There was statistical significant differences between demographic factors and self-care agencies, expecially, gender (t=28.65), grade (F=3.79), pocket money (t=5.72), and height (F=9.82) 5) The statistical relationship between perceived health status, self-esteem, and self-care agencies were found to have a positive correlation. 6) Self-care agencies among adolescents was the highest factor predicting self-esteem (15%). CONCLUSION: The relationship between perceived health status, self-esteem, and self-care agencies revealed a significant positive correlation among adolescents. Therefore, nursing intervention for adolescents needs to develop self-esteem programs to increase self-care agencies.
PURPOSE: The purposes of this study was to evaluate an occupational health promotion program for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. METHOD: This study employed a quasi-experimental non-equivalent pre and post test to evaluate the program. The subjects of this study were 48 employees selected by convenience sampling who were suspected of having hypertension and hyperlipidemia in routine physical examinations and who were working in A University Hospital in Suwon. 25 subjects were assigned to the experimental group and 23 to the control group. Data collection was done using questionnaries before and after the subjects used the program. RESULTS: The results of this study showed that systolic blood pressure, ALT, gamma-GTP in the experimental group was lower than that of the control group. There were significant differences between two groups in the percentage of 'irregularity of diet' and in health behavior compliance. There were significant differences between the two groups in the number of complaints of symptoms after using the program. CONCLUSION: This study shows that there were no obvious differences between the two groups in all areas, but this program had a positive effect on health behavior changes. It is expected that employees' lifestyles can be changed through continuous health promotion programs.
This study was conducted to investigate nutrient and food choices in gastric cancer patients receiving Cisplatin after surgery. Ten patients were followed from the fist day of the first cycle to the last date of the 6th the cycle of the chemotherapy. The subjects kept daily self record of dietary intake and the period of nausea/vomiting during 6 cycles. Using Computer Aided Nutritional Analysis Program, the degree of Calorie, carbohydrate, protein, fat and fluid intakes according the chemotherapy period. The reseacher developed food intake rating scale, and then three dietitians analysed the oral intakes according to the type of foods. As the results of this study, during the chemotherapy cancer patients are intakes much fewer calorie, protein and fluids than recommended dietary allowance. Oral intake was worsen as treatment proceed. During the chemotherapy periods most of the patients choose fruits, vegitables, steam rice, porridge, yogurt and the beam soup to overcome nausea and vomiting. In order to promote oral intake for chemotherapy patients, the researcher strongly suggest that indiviual food preform should be considered.
PURPOSE: This study was aimed at comparing and evaluating one main role, the professional self concept and job satisfaction of public health nurses and clinical nurses. METHOD: The data was collected from 72 nurses in 8 health centers and 86 nurses in 5 hospitals in Daegu city and Kyungpook province from May 5th to June 5th, 2001. This study was interviewed by trained social workers. The origin of questionnaires used in this study were PSCNI(Professional Self-Concept of Nurses Instrument) to measure the professional self concept of nurses and JDI(Job Descriptive Index) to measure the job satisfaction of nurses. The data was analyzed by SAS(version 6.12) and statistical methods used were Chi-square test, t-test, ANOVA(analysis of variables) and ANCOVA(analysis of covariate). RESULT: The findings of this study were as follows: 1. The most important domain in the main role of public health nurses were as counsellors, managers, mediators and evaluators. In clinical nurses, their main roles were, directors of nursing, researchers, spokesmans, and informers. 2. Public health nurses showed lower scores in the professional self concept of nurses than clinical nurses, what statistically significant tool was used to suggest this finding. 3. Public health nurses showed higher scores in job satisfaction than clinical nurses, but again, explain the tool used in these findings for give a rationals. 4. For public health nurses, general characteristics which affected professional self concept were age, educational level, and duration of job. In clinical nurses, the general characteristics which affected professional self concept were age, religion, marital status, and duration of job. 5. For public health nurses, there was no general characteristic which affected job satisfaction. In clinical nurses, the general characteristics which affected job satisfaction were age, religion, and duration of job. CONCLUSION: Nursing profession should give a training to competent nurses who can deliver high quality care to meet the needs of health consumers. The role of nurses has been expended and specialized as health conception has been changed in Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the rate of suicidal attempts, investigate difference of rate of suicidal attempts between students and delinquents, and examine correlation between personality, family