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Volume 16(2); August 1986
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Original Articles
A Study on the Influencing Factors for the Effectiveness of Nursing Organization in the Hospital
Jung Ho Park, Keum Soon Kim, Kwang Ok Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(2):5-12.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the factors which influence the effectiveness of nursing organization in the hospital. The data were collected by employing Delphi technique in a series of three rounds from June 15, 1985 to January 31, 1986. In each round the responses to questionnaires were analyzed and the results were communicated back to the subjects. Finally consensed among subjects in identification of the 48 items which influence the effectiveness of nursing organization in the hospitial. The 48 items were reduced to C factors and named, planning, organization and problem-solving, staffing-and staff developing, supporting, evaluating-contr-oiling and leading, and the number of items included for each factor were 14,14,8,5,3,2 and respectively. Among the 48 items, 2 items were not loaded on forementioned 6 factors because factor loading was below 0.3.

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Validity Test of Korean Pain Measurement Tool Using Normal Adult Individuals
Eun Ok Lee, Sook Hee Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(2):13-28.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The main purpose of th study was to evaluate he validity of Korean Pain Measurement Tool composed of pain terms. The specific purposes of this study were 1. to examine whether pain intensities of pain terms are congruent with those classified in three previous studies. 2. to evaluate the relative intensity of each term by panel of judges. 3. to explore the difference of ranks of pain terms according to the sex, education, and ages. One hundred and sixty normal individuals were selected by 2x2x4 sampling design. Sex (male, female), education (high school, college), and age (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s) were matched. Each individual was asked to rate the ranks of 3~8 pain terms in each subclass. The data measured by ordinal scale were transformed to the interval scale to compare with the pain intensities gained from the previous study. The pain ranks different from previous results were finally rearranged or cancelled through the consultation of 4 panel of judges and sunmed up to 91 pain terms in the scale. As a result, the ranks of pain terms within each of eleven subclasses among the twenty subclasses completely were congruent with the previous pain ranks, while the ranks of nine subclasses were different from the previous pain ranks. In addition, there was significant relation between sex and pain ranks in skin punctuate pressure pain and cavity pressure. (sp : x2=5.18 phi=0.26; cp : x2=5.83 phi=0. 24) In conclusion, seven terms from subclasses of inflammatory repeated pain, traction pressure pain, fatigue-related pain, fear-related pain, dull pain, and pulsation-related pain were cancelled. The ranks of four terms in subclasses of incisive pressure pain and constrictive pressure pain were tentatively rearranged. Ranks of two terms in the tract pain were left as shown in the third study. As a result, six terms must be studied repeatedly for obtaining exact scores from ratio scale.

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A Study on Anxiety of the Hospitalized Pregnant Women for Conducting Labor
Young Sook Park, Young Hur
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(2):29-35.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The Purposes of this study are for the assessment of anxiety level and for identification for factors relating to the anxiety of the normal pregnant women who are impendign or entering labor. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory is used as the measure of anxiety. The results of the study are as follows; 1. The correlation between state-anxiety and trait-anxiety is 0.459 and the linear regression is y(State-anxiety) =0.251x(Trait-anxiety)+29.27. 2. The maternal state-anxiety is not related to the variables of the age the educational level, the occupation, the prenatal care, parity, show, labor pain and delivery type except for the premature or early rupture of the fetal membranes. 3. The maternal trait-anxiety is not related to the above-mentioned variables.

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A Study on the Effects of the Hospitalization Stress on the Sleep Pattern
So Woo Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(2):36-43.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The main purpose of this study was to explore the effect of the stress of hospitalization on the ?sleep pattern. Additionaly, this study was also to ?demonstrate how Johnson's nursing model may be applied to as nursing process. 104 hospitalized patients on surgical and medical wards were asked to rate 49 stress producing events associated with experience of hospitalization and sleep pattern scale. Five university hospitals were used as the setting for this study. Data fur the study were collected by patient interview during hospitalization, self-reports and review of charts. For the analysis of the data, the pearson's correlation analysis of covariance and regression analysis were used. The results of this study were stated as follows; 1. The mean of the hospital stress scores was 111.261(S.D.=26.160). This means that the level of the hospitalization stress is high. The mean of the sleep pattern scores was 12.204(S.D.=2.615) This means that she characteristics of the sleep pattern is poor. 2. The relationship between the hospitalization stress and sleep pattern was statistically significant at .01 level. 3. The effect of the hospitalization stress influenced strongly on the sleep pattern after sex, trait anxiety as covariates controlled. 4. The hospitalization stress revealed a 12% prediction as an influenced factor for the sleep pattern. Therefore, It can he said that the hospital stress did contribute significantly to the characteristics of the sleep pattern. Johnson's model can he also said that it is useful for the the assessment and diagnosis in nursing process.

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A Discriminant Analysis Study on Selection of Delivery Place and Delivery Attendants in Korean Rural Remote Area
Kyungahe Han
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(2):44-52.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Maternal and child health(MCH) status is considered as an important indicator of the level of health and civilization of a community and a country. MCH services for the rural population in the remote area deserves priority by the government, since more than half (52.9%) of the delivery was occured at home and almost half (48.5%) of the delivery was assited by family members or neighbors. The purpose of the study was to analyze the health care behavior related to pregnancy and delivery, which can be contributed maternal health care policy making for the rural people. Specifically, it was intended to analyze the variables which affect the health care behavior in selecting birth places and birth attendants. This study utilized the data which had been already collected for an experimental study on primary health program model in Korean rural communities, funded by the USAID. 184 sample households with women who had delivered a baby during March 1982 to February 1983 were selected. Discriminant Analysis was employed for statistical analysis by utilizing SPSS computer package program. Birth places and birth attendants were considered as dependent variables. Among 12 independent variables in 5 groups considered, 7 independent variables were found statistically significant to affect the selection of birth place. Significant variables by the order of importance arc mother's age, order of baby, number of prenatal care, accessibility of emergency medical care, coverage of medical insurance, mother's membership in community organization and husband's educational level. The degree of correct classification of the grouped cases by employing a discriminant analysis was significantly improved to 78.2% in comparison to Cmax(56%) and Cpro(51%). Policy implications for each significant variable were discussed to improve the maternal and child health, in Korean ruralarea.

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A Study About The Health Problems of Post Hysterectomy Woman
Soon Bok Chang, Yun Soon Choi, Dong Sook Cho, Kye Hyang Ma
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(2):53-62.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to understand the pattern of health problems of post hysterectomy women by the period after their operation and to find out the related factors with health problems. A descriptive study was done using a survey methodology. The subjects were women who had undergone a hysterectomy for benign gynecological diseases at two general hospitals. They were all between one month and three year post hysterectomy as of July 15, 1985. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The percentages of the subject who were experiencing operative symptom of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year group 53.8%. 46.2%. 37.4% respectively. The percentages of the subjects who were experiencing menopause symptom of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year group-39.0%, 35.0%, 33.7%. respectively. 2. The operative factor scores of 1,2,3 year group were 20.218, 13.646, 14.030 respectively. The menopause factor scores of 1,2,3 year group-were 19.055, 17.845, 17.606 respectively. 3. The sociodemographic & physiologic characteristics of the subject were as follows; the mean age of the subject was 44.47 years old, 56.2% of them, were high school graduates, 73.5% had any religion, 18.3% had job, 72.6% were middle economic class, 54.3% had medical insurance, 78.4% lived in nuclei family system, the mean pregnancy number was 5.63, the mean delivery number was 2.92, 71.2% of them were diagnosed as myoma, and half of them had preserved their ovary. 4. No one factors among the 10 factors were indentified having any relation with health problem of post hysterectomy women.

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Analytic studies on self-care activities and social activities of physically disabled person
Young Im Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(2):63-69.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The main purpose of this study was to find out variables relevant to self-care activities of physically disabled person. The subjects of this analysis were 1277 person which is between 15~64 years, the data came from the 1985 National Interview-Survey on Disabled Person in Korea. For this analysis, Breakdown, Oneway and Discriminant Analysis were used. The finding of the analysis can be summarized as follows: First, the mean of self-care activities-was 2.57 (SD: 0.69, range: 1-3). The relevance for the self-care activities by several variables is-as follows. 1. The relevance for the self-care activities by socio-economic status is significant at age, education level, occupation of household members variables. Especially, in the case of high age, low education level, the self- care activities are shown low score. 2. The relevance by impairment characteristics is shown high significance at all input variables. When disabled person have double impairment, paralysis, late occurance age, and is due to diseases, the self-care activities score is lowered. 3. The relevance by health care services variables-is not shown significant at all input variables. Second, the relevance for social activities by several variables was conducted by discriminant analysis. The relative importance of social activities discriminant function is 0.344 of eigenvalue. The canonical correlation between the social activities discriminant function and 9 dummy variables is 0.51, total variance of dummy variables for social activities is shown 26 persent. The self-care activities variable represents the highest contribution of its associated variable to the function (canonical coefficient: -.56). The occurance age, the occupation of household members, the education level, variables are shown comparatively high contribution to the function. To sum up, this analysis suggests that the selfcare activities variable is the highest contributed to the social activities. In relation to self-care concept, this finding will be useful in rehabilitation nursing care.

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A Study of Hospital Infection in the Postoperative Patients
Jung Ho Park, Hae Sang Yoon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(2):70-76.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was aimed to observe the incidences and types of hospital infections and to compare the length of hospitalization and of the operation between the infected patients and those of non-infected after the operations. The subject of study were 465 patients who had been operated surgically in a University Hospital from March 1 to April 30, 1985. The data were clected by reviewing medical charts of subjects. The criteria to diagnose hospital infection for this study had been revised the one utilized at University of Virginia Hospital in the U.S. Summary of the results were as follows; 1. The incidence rate of hospital infection was 6 %. The type of infection with higher incidence rate in order were wound infection(28.5%) urinary infection(28.5%), fever of unknown origin (25%) and septicemia (18%). 2. There was a statistically significant difference in the duration of hospitalization between the patient group without it (t=265.2, p<0.005). 3. There was a statistically significant difference in the duration of operation between the patient group with it (t=75.0, p<0.005).

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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