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Volume 13(2); December 1983
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Original Articles
Prediction of Pain Expression Using the Extended Gate Control Theory of Pain and Fishbein's Model
Eun Ok Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(2):1-21.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purposes of this study were to(a) develop theoretical modifications of the extended gate control theory of pain using Fishbein's model and(b) test the efficacy of these modifications. Attitude, social subjective norm, personal subjective norm, habit and state anxiety were operat-ionalized to represent internal stimuli for the cognitive-evaluative and motivational-affective dimensions of the theory. Pain expression was operationalized as sensory and affective responses to pain, and pain endurance. Sixty-two female nurses from 20 to 50 years of age participated. A semantic differential scale measured attitude and motivations to comply; a Likerty-type scale measured personal and social norms and habit. Spielberger's STAI measured state anxiety. Pain was produced using a modified submaximum effort tourniquet technique. Pain expression was measured using ratio scales of sensory intensity and unpleasantness developed by Gracely and his associates. Pain endurance was measured by subtracting time of pain threshold from pain tolerance. The first hypothesis examining whether pain endurance would be more significantly related to the affective response than to the sensory response was not rejected. Four remaining hypotheses, testing the ability of the five variables to predict the sensory and affective responses were not rejected. However, the habit of pain expression and the attitude toward pain expression contributed to the prediction of both sensory and affective responses to pain. The interaction between the cognitive-evaluative and the sensory-discriminative dimensions and the interaction between the cognitive-evaluative and motivational-affective dimensions were partially supported by the data from these two variables. The interaction between the motivational-affective and the sensory-discriminative dimensions was also supported by the relationship of sensory "to affective responses. The variables which did not significantly predict pain expression appeared to have potential for prediction. Revision and testing of the tools for better reliability, validity, and clinical usuability are needed. The study contributed to theory building. The identification of variables which predict pain behavior must occur before effective nursing interventicuis can be developed.

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A Study on Curriculum Improvement of the Korean Army Nursing Academy
Ja Kyung Ko
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(2):22-43.   Published online April 3, 2017
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1. Need for and Purpose of the Study There is an increasing demand for curriculum improvement of the Korean Army Nursing Academy (KANA), since it was upgraded into 4-year institution of higher learning from 3-year one. In particular, it is strongly advocated that the KANA needs the outside expertise for its-curriculum improvement-namely not only from the internal military view of points but also from the viewpoints of professional educational society. In line with such a necessity for the study, this study was aimed at 1) analyzing the current actual practices of KANA'S curriculum, 2) investigating the desired practices of KANA'S curri culum, and 3) identifying the discrepancy between the actual and desired practices of curriculum. 2. Problems for the Study This study had 4 problems to be answeared as follows: 1) What are the actual curriculum practices of KANA? 2) What are the desired curriculum practices of KANA? 3) How are the extents of erception of actual and desired curriculum different in four groups (student, faculty & administrator, nurse, and medical doctor in militay hospital) ? 4) What are the restraining forces that impede the change from actual to desired curriculum practices? 5) What are the relationships of curriculum components in actual and desired curriculum practices? 3. Methods and Procedures This study was conducted by means of document analysis in addition to literature review and by means of needs assessment questionnaire which was developed by the researcher. The questionnaire included 62 statments with 7 questions for demographic data collection. The needs assessment questionnaire was managed to a total of 243 subiects (100 students, 46 faculty & administrators, 55 nurses, and 42 medical doctors). The collected data were treated using SPSS computer system so as to calculate mean scores, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients. The significance test was made through t-test and one-way ANOVA. The statistical significance level was set at both .05 and .01 level.4. Major findings The major findings in this study are as follows: 1) The score of desired practices was significantly greater than that of actual practices, representing a strong need for curriculum betterment. 2) There were significant differences in the perceptions of actual practices as well as desired practices among four groups (student, faculty & administrator, nurse, and medical doctor). 3) The most frequently selected restraining forces were army's inherent character, economical limitation, and educational expertise limitations, 4) Such variables as sex, position attachment to the KANA and grade made a statistically significant effect on the perception of desired curriculum practice, while the variables like mar-rige, position, and military class made it on the perception of actual curriculum practice. 5) The coefficients among the curriculum components were lower in perception of the actual curriculum practices than those in the desired practices, 5- Conclusions The conclusions based on the aior findings of this study are as follows: 1) The current curriculum development procedure of the KANA is not consistent with the theoretical frame of systematic development sarategy of curriculum. 2) There are wide conflicts among the groups who are supposed to participate in curriculum development, concerning the actual and desired practices of KANN'S curriculum. 3) A great deal of need for curriculum improvement for the KANA is clearly felt, and in particular, in the process of teaching and learning. 4) Each component of curriculum is not intergrated into a whole development procedure, being segregated each other. 5) For better curriculum improvement, such restraining forces as financial arid professional limitations should be eliminated. 6. Recommendations 1) For Further Research a. There is a need to replicate this study after in-depth statistical analysis of each item of need assessment questionnaire, and with more representative subjects. b. A study should be conducted which, has its focus on the analysis of restraining forces for the change from actual to desired curriculum practices of the KANA. 2) For KANA'S Curriculum Improvement a. There is a need to promote the professional expertise of the participants in curriculum development and the communication among them. b. It is desirable to establish an institution or section of administration, which is soley in charge of curriculum development. c. To better develop KANA's curriculum not only faculty and administrators but also students should be encouraged to participate in development process, while the military medical doctors' participation should be carefully considered.

