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Volume 30(2); April 2000
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Original Articles
Meaning in Life Among the Elderly
Sung Ok Chang, M Burbank Patricia
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):259-271.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was attempted to explore meaning in life and it's relationship to problematic life events, health status and depression among older people. 198samples of elderly were over the age 60 (mean age=70.06) conveniently selected in Seoul, Korea. The data were collected through questionaires by interview with subjects from April, 1, 1999 to May 30, 1999. The research instuments were the main framework in the experiment. They involved meaning fulfillment and problematic life events which were developed by Burbank (1988) and short form geriatric depression scale(Sheikh & Yesavage, 1986). The data were analysed by SAS Program. The results are followed; 1. 172 lists were given out and had objects that would bring meaning to one's life. They were categrized as wishing for offsprings' prosperity, their relation with their grand-children, marriage of their offspring, health of family members, strong family ties, caring for the family, relation with husband, health for self, religious activity, helping others, individual hobbies, needs for growth such as writing, In the end, 50% of total list dealt with in the relationship with their family members. 2. The mean fulfillment of the subjects was 38.31(SD=13.58) with a range of 12-60. The degree fulfillment varied according to the subjects' characteristics such as age group(F=4.44, 0P=.0008), education status (F=6.44, P=.0001), economic status (F=10.27, P=.0001), marrital status (F=9.12, P=.0002) and religious background (F=3.68, P=.006). 3. According to the pearson correlation, analysis significant variables were found between meaning fulfillment and health(r=.47,P=.0001), depression and the number of problematic life events for a life time (r=.147, P=.04), the stress score of problamatic life events for the past one year and the stress score of problematic life events for a life time was r=.43, P=.002, meaning fulfillment and the stress score of problamatic life events r=-.26, P=.04, depression and meaning fulfillment r=-.70, P=.0001 and depression and health r=-.521, P=.0001. 4. According to multiful regression analysis, depression was found as a most predictable variable for health(F=12.51, P=.001).

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Concept Analysis about Workers Health
Chung Min Cho, Boon Han Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):272-281.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the phenomenon worker's health as a basis for the future study. Concepts help us to identify how experiences are similar or equivqlent by categorizing all the things that are similar. The concept of health in workers was investigated using the Chinn and Krammer's method. The process of analysis involves choosing the concept, clarifying the purpose, using evidence of data, exploration of context, and value and category formalization. Dimensions of health in workers were identified as follows: (1) clinical dimension (2) role execution (3) coping with dimensia (4) mental well being (5) possibility (6) concrete activity (7) symbolization (8) hardiness Characteristics of anality of health in workers are activity, dimension of symbolization and of hardiness. Through this study it is identified that health in workers is with the beyond physical well-being, focused functional ability, and harmony environment.

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A Meta-Analysis of Effects of Relaxation Therapy on Anxiety and Blood Pressure
Hee Seung Kim, Hae Hiang Song, So Eun Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):282-292.   Published online March 29, 2017
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A meta-analysis of 14 quasi-experimental studies was conducted to compare the effect of size on various relaxation therapies applied to patients and health volunteer students. These studies were selected from theses, dissertations and papers that have been done between 1982 to 1993. Also They have a randomized or nonequivalent control group in a pre test-post test design. The studies were evaluated in different ways; 1) types of relaxation therapy, 2) total amount of time of relaxation therapy, and 3) types of outcome variables. For a group of homogenious studies, the weighted mean effect size and standard error were estimated. Some findings are summarized as follows : 1. Jacobson relaxation therapy had a larger effect on systolic and diastolic blood pressures than on state anxiety. 2. For the total time of relaxation therapy, (longer than 60 minutes) had a much larger effect in decreasing systolic and diastolic blood pressures than in the case of a time period shorter than 60 minutes. 3. Relaxation therapy applied to surgery patients also had a larger effect in decreasing state anxiety than when applied to other patients.

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The Experience of Nursing Staff on the Dementia Patients' Aggressive Behavior
Jin Joo Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):293-306.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Providing care to the dementia elderly with behavioral problem is a major issue in nursing homes today. This study was aimed to explore the nursing staffs' response to aggressive dementia patients, and the effect that the aggressive behavior had on Nsgstaff. The interviews used a semi-structured questionnaire are were carried out from May to July, 1999. The subjects were 23 nursing personnel working in the nursing homes for dementia elderly. The result are as follows; 1. The types of aggressive behavior cited by the subjects was "physical", "linguistic", and "sexual". 2. The factors that caused the behavior were "symptoms of disease", "under- conditioning", "context of nursing care", "unsatisfied need", "relationship to other patients", "change of outer environment", and "invasion of one's own privacy". 3. The response of the subjects were "unhappiness", "stress", "anger", "exaggeration", "anxiety", and "fear". 4. The management strategies listed by nursing personnel used to alleviate aggressive behavior were "ignorance" "patience" "leaving the area" "soothing sounds" "verbal punishment" "restriction and isolation" and "various management skill appliance" "adaptation". 5. The effect that aggressive behavior and were "disturbance of relationship to elderly" "decline in the amount and quality of nursing care" "interruption of task performance" "job exhaustion" "desire to leave the job" "physical impact" "stress on the cognition of others" "anxiety about health and one own future" "interference to family life'. The findings of this study will be useful in understanding the difficulties of nursing personnel when confronting the aggressive behavior of dementia partients. It also is useful as basic data in preparing efficient intervention program for these difficulties.