dynamics, environment, and suicidal attempts among Korean adolescents. METHOD: Data were collected through questionnaire surveys. Internal consistencies for this questionnaire ranged from 0.63 to 0.88. The subject used in this study consisted of 922(delinquent : 367, student : 555), using the proportional stratified random sampling method. Statistical methods employed were Chi-square and t-test. RESULTS: 1) The rate of suicidal attempts were 10.8%, and the highest peak age of suicidal attempt was 17-18 year old (16.9%).2) Delinquents(19.6%) showed a higher rate of suicidal attempts than students (5.1%). Among the students, girls (43.3%) showed a higher rate of suicidal attempt than boys (19.1%). Whereas, boys (80.9%) showed a higher rate of suicidal attempt than girls (56.7%) among delinquents.3) Those who attempt suicide have more familial problem such as incest, psychosis, depression, attempted suicide, committed suicide, and alcoholism in their family. They also have more dysfunctional family dynamics, environment, and maladaptive personalities than non-attempters. CONCLUSIONS: Suicide and suicidal behaviors are multifaceted events. For suicide prevention, independent assessments of variables such as familial problems, personality, family dynamics, and environment must be considered.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop Nurse's Suffering Experience Scale and to test the reliability and validity of the instrument. METHOD: The subjects used to verify the scale's reliability and validity were 220 nurses who were taking care of the end stage cancer patients, while working at university and general hospitals in Daegu and Kyungbuk province from April 20. to July 10, 2001. The data was analyzed by the SPSS/WIN 8.0 program. RESULTS: A factor analysis was conducted, and items that had a factor loading more than .40, and an eigen value more than 1.0. were selected. The factor analysis classified a total of seven factors statistically, and it's communality was 44%. The explanation of factors based on the conceptual framework and item content are as follows: The first factor was expanding self consciousness, the second factor was forming empathy with family, the third factor was professional challenge, the fourth factor was change of values, the fifth factor was spiritual sublimation, the sixth factor was helplessness, and finally the seventh factor was rejection to death. Cronbach's coefficient to test reliability of the scale was .8665 for total of 44 items. The Scale for Nurse's Suffering Experience developed in the study was identified as a tool with a high degree of reliability and validity. Therefore this scale can be effectively utilized for the evaluation of the degree of nurse's suffering experience in clinical settings.
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to identify and compare the stressors and coping behaviors of high school students who experienced suicidal ideation vs those who do not. METHOD: The data were collected from 1,441 high school students living in the middle region of Korea. Researchers collected the data using Adolescent Stress Inventory and Adolescent Coping questionnare from February to May of 1999. Data were analyzed using X2, T-test. RESULT: A significant proportion (31.9%) of subjects had thought about suicide during the past 6 months, 297 girls (35.3%) and 163 boys (27.2%). Major stressors of subjects who experienced suicidal ideation were academic problems, conflicts between family members, and changes in sleeping or eating patterns. Conflicts with family members contributed to have suicidal ideation. There was no significant difference in helpful coping behaviors between the two groups. The group who experienced suicidal ideation had lower scores and fewer coping behaviors. Boys perceived more stressors and had fewer helpful coping behaviors than girls. CONCLUSION: It is necessary to develope school-based suicide prevention programs. Our findings suggest that the program should focus on problems related to studying and conflicts within the family.
PURPOSE: This study was to identify the trends and contents of imagery interventions and to evaluate the effects of imagery interventions by using meta-analysis. METHOD: The materials used for this study were 15 imagery intervention studies carried out from Jan. 1995 to Dec. 2001. The studies were analyzed and evaluated in different categories: 1) types of dependent variables 2) types of imagery 3) interval of imagery 4) total duration of imagery 5) sample characteristics 6) intervention method. RESULT: 1) Behavioral imagery was more prevalent than dynamic imagery. There were wide variations in duration, and interval of interventions. Imagery intervention had moderate effects on psychological variables (state of anxiety, depression & and stress etc.) and had moderate to large effects on physiological variable(pulse rate, cortisol etc.). Behavioral imagery had larger effects than dynamic imagery. Imagery applied to the public had larger effect on decreasing the state of anxiety and stress than applied to the patients. But imagery applied to the patients had a larger effect on decreasing depression than applied to the public. The imagery intervention method by using the individual approach had greater effect than group approach method. CONCLUSION: These results of this study will be used to guide the development of imagery interventions to nursing practice. Also, various types of imagery interventions need to be developed based on the characteristics of nursing practice.