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Health Complaints of Elderly Persons Using a Modified C.M.I.
Oh Jang Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(2):44-57.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The explosion of the aging population is changing the social environment of today's older people. Traditionally in Korea, a large percentage (over 90%) of elderly parents have lived with their married first son. But today, the number of- elderly who live with their married sons has decreased (65.6%) The number of those who live in a different situation such as with their married daughter, unmarried offspring, with a spouse or alone has increased(34.4%) We can expect that the number of the elderly who have to live in institution will increase. The objective of this investigation was to determine differences in the number of health Complaints of older people according to their living situation with a view to planning more effective health care. The sample consisted of 231 persons over 65 years of age, 60 living in an Old Age Home and. 171 living in their own home in Kwangju. Data were gathered from July 9 to 26, 1983 by nursing students using a questionnaire which was a modified form of the Cornell Medcal Index. The data were categorized according to the subjects, living, sex, educational level, previous occupation, hobbies and sexual activity. The date were analyzed for statistical significant differences using F and X2 tests. Findings included the following: 1. There was a higher number of health complaints from persons who live in the institution than those living at home, but the difference was not significant. 2. The highest number of health Complaints were from persons who live alone, followed by thoseliving with their daughters, and then by those living in the institution. Persons who live with their sons had the least Complaints. The difference in the number of Complaints according to with whom they were living was significant. 3. Women had significantly more Complaints than men. Persons who were not living with their spouses had significantly more complaints than those living with their spouses. 4. The higher eductional level the persons had, the less health Complaints they had. The number of Complaints accoraing to educational level was significantly different. 5. The highest number of health complaints were from persons who had involved in Commerce and industry, followed by those in Agriculture. Persons who were civil servant had the least 6. There were more complains from persons who had no hobby than those with hobbies. The complaints. The difference was significant. difference was significant. 7. Persons who said they were sexually inactive had significantly more complaints than those who said they were sexually active. As age increased, sexual activity significantly decreased. Those who lived with their spouse were significantly more sexually active. 8. The highest number of Somatic Complaints were eye fatigue, followed by nocturnal frequency, lumbago, cramps in extremities, vertigo, stiffness in shoulder, tinnitus, common cold and constipation. The order of Psychic Complaints from higher to lower were anger, sensitivity, anxiety, depression and loneliness. 9. This group of Elderly persons said they valued Health the most, followed by Harmony, Religion, Money and Honor.