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Subjectivity of the Delivery Experience: A Q methodology Approach
Hye Sook Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):307-318.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The researcher would like to suggest that the delivery experience varies depending on the personal situation and the childbirth experiences of the mother. The goals of this study are : 1. To find out the subjectivity structure on delivery experience. 2. To describe the differences in delivery experience depending on the delivery methods. 3. To suggest effective nursing intervention for each type. Q-methodology was used for the research design. One of the main reasons to use this Q methodology. Because each individual's delivery experience can be different. The result of this study shows that the subjectivity related to the delivery experience of mother has at least four distinctive types. Type I mothers can be named as "Motherhood Identity Recognition Type". Type I subjects accept delivery experience very positively, show interest in the health of the baby, and identify their motherliness with responsibility. Type II mothers can be named "Leaping to Maturity Type". It can be explained as a state that mothers experience pain, but by understanding and enduring the pain, the pain is changed to maturity. Type III mothers can be named as "Pride Experience Type". Type III feels vaginal delivery as a process to become a real mothers, and have great pride in making this type of significant emotiange delivery. Therefore, they think the labor pain is worth the value and believes that there are other differences between vaginal delivery and cesarean section. Mothers of Type III take the delivery experience to be meaningful. Type IV mothers can be named as "Lack of Motherhood Transition Type". This type does not seem to feel sorry for their babies for going through a cesarean section delivery. The also do not have the satisfaction of delivery and motherliness identity is low. In addition, they especially do not feel affection towards their babies. Also, because they delivered babies in a state of anesthetics, they do not seem to feel much different, but show negative reactions toward themselves.

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The Analysis of Exercise Therapy in Nursing Research
Jum Yi Jun
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):319-330.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study is aimed at analyzing the trend of research on the use of exercise in nursing research, through suggesting directions for future research and implementation of the various exercise therapies. Research studies were taken from dissertations and theses selected from the Academic Society Journals of nursing science, Journals from universities, medical and nursing schools, research institutes in various universities, the Central Journal of Medicine, and the New Medical Journal. The research published between 1970 and 1997 in Korea were analyzed, 51 research were selected. The research are analyzed according to: published time, source of the research, research design, subjects, sample size, dependant variables, exercise therapy, and effect of exercise therapy. The results were as follows: 1. Research on exercise therapy increased rapidly in the 1990's. At this time, 88.2% of research was published. 2. Research areas included: 54.9% non- degree research, 27.5% Doctoral theses, and 17.6% Master's theses. 3. The experimental design included: 66.7% non- equivalent control group pre-test/ post-test design and 29.4% one group pre-test/post- test design. 4. Out of the Subjects: 52.9% were patients with various health problems, and 47.1% were healthy individuals. 5. Sample size included: 52.9% with above 31 subjects, 11.8% with 11~15 and 26~30. 6. Exercise therapy was analyzed by type, intensity, frequency, duration, and period. 1) The Types: Aerobic exercise at 60.8% was the most common, active exercise for muscle strengthening and building made up 21.6%. 2) Exercise with 40~65% intensity comprised 25.5%, 70~85% with 7.8%, and no description of the intensity was 66.7%. 3) Frequency of 3~5 per week was the most common at 78.4%. 4) Duration: 15~60 minutes was the most common length of time at 76.5%. 5) Periods: More than 5 weeks at 82.3% were the most common in their categories. 7. Dependant variables: Psychological response was measured as a dependant variable in 92.2%, Cardio-pulmonary function 88.2%, Body Composition was 86.3%, Physical Response was 60.8%, Lipid Metabolism was 58.8%, Physical Strength was 49.0%, Glucose Metabolism was 25.5%, Activities of Daily Living was 17.6% and others added to be 3.9%. 8. The effect of Exercise Therapy was categorized into 'positive', 'partially positive', and 'no effect' according to dependant variables: Having a positive effect - Glucose Metabolism (93.3%), Physical Response (85.0%), Activities of Daily Living (81.8%), Psychological Response (71.6%), Lipid Metabolism (67.6%), Cardio- pulmonary Function (63.6%), Physical Strength (68.1%), and Body Composition (56.4%). The following suggestions can be made on the above findings: 1. Research findings on Exercise Therapy as a Nursing Intervention need to be described by their elements of type, intensity, frequency, duration and period. 2. Toproperly study the positive effects of Exercise Therapy, there needs to be (1) appropriate research design, (2) selection criteria for the subjects (3) contents of exercise prescription to individuals or groups (4) measurement criterion for the dependent variables. 3. Meta-analysis on exercise therapy also needs to be done to analyze and integrate the various results.

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A Correlation Study of Suffering, Burden and Meaning of Life in Cancer Patients
Kyoung Ah Kang, Pok Ja Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):331-341.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Since cancer is not easily curable, patients who suffer from cancer may have physical, psychological and spiritual problems for the rest of their lives. Especially when cancer patients do not have much to live for and are placing a burden on their family they will experience more suffering emotionally as much as physically. This study was conducted to provide a basis of data for nursing intervention strategies to minimize a cancer patient`s suffering and to understand the relationship between suffering, burden and the meaning of life in cancer patients. The samples were composed of 160 cancer patients who were inpatients or outpatients of two university hospitals and two general hospitals in Seoul. Data collection were carried out from January, 25, 1999 to February, 26, 1999. The data were analyzed using a SAS program for descriptive statistics, pearson correlations, ANOVA, and Duncan tests. The results were as follows; 1. The scores on the two suffering scale ranged from 132 to 40 with a mean of 87.3(SD 17.5). The mean scores on the burden scale is 28.9(SD 6.9) and the score of the meaning of life ranged from 35 to 51 with a mean of 95.6(SD 18.4). 2. There were significant correlations between the amount of suffering and the magnitude of burden (r=.74, p=.00), the suffering and the meaning of life (r=-.59, p=.00) and the burden and meaning of life (r=-.61, p=.00). 3. In the degree of the suffering, the burden and the meaning of life were two very strong factors, the level of the suffering in cancer patients by age (F=2.64, p=.03) and education level (F=4.16, p=.00). The level of the burden in cancer patients differed by education level (F=4.70, p=.00) and type of cancer (F=2.97, p= .03). Also the level of the meaning of life in cancer patients was different by education level (F=3.55, p=.02). In conclusion, the burden and the meaning of life was identified as important variable that is contributed to reduce the suffering of cancer patients.

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Analysis on Effect of Health Promotion Program for the Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Hyun Soo Oh, Young Ran Kim, Won Park, Jeong Soo Song
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):342-353.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was performed to examine the effect of a 7-week comprehensive health promotion program for improving pain, depression, and disability by employing a quasi-experimental design. The subjects were regular out-patients of a RA aclinic in an University Hospital in Inchon from November 11. 1998 to December 24. 1998. The Experimental group included 18 patients who participated in an arthritis health promotion program, and the control group included 18 patients who did not. The 7-week health promotion program, which had the objective to enhance health promoting skills, was provided to patients. The effects of this program on the patients' pain, depression, and functional disability were examined. According to the study results, a significant group difference was found on these dependent variables (Hotelling's T =.30, F=3.11, p=.04). To examine which dependent variables had significant effects, one-way ANOVAs were performed. There were significant group differences in pain (F=4.35, p=.05) and in depression (F=4.22, p=.05) However, no significant group differences on functional disability (F=.04, p=.84) were found. Conclusively, the arthritis health promotion program, which was designed to enhance 11 health promoting skills, can be evaluated as successfully achieving the ultimate goal of enhancing the patients' quality of life. It can also be contended that the improvement of the patients' quality of life was enabled by relieving pain and reducing depression.

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Process of Change Corresponding to the Stage of Change of Exercise in Elderly
Young Ja Chun, So In Kim, Pyoung Sook Lee, Soon Yong Kim, Sook Ja Lee, Eun Sook Park, Sung Ok Chang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):354-365.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Purpose: This study was performed to identify the factors that change exercise behave. This study will also classify and identify the characteristics of excercise stages to which the elderly belong Also, to identify the processes of change which influence on the changes in exercise performed by the elderly.
Convenient samples of 198 subjects over the age 60 in Seoul Korea(mean age=70) were selected from elderly communities and were all mentally conpetant older adults. The data were collected from April 1,1999 to May 30, 1999. The research instruments were measured the change in exercise (Marcus et al., 1992b), such as Stage of Change measure(Marcus et al,1992a). The data were analyzed by SAS Program.
1. According to the measure of change without missing data, 191 subjects were distributed each stage of change for exercise: 50 subjects (26.1%), 7 subjects (3.6%), 52 subjects (27.2%), 4 subjects (2%), and 78 (40.8%) belonged to the precontemplation stage, the contemplation stage, the preparation stage, the action stage and the maintenace stage. 2. According to the factor analysis, 6 factors of change were identified as appropriate processes of change and were named by the researchers. The names were; 'Supportive helping relationship', 'Self cognitive determination', 'Environmental reinforcement', Consciousness raising', Reinforcement of negative condition and 'Conversion of negative condition'. 3. According to the stage of change, there were significant mean differences in the 'Supportive helping relationship(F=22.04, p=.0001)', 'Self cognitive determination (F=50.87, p=.0001)', 'Reinforcement of negative condition(F=7.84,p=.0006)'. 4. Through the discriminant analysis, it was found that Self cognitive determination is the most influential variable as one of the processes of change which can discrimiate the three stages of change (precontemplation, preparation, and maintenance). Also the next significant variable was Reinforcement of negative condition.
The process of the dey change is one of concepts of The transtheoretical model known as strategies and the techniques people use as they go through the different stages of change. Even though this study is cross- sectional not longitudinal study, the finding of this study gives useful information for exercise intervention, by using this strategy of exercise for elderly in different stages of change in exercise.

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A Prediction Model for Stage of Change of Exercise In the Korean Elderly: Based on the Transtheoretical Model
Soon Yong Kim, So In Kim, Young Ja Chun, Pyoung Sook Lee, Sook Ja Lee, Eun Sook Park, Sung Ok Chang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):366-379.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify causal relationships among variables of transtheoretical model for exercise in the elderly. A predictivel model explaining the stage of change was constructed based on a transtheoretical model. Empirical data for testing the hypothetical model was collected from 198 old adults over 60 years old in a community setting in Seoul, Korea in April and May,1999. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlational analysis using pc-SAS program. The Linear Structural Modeling (LISREL) 8.0 program was used to find the best fit model which predicts causal relationship of variables. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was X2=132.85. (df=22, p=.000). GFI=.88, NNFI=.35, NFI=.77, AGFI=.59 which was not favorable but the fit of modified model to the data was X2=46.90. (df=27, p=.01).GFI= .95, NNFI=.91, NFI=.92, AGFI=.87) which was more than moderate. The predictable variables of stage of change for exercise of the Korean elderly were helping relationship, self cognitive determination, conversion of negative condition in process of change and efficacy for exercise . These variables explained 68% of stage of change for exercise of the Korean elderly.

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Deducing Coronary Artery Disease Anxiety through Musical Therapy and Providing Information
Mi Suk Kang, Kyung Min Park, Chung Ja Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):380-390.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of music therapy as one of the psychiatric nursing intervention tools, with addtional information in relieving anxiety during the procedure. Data were collected through nonequivalent pre-and post tests from July 1, 1998 to September 30 1998 in 90 patients (test group A: 28 patients, test group B: 27 patients, control group: 33 patients) who were hospitalized in DongSan Medical Center in order to have cardiac catheterization. The Subjects were informed by educational videos, which were modified according to the sensory information of the 10 study patients. They were based on the informative booklet by Kim keum-soon (1989). The procedural information was also modified according to the hospital`s customs. Provided the music for patients suitable to their tastes, and measured their blood pressure, heart rate, the degree of anxiety using the Spielberger`s measurement device of anxiety, and behavioral response of Finesilver`s. The statistical significance was analyzed using chi-square test and ANOVA. The results of this study were as follows : Hypothesis 1 : There are significant differences in the degree of anxiety among test group A, Test group A was provided only information, Test group B was provided information and the control group was provided neither. Hypothesis 2 : There are significant differences in systolic blood pressure among test group A, test group B, and control group.: non-significant. Hypothesis 3 : There are significant differences in diastolic blood pressure among test group A, test group B, and control group.: significant(F=1.31, p=.27, interaction; F=3.80, p=.00). Hypothesis 4 : There are significant differences in heart rate among test group A, test group B, and control group.: non-significant. Hypothesis 5 : There are significant differences in behavioral responses among test group A, test group B, and control group.: significant(F=10.05, p=.00). Further validation study is required with other subjects and other settings.

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Factors Associated with Weight Control Behaviors Among High School females with Normal Body Weight
Ok Soo Kim, Hee Sang Yoon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):391-401.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This descriptive study was designed to identify the factors associated with weight control behaviors among 273 high school girls with normal body weight. The objectives of the study were i) to evaluate subjective obesity and satisfaction with the body shape, ii) to describe the weight control behaviors and the motivation, iii) to reveal the relationships between the weight control behaviors and BMI (Body Mass Index), iv) to investigate the relationships between the weight control behaviors and subjective obesity and satisfaction with the body shape, and v) to investigate the relationships between the weight control behaviors and family support. The results showed that 62.6% of the adolescent girls with normal weight perceived that they were fatty and 9.9% thought they were obese. Seventy-five percent of them were not satisfied with their body shape. Eighty percent of the participants reported the main motivation of weight control was to have an attractive appearance. In this study, self-reported weight control methods included dieting (64.8%, skipping or reducing meals), exercise (36.6%), and special dieting (20.1%) such as eating an increased amount of juice or vegetables. It was shown that the subjects who were not satisfied with their body shape and perceived themselves as fatty or obese were active in exercise, diet, and other special diets. Subjects who were on diets and special diets had a higher level of BMI than who were not on diet and special diet. Subjects who exercise had a lower level of BMI than who did not exercised. Family support was significantly related to exercise behavior. The research suggested that there is a increasing responsibility for school nurse to instruct on the body shape and weight control behaviors through health education and consultation. Also, the results suggested that it is important to develop proper diet and exercise methods for adolescents girls to maintain their weight and health.

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Health Promotion Behavior, Self-Efficacy and the Role Stress of Family Caregivers Who Care for Hospitalized Cancer Patients
Hye Sook Jang, Jeong Ran Lee, Moung Sil Lee, Yeon Sun Yun, Young Hee Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):402-412.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to identify health promotion behavior, self-efficacy and role stress of family caregivers who care for hospitalized cancer patient, The results would be used to provide the necessary basic data for promoting healthy behavior of the family caregivers to the cancer patient. The results were as follow : 1) The level of health promotion behavior was significantly different depending on the existence of care givers religion and type of help from family members. There was a positive relationship between the performance level of health promotion behavior and perceived health status or age. There was a negative correlation between the performance level of health promotion behavior and time cared for. 2) The level of self-efficacy was significantly different depending on gender and if the subject was employed. There was a positive relationship between perceived health status and intimacy with patient. 3) The level of role stress was significantly different in genders and relationships with patients. 4) There was a positive relationship between health promotion behavior and self-efficacy.

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The Effect of Anticipated Variables on Hemodialysis Patient's Quality of Life
Kae Hwa Jo, Ki Wol Sung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):413-424.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of anticipated variables on hemodialysis that was impact patients' quality of life. The subjects of the study were 104 patients who were over 18 years old. They were enrolled at Kidney dialysis unit in General Hospital located in T and M city, Republic Korea. And the duration of treatment was more than 6 months. They all met the research criteria and agreed to participate in the research. The research instrument have 25 questionnaire which were originally Ferrans' (1985) instrument to measure the quality of life for hemodialysis patients and later changed by Lee, Suk-Ja into the 35 items after eliminating repeated contents, the Cronbach's alphain this study was .87. The stress instrument was measured by 36 items which were modified and supplemented the instrument developed by Kim, Yong-Kyong(15) for hemodialysis patients, and the Cronbach's alphawas .9333. Depression instrument was 20 questions modified BDI(Beck Depression Inventory) to meet hemodialysis patients' conditions, and Cronbach's alpha was .92. The period of collecting data was from March 6 to June 25, 1999 and the data was analyzed by SPSS/PC, and the statistical techniques were ANOVA(variables analysis), Scheffe test, Multiple Regression. The findings of this study were as follows: 1. The effect of general characteristics on hemodialysis patients' quality of life, the characteristics showing a statistically, significant difference were the existence of an occupation(t=6.7353, P= .0109), marital status (F=4.3550, P= .0290), economic status (F=4.6475, P= .0118) and presence of care support (F=2..4738, P= .0494). 2. The effect of general characteristics on the patient's stress, the characteristics showing a significant difference were gender (t= 4.1143, p= .0451), education level (F= 4.3550, p= .008), the existence of an occupation (t=8.7498, p= .0038), and presence of care support(F=3.1715, p= .0169). 3. The effects of general characteristics on depression, the characteristics were education level (F=3.7517, P= .0069), the existence of religion(t=9.4843, p= .0027), an occupation (t=15.3745, p= .0002), marital status (F=3.3400, P= .0223) and presence of care support (F=3.7605, p= .0069). 4. The Multiple Regression is used to identify the effect of anticipated variables on the patient's quality of life. The variables were depression (T=-9.656, P=.000), marital status (T=-2.287, P=.0243) and the regression expression was Y=117.62053 - 1.13618X1 + 2.66213X2(X1: Depression, X2 : Marriage), The explanation of the total regression expression appeared to be 52.578%.

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Home Care Nursing Needs of Welfare Solitude Elderly Person in Pusan City
Ki Ryeon Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):425-436.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was carried out to assess home health care needs for welfare of solitude elderly person. The subjects of this study were 90 welfare solitude elderly person in Pusan City. Data were obtained by interview and observation using a structured questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA with SAS program. The results are as follows. 1. Among the home care nursing needs, environmental nursing needs topped the list, followed by spiritual, physical, psychological, communication & health knowledge and ADL nursing needs. 2. Home care nursing needs showed a significant differences by the general characteristic of the respondents. -In the age, there were significant differences in physical and communication & health knowledge nursing needs. -In the religion, there were significant differences in spiritual nursing needs. -In the marital status, there were significant differences in environmental nursing needs. -In the nursing provider, there were singificant differences in ADL, environmental and communication & health knowledge nursing needs. -In the medical benefit, there were significant differences in ADL, environmental, physical and communication & health knowledge nursing needs. -In the disease, there were significant differences in ADL nursing needs. -In the household maintenance, there were significant differences in environmental nursing needs.

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A Study on the Forecast of Bed Demand for Institutional Long-term Care in Taegu, Korea
Myung Hi Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):437-451.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to estimate the forecast of bed demand for institutional long-term care for the elderly persons in Taegu Metropolitan City. The study subject was the total 1,877 elderly persons over age 65 living in Taegu. Among them 1,441 elderly persons were sampled from community and 436 were from the elderly admitted 5 general hospitals. Data collection was carried out by interview from 25 August to 25 December 1997. The measuring instrument of this study was the modified tool of CARE, MAI, PCTC, and ADL which were examined for validity and reliability. In order to forecast bed demand of Nursing Home, this study revised prediction techniques suggested by Robin. The results were as follows : 1. OLDi of Taegu City were 122,202 by the year 1998 and number of Low-Income Elderly Persons were 3,210. 2. The Level I : Senior Citizen Home AQi * ASTAYi ADEMi = --------------- 365 * AOCUi . AQi = OLDi * LADLi * NASi * ALONi * LIADLi * AUTILi Predicted number of bed demand for Home Based Elderly Persons were 4,210 and Low-Income Elderly Persons were 1,081 and Total Elderly Persons were 5,291 by the year 1998, 6,343 by the year 2000 and 8,351 by the 2005. 3. The Level II : Nursing Home (BQ1i+BQ2i) * BSTAYi BDEMi = ----------------------- 365 * BOCUi . BQ1i = OLDi * HADLi * ALONi * HIADLi BQ2i = OLDi * HADLi * FAMi * OBEDi Predicted number of demand for Total Elderly Persons were 668 by the year 1998, 802 by the year 2000 and 1,055 by the 2005. 4. The Level III : Nursing Home COLDi * HDISi * CUTILi * CSTAYi CDEMi = ------------------------------------ + CQi/10 365 * COCUi Predicted number of demand for Total Elderly Persons were 1,899 by the year 1998, 2,311 by the year 2000 and 3,003 by the 2005. 5. Predicted number of bed demand of long-term care facilities in the year 1998 according to Levels were 4.3% among elderly persons in Taegu by Level I, 0.5% by Level II and 1.5% by Level III. Number of elderly persons in current long-term care facilities were 458 in LevelI I,284 in Level II. 6. Deficit number of bed demand of long-term care facilities were 4,833 in Level I, 384 in Level II , 1,899 in Level III for the elderly persons in Taegu Metropolitan City.

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A Phenomenological Study on Orphans' Lived Experience of Their Parents
Yang Sook Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):452-462.   Published online March 29, 2017
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There are currently 214 orphanages in Korea which house approximately 13,873 orphans aged between 3 and 18; this accounts for about 0.12% of all children in the same age range. Some have lost their parents, but most have come after their parents divorced or broke up. This means majority of the children in Child Care Centers have parents. Traditional virtue of obedience to parents (Hyo) was regarded as one of the highest value in Korea. Also the interaction between parents and their children was regarded as basic human nature that parents look after, both physically and spiritually, their children until they become one of the matured social member. Raised without having a chance to realize their filial duty and not having been cared for by their parents, most orphans feel that they lack something in their lives when compared with friends. In the end, they live their lives longing for their parents and go through mental discord about their parents. This paper is focused on understanding orphans' experience and views on parents. I approached the issue by applying van Manen's Hermeneutic Phenomenological Approach. The interviews, along with other reference material were phenomenologically reflected to draw essential themes as follows; 1. Orphans of pre-school age hazily long for parents without having any practical image of their parents. 2. They occasionally dream meeting their parents with image that can only last in their dreams, and this continues up through middle school. 3. At the age of elementary school, they crave the image of parents as they see their friends with their parents. 4. They start to despise their parents for having abandoned them when they reach puberty. 5. Meanwhile, as their vague image of parents fade away, they attempt to give up their thoughts toward their parents. 6. Highteens start to think in terms of fate. 7. They don't long for their parents anymore as they used to, but still wishes to meet them at least once. However, they don't want to start any kind of a relationship with them. 8. They fear that they will also fail in raising families of their own, and making their children orphans too, just like their parents have. They simply don't want to follow their footsteps. 9. Thinking that they were abandoned by their parents, they are reluctant to believe other people.

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Effects of the Inpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Program on Behavioral Modification and Quality of Life in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Rha Yun Song, Hae Jung Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):463-475.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of the study was to identify the effects of inpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs on motivation, the performance of health behavior, and quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease. The subjects consisted of 31 patients who participated in the rehabilitation program during their hospital stay, and were compared with 34 patients who did not participate. The study results are as follows: 1. The mean of cardiac risk factor scores for the subjects was 22.5 (SD = 5.5) at the level of low to moderate risk with some possibility to improve. The physiological and behavioral risk factors for the subjects were also in the normal range or slightly above the normal range. 2. The motivation level to preform health behaviors for both groups was improved after discharge. Also, perceived self-efficacy was significantly higher for the program participants than for the comparison group at the post-test. 3. The performance of cardiac related health behaviors improved for both groups after discharge, but there were no significant differences between the two groups. The program participants reported better performance in most health behaviors at the post-test, but the results failed to reach a statistical significant level. 4. As for motivation and health behavior, the subjects in the both groups showed an improved quality of life after the discharge. In addition, the program participants produced significantly higher scores in health and functioning dimension than the comparison group during the post-test. In conclusion, the study partially supported the effects of the inpatient cardiac rehabilitation program to motivate and improve the quality of life, and provide the need to apply early rehabilitation interventions for the patients after cardiac events. Further study with a longitudinal design is also suggested to verify the effect of cardiac rehabilitation program from hospitalization to discharge and subsequently to fully recover to the level of pre-hospitalized state.

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The Effect of Hand Massage on the Anxiety of the Hysterectomy Patients in Immediately prior to Surgery
Jeong Mee Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):476-487.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hand massage as a nursing intervention on the anxiety of the hysterectomy patients in immediately prior to surgery. The method of this study was Nonequivalent Control Group Non-Synchronized Design. The data were selected from at K university hospital in Pusan, and they consisted of Experimental group-25 patients, Control group -24 patients. The data were collected from Jan. 4 to Jan. 30 in 1999. The subjects' self-reports of anxiety (measured by the Spielberger Trait-State anxiety Inventory and Visual Analogue Scale developed by Cline et al.) were recorded before and immediately after the intervention. The objective physiologic measures of blood pressure and pulse rate. The collected data were analysed by means of frequency, percentage, standard deviation, chi- square test, t-test, ANCOVA with SPSS program. The results of this study were as following; 1. Hypothesis 1: The 1st hypothesis that "There will be significant difference of the state anxiety level just before surgery in the experimental group and control group" was supported(P= .000). 2. Hypothesis 2: The 2nd hypothesis that "There will be significant difference of the visual analogue scale score just before surgery in the experimental group and control group"was supported(P= .000). 3. Hypothesis 3: The 3rd hypothesis that "There will be significant difference of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure level just before surgery in the experimental group and control group"was supported (P= .003, P= .041). 4. Hypothesis 4: The 4th hypothesis that "There will be significant difference of the pulse rate just before surgery in the experimental group and control group"was supported(P= .004). In conclusion, hand massage is a benefical nursing intervention that alleviates the psychological, physiological anxiety of the hysterectomy patients in immediately prior to surgery. therefore it is recomended to use the hand massage as a nursing intervention for patients undergoing anxiety. The results of this study appear promising, additional research is recomended to further the appropriate uses of hand massage in nursing practice for this and other patient population.

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Effects of Postpartum Massage Program on Stress response in the Cesarean section Mothers
Sung Hee Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):488-497.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of a postpartum massage program on stress response in the Cesarean section mothers. The study focused on evaluating the effect of postpartum massage program on mood, anxiety, skin temperature and concentration of saliva and breast milk immunoglobulin A in the Cesarean section mothers. This study was designed as a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental study. Twenty-eight Cesarean section mothers were selected as experimental group, whereas twenty- seven were control group. The postpartum massage program consisted of 20 minutes of warm-up, massage and ending phases and used once a day. During each program, there were 4 minutes of warm-up, 14 minutes of massage on back, axillary and breasts, and 2 minutes of ending. Massage were used for the experimental group by the same investigator 20 times per minute. The massage technique used were efflurage, petrissage, accupressure, kneading and vibration. Skin temperature was monitored with YSI Tele-thermometer(Simpson electric Co., USA) before and after massage program. The concentration of immunoglobulin A in saliva and breast milk was analyzed by immunoturbididimeter assay(Cobas INTEGRA, Roche, Swiss) before and after massage program. Also at this time mood and anxiety were measured by self-report. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 7.5 and hypothesis was tested with ANCOVA analysis and Pearson coefficient correlation. The results were as follows : 1) Score of mood increased significantly after use of postpartum massage program. 2) Level of anxiety decreased significantly after use of postpartum massage program. 3) Skin temperature increased significantly after use of postpartum massage program. 4) Concentration of saliva immunoglobulin A increased significantly after use of postpartum massage program. 5) Concentration of breast milk immunoglobulin A did not change significantly after use of postpartum massage program. 6) After use of postpartum massage program, there was significant correlation between psychological stress response and physiological stress response. The results suggest that postpartum massage program can be effective nursing intervention to reduce stress response in the postpartum mothers under stress.

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A Study on Shamanism from a standpoint of Nursing
Hyung Wha Shim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):498-513.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to construct the nursing-policy and nursing-theory of Korean style by understanding the type of recognition and attitude immanent in Korean people through of Korean people to the Shamanism. And this paper is using Q methodology by operant definition. Because individual recognition and attitude to Shammanism is very subjective and individualistic and many-sided. Q statements in this paper are ultimately 38 statements divided into 5 regions, which are abstracted from 285 Q samples. 38 persons in all are objects of P-population. The results of analyses on the characters of each type are as follows. The men who belong to type I is positive to the Shamanism in recognition and attitude at the same time. The men who belong to type II are negative the analysis of the recognition and attitude to Shamanism in recognition, but positive to Shamanism in practical attitude. The men who belong to type III are evidently negative to Shamanism in recognition and attitude at the same time. The men who belong to type IV are positive to Shamanism, but negative or reservative to it in attitude. In conclusion, we could affirm that shamanic care-act which modern medicine discard as only superstition is very deeply rooted in the Korean people'need. In short, Korean people is already and always related to Shamnism, whether positively or negatively. I dare to think this paper might contribute the other disciplines of sciences as basic data.

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Learning Needs in Patients undergoing Bone Marrow Transplantation
So Eun Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):514-525.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The active treatment phase in preparation for bone marrow transplantation(BMT) of che- motherapy regimen and total body irradiation (TBI) containing regimen requires considerable teaching. There have been researches that are related to treatment onto BMT patients and to psychological change during BMT process. However, it was hard to find researches focused on learning needs of patients undergoing BMT. The purpose of this study was to provide the basic data for effective educational program about BMT by investigating the learning needs in patients undergoing BMT. The subjects consisted of 90 BMT patients who have been admitted to the department of BMT at three university hospitals. Data were obtained from October 1998 to March 1999 and analyzed by SAS program for unpaired t-test, ANOVA, Duncan test. The results were as follows : 1. Learning needs related to demographic characteristics was identified as below. That of male was higher than that of female. That of under age 29, unmarried, religious and university graduated group was higher than that of opposite group but it didn't show significant difference. Learning needs of group of patients who were employed was significantly higher then that of unemployed patients. 2. According to types of diagnosis, learning needs of myelodysplastic syndrome(MDS) patients was the higher than that of others, but admission frequency was the least. Learning needs of unrelated matched BMT(UBMT) patients was higher than that of autologous BMT patients. However, it didn't show significant difference. With regard to learning needs according to process of BMT, learning needs of Pre- BMT period or Post-BMT period was significantly higher than that of BMT day. 3. Learning needs related to BMT was relatively high (total mean: 3.11 of 4.0). The order of the mean score of leaning needs was shown as follows : Restricted activities after discharge, Relapse symptom, Complications of BMT, Kinds of available drugs at home. Therefore the learning needs that is related to life after discharge and to relapse and complications after BMT was high. 4. Learning needs related to radiation therapy was high (total mean: 3.35 of 4.0). The highest learning needs in radiation therapy items was the Skin care of radiation therapy and Purpose of radiation therapy. 5. Learning needs related to graft versus host disease(GVHD) therapy was high (total mean: 3.55 of 4.0). The highest learning needs in GVHD therapy items was the Preventive method GVHD. As the result above, individualized educational program is required for MDS patients who have less admission frequency and UBMT patients. It is necessary that education for BMT patients should be focused on life after discharge and on relapse and complications after BMT. Especially education for allogeneic BMT patients should be emphasized on GVHD. For all of these, it is necessary to develop systematic and concrete educational program.

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