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Volume 22(2); June 1992
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Original Articles
A Correlation Study on the Relationship between Nursing Perfornance and Leadership Style as perceived by Head Nurses and Staff Nurses
Mee Kyeong Joo, Sung Ae Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(2):127-142.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify relationships between the nursing performance of staff nurses and the leadership styles of head as perceived by the head nurses and the staff nurses. The subject consisted of 33 head nurses and 200 staff nurses who were working at SNUH between July 1, and July 31, 1991. Leadership styles as perceived by head nurses and staff nurses were measured using an instrument adapted by Park(1988). Evaluations of the nursing performance of staff nurses were done by head nurses utilizing a questionnaire adopted by Park(1988). Data were analyzed using percentage distribution, ANOVA, Scheffe test and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The majority of the head nurses and staff nurses perceived the head nurse as having a tendency to exercise high level authority and benevolence oriented leadership. 2. The majority of the staff nurses carried out their nursing performance in a highly skilled manner. 3. There were significant differences in perceptions of leadership style between head nurses and staff nurses. 4. "Authority" and "Benevolence" in leadership style as perceived by the head nurses were related very weakly to the nursing performance of the staff nurse. 5. "Benevolence" of leadership style as perceived by the staff nurses was related very weakly to the nursing performance of the staff nurse. 6. Group comparisons of nursing performance and leadership style found that high nursing performance by the staff nurse was related in the group with high "Authority" as perceived by the head nurse and low "Authority" as perceived by the staff nurse. From the above findings this study suggests the following : 1) Further studies are needed to control extraneous variables. 2) Efforts in leadership development are needed to enhance nursing performance. 3) Factor exploration study are needed to seek factors that contribute to the perception gap between the head nurse and the staff nurse.

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A Study on Health / Illness Concepts of Preschoolers
Eun Joo Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(2):143-156.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This descriptive study explored the health and illness concepts of preschoolers to provide understanding on which to build research. The subjects were convenience sample three to six year of age attending one art institute in Che-ju city. Data were collected through semistructured interviews by author. Children were asked to draw two figures, one healthy and one ill persons. The drawings were not analyzed to grasp the meaning as in a projective technique, but only to relate to their response. Data were coded and categorized by content analysis. The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1) There year olds responded with some unrelated answers but well to questions related to their experiences of illness ; older participants answered questions related health and illness concepts more easily. Generally the levels of subjects' responses did not differ according to age and sex. 2) Preschoolers' answers about the cause, treatment and prevention of illness, and the meaning and promotion of health were coded and then classificated to 9 categories, (food, obedience to authorities physical function, presence of absence of illness or symptoms, hygiene. treatment, traumatic injury, rest and germs). Food and obedience to authority categories were most frequent responses the food category was associated with obedience to authority because it seemed that the children follow the orders of their parents or other authority figures to eat or not to eat something This result was compatible with that of previous studies that preschoolers perceived illness as possible punishment for misbehavior. Participants except for one four year old boy did not suggest that germs cause illness. The children perceived themselves and their families as health even though they had symptoms of illness. 3) Preschoolers' health and illness concepts were influenced by their experiences and related to their development that rules derived from authority and if not complied with, will bring punishment. These conceptualizations may be the disparity that they perceived themselves and their families as healthy even though they were ill. A previous study by Perrin and Gerrity suggested that the level of children's illness concepts correlated with that of their physical causality and was lower than it. But the levels of health and illness concepts in this sample higher than those of the physical causality.

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Psychological Adaptation in Pregnancy and Perception of Birth Experience
Suk Heui Ahn, Young Sook Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(2):157-173.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of study were to investigate the prenatal psychological adaptation and the perception of birth experience, and the identify the relationship between them. The subjects consisted of 162 women who visited the obstetrical outpatient clinic for prenatal examinations and who delivered the in babies at SNUH during the period from June 20 to August 10, 1990. The tools used for measurement were Lederman's Prenatal Self Evaluation Questionnaire and Marut & Mercer's scale of the Perception of Birth. The results are summarized as follows ; 1. The orders and item means of psychosocial adaptation in pregnancy were the Acceptance of pregnancy(1.58). Identification of motherhood role(1.63). Relationship with husband(1.65) and Relationship with mother(1.67). The preparation for labor, concern for wellbeing of self and baby, and fear of pain, helplessness and loss of control were found to be less adaptive. 2. The level of the perception of the birth experience was mid-range(item mean : 3.22). The score of the perception of birth experience for primiparas was higher than for multiparas. However there was not a significant difference the group. There were significant differences in the perception of the birth experience between certain general characteristics, namely, sex of the baby(p<0.05), type of delivery(p<0.005), and type of anesthesia(p<0.005). 3. There were significant differences in the perception of the birth experience between the groups below the mean and above the mean of concern for wellbeing of self and baby, Fear of pain, Helplessness and loss of control, Relationship with husband and Identification of motherhood role(p<0.05). The perception of the birth experience was predicted by Fear of pain, Helplessness and loss of control(11%), Type of Delivery(6%), Concern for wellbeing of self and baby(3%), Preparation for labor(1%), sex of baby(1%), Relationship with mother(1%), Parity(1%) and Identification of motherhood role(1%). The Childbirth education should be revised to improve the psychosocial adaptation in pregnancy.

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A Study of the Organizational Characteristics of the Hospital Nursing and Job Satisfaction
Sung Hee Park, Sung Ae Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(2):174-184.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to identify the relationship between the organizational characteristics of hospital nursing and job satisfaction. The factors used for the organization characteristics of hospital nursing were leadership of the head nurse, leadership of supervisor and others in higher authority positions with supervisors and organizational climate. The subjects consisted of 243 staff nurses from seven general hospitals in Seoul. The data was collected from August 1. to August 31. 1991. The tools used for measurement in this study were Park and Yoon's scale of the Perception of Organizational Characteristics and Stamp' Scale of the Job Satisfaction. The results are summarized as follows ; 1. There were significant differences between for the three nursing units organizational characteristic factors, leadership of supervisors, other higher authorities, interaction with supervisors and organizational climate and job satisfaction(p<0.05) 2. There was a correlation between organizational characteristics of hospital nursing and job satisfaction(r=0.32, -0.65) 3. There factor explaining the highest proportion of variance was interaction with supervisor. (39.8%) In conclusion, there was significant correlation between of the organizational characteristics hospital nursing and job satisfaction. And there were significant differences in the organizational characteristics of hospital nursing and job satisfaction for differences in the organizational characteristics of hospital nursing and job satisfaction for different nursing units.

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Idenpdfication of Nursing Activities for Determination of Nursing Cost
Jung Ho Park, Su Ja Hwangbo, Eun Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(2):185-206.   Published online March 31, 2017
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In this study nursing activities were examined to determine the nursing cost. A professional nursing group developed a tool for the investigation. 128 nursing activities were identified by the tool in 16 nursing care areas as referenced in the literature. Each activity was examined for four essential factors to define nursing cost ; time consumed for the care, level of professional skill, degree of independency and performer of the care. The activity was rated by a five point Likert scale. The investigation was conducted with the nursing staffing working in the 21 university hospitals in Korea and having more than four years experience especially in medical or surgical wards. The participating nursing staff were screened on the basic of the recommendation of the nursing director. The data were gathered from June 12th to August 12th, 1989. All the data were analyzed for mean, standard deviation, percent, and correlation coefficients between items. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Direct nursing care was classified into 16 large areas and 128 small activities. 2. No significant correlation was found between the study items of each activity. 3. Among 128 nursing activities, Those performed less than 50% of the time by a nurse were excluded from the nursing cost. Also excluded activities which were given less than 9 marks in all three items, time consumed, level of professional skill, and degree of independency. As a result, 83 activities in 14 nursing care areas were selected for the proposal to estimate nursing cost.

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A Study on Curriculum Development For Commuity Health Peactitioners
Won Jong Cho, Kyug Ja Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(2):207-226.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study was designed to develop a conceptual framework for the curriculum and develop the details of the learning content for the education of Community Health Practitioners(CHPs). Since education programs for CHPs started 10 years ago, concepts related to CHP services have changed because of changes in society. The objectives of the study were as follows : 1) to analyze the usefulness of the present education program for CHPs, 2) to analyze the job performance and self-confidence of the CHPs, 3) to identify the health need of the clients served by the CHPs and the community problems related to health. 4) to develop a conceptual framework for the curriculum, for the education of CHPs, 5) to develops details for the learning content of the education program for CHPs, Phase I of the study was conducted by questionnaires to 150 CHPs who have worked in remoterural areas for more than 2 years. Among them, 147 responded. Data was collected from August 16, to August 25, 1990. In order to identify the health needs of the community people, research within the last five years was reviewed and analyzed. The data on 1,842 communities by the WHO Nursing Collaborationg Center of the College of Nursing, Yonsei University was utilized to identify community problems related to health and the self-confidence in job performance of the CHPs. Passe II of the study consisted of a workshop with 13 professionals including Community Health Practitioners to evaluate the existing education program and a conceptual framework of the curriculum for the job education of CHPs. The results of the study are Summarized below : 1. The only 26 among 45 content items of the education program related to job items of the education program related to job skills was used by 80% of the responding CHPs. The knowledge of "Networking community organization" was used by 53.7% of the respondents. Educational content about "Mental disease" was used by less than 50% of CHPs because of a knowledge deficit. 2. The CHPs reported that their activities concentrated on clinical services during the last six months. The survey showed that they seemed to neglect the activities for health promotion and disease prevention. Thus, "Education for community leaders"(15.9%), "Activity for environmental health"(16.3%) and "Social work for needey people"(23.3%) were done by less than 30% of CHPs. 3. More than 90% of CHPs reported being self-confident for the activities of "Health education and counselling", "Medicine prescription" and "Immunization". But 50% of CHPs reported that they were not have self-confident in "Management of water and environmental health"and only 25.6% of CHPs could insert an IUD independently. 4. It was identified that respiratory diseases and the gastrointestinal diseases were most common problems for the community people, followed by musculoskeletal and skin problems. 5. The community problems were classified into eight categories : physical environmental problems, environmental hygiene, health problems, health behavior, social problem, lack of resources, financial problem and the problems of the cultural and system. 6. The conceptual framework consisted of the target population and their health status, nursing process, working site and primary health care services such as health promotion, disease prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. 7. The contents of curriculum of education program for CHPs were formulated from the results of this study.

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The Concept of Hardiness : A Review of the Literature for Nursing
Myung Hee Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(2):227-237.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this literature review were to identify the theoretical basis and components of the concept hardiness, trends in the study of hardiness it's application in nursing and issues in measurement. The concept of hardiness has been derived deductively from existential psychology and is composed of three components, control, commitment and challenge. In research, the characteristic of hardiness has been demonstrated as a motivating factor in resolving stressful situations and in adapting to actual health problems. With regard to the measurement of hardiness, because of it's low level of predictability related to health outcomes, it is recommended that the component of be omitted from the concept of hardiness. On the basis of this literature review, the following suggestions are proposed. 1. Considering the lack of empirical support, the theory of hardiness needs to be evaluated. 2. There is a need for further study of hardiness in broad variety of populations. 3. A valid, reliable and culturally appropriate instrument needs to be developed for health related research. 4. Analysis is needed of the relationship between hardiness and stress-resistance, and of the factors related to both.

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A Study on Stress Responsess of Korean-American
Soo Woo Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(2):238-247.   Published online March 31, 2017
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Immigration of Koreans to the United States has increased since the 1960's. Adjusting to life in the United States produces a great deal of stress for immigrants. Despite better economic opportunities, many see the U.S. culture as threatening to their family and cultural values. Differences in culture, language, expectations and social behavior can lead to misunderstandings between health care providers and clients. These misunderstanding can lead to frustration on the part of each. The ultimate result of this is that often Korea-immigrants do not get their health care needs met and stress response symptoms can lead to disease if there is no appropriate care. To determine the health care needs and concerns of Korean-Americans, a health needs assessment is needed. Appropriate and adequate information about the health care needs of these of these individuals is important as it relates to American policy changes allowing greater numbers of immigrants to enter the U.S. The purpose of this prospective study was to describe Korean-American stress response. This study focused on the primary presenting problems for which subjects reported having sought care. These included a variety of stress-reported symptoms, including peripheral manifestations, cardiopulmonary symptoms, central-neurological symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms, muscle tension, habitual patterns, depression, anxiety, emotional irritability and cognitive disorganization. Of the 300 subjects who entered the study, 80%(N=223) completed the questionnaire in full. Demographically, the percentage of females and males was 50% each and they ranged in age from 20 to 69 years. Ninety percent of the subjects were highly educated, 25% owners of business, 25% white collar professionals, 15% employed in sales or as skilled/unskilled labor, 30% had no occupation ; and 5% were housewives or students. The SOS inventory is designed to quantify self-perception of behavioral, cognitive, and physiological components of the stress response. It consisted of 94 items divided into 10 subscales. The result of this study are as follows : The total mean SOS of all subjects(N=223 was .8129 ; the mean SOS for male(N=114) was .7665 and for females, (N=108) .8594. The level of symptoms for central-neurologic and muscle tension was higher for than for males. The highest stress response of all subjects was emotional irritability symptoms(1.0644) ; the lowest stress response on all subjects was peripheral manifestation symptoms.

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Professional Nursing Quality Assurance
Hea Sook Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(2):248-259.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

No abstract available.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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