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A Comparative Study on Stressful Life Events and Coping Methods of Hypertensive and Nonhypertensive Patients
Kyoung Ock Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(2):58-69.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This study on stressful life events and coping methods of hypertensive and nonhypertensive patients was applied to people who was divided into two groups from April 5 to March 10, 19 83. One is hospitalized patients in medical wards of three university hospital in Seoul. The other is inhibitants in two Dongs of Seoul. This study compared the number and seversity of stressful life events reported by hypertensive and nonhypertensive patients, indentified coping methods used by the two groups and explored the relationship between stressful life events and coping methods. Two Instruments are used in this study. The first one to measure stressful life events, is Holmes & Rahe (1967)'s S.R.R.S. (Social Readjustment Rating Scale). Which is translated & amended. So that it consists of 46 items. The second one is for evaluating coping method. It consists of 3f items amended through preliminary test after consideration of related literature review and survey on the basis of Bell (1977)'s '18-item-Questionnaire.' The materials were analized by S.P.S.S. (Statistical Package for the Social Science) program. The results of analysis were as follows: . There were no significant difference in the number and severity of stressful life events reported by hypertensive and nonhypertensive patients (p>.05). 2. There were significant difference in use of short-term coping methods (p<. 01) and long-term coping methods (p<.05).

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Effect of Informativeness on the State-Anxiety of Hysterectomy Patient
Mi Kyeung Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(2):70-86.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of study carried out to determine the effect of informative ness influencing the state-Anxiety of Hysterectomy patient, the relationship between Hysterectomy patient's general characteristics on State-Anxiety and to investigation the cause of hysterectomy patient's Anxiety, the relationship between the cause of Anxiety and State-Anxiety. This study carried out between April 14. to May 24. 1983. This study sample consisted of 104 Hysterectomy patient who admitted to department of obstetrics of Seoul National University Hospital, Korea University Hospital, Han Yang University Hospital and Seung Nam Hospital. The Sample were divided into two groups; fifty-two of experimental and fifty two of control group. The method used for the collection of data were set of information prepared by reseacher and state-Anxiety Inventory. The Questionnaire of state-Anxiety Inventory was made up 20 items. The data was analyzed by computer program. The results of the study were as follows. 1. There was shown state-Anxiety to be alleviated by experimental group and control group. 2. There was significant relation between experimental group and control group. (p<0.01) 3. There was relation of state-Anxiety by education Level: Experimental group (p<0.05) control group (p<0.05) religion : only central group (p<0.05) economic state : only control group (p<0.05) The people who encouraged hysterectomy: Experimental group (p<0.05) control group (p<0.0001) 4. The cause of preoperative anxiety about hysterectomy were as follows: 1) destruction of body image (=loss of uterus) 2) husband's attitude 3) Expactation that hysterectomy will adversely affect sexual relation 5. Among the cause of Anxiety, R2 for state-Anxiety were as follows:1) economic state 17. 3% 2) deatch 21.6% 3) Expactation that hysterectomy will adversely affect sexual relation 24.5%

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Effect of Cold Exposure on Thyroid Thermogenesis in Rats
Ae Ran Hwang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(2):87-104.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

It has been well documented that animals exposed to cold show increased activity of thyroid gland. The calorigenic action of thyroid hormone has been demonstrated by a variety of in vivo and in vitro studies. According to Edelman et al, the thyroid thermogenesis is due to activation of energy consuming processes, especially the active sodium transport by the hormone in target tissues. If SO, the increase in thyroid activity during cold exposure should induce increased capacity of sodium transport in target tissue and the change in tissue metabolism should be precisely correlated with the change in Na+-K+-ATPase activity of the tissue. This possibility was tested in the present study: in one series, changes in oxygen consumption and Na+- K+-ATPase activity of liver preparations were measured in rats as a function of thyroid status, in order to establish the effect of thyroid hormone on the tissue respiration and enzyme system; in another series, the effect of cold stimulus on the serum thyroid hormone level, hepatic tissue oxygen consumption and Na+-K+-ATPase activity in rats. The results obtained are as follows:1. The Na+-dependent oxygen consumption of liver slices, the oxygen consumption of liver mitochondria and the Na+-K+-ATPase activity of liver preparations were significantly inhibited in hypothyroidism and activated in hyperthyroidisrn. Kinetic analysis indicated that the Vmax. of Na+-K+-ATPase was decreased in hypothyroidism and increased in hyperthyroidisrn. 2. In cold exposed rats, the serum triiodothyronine (T3) level increased rapidly during the initial one day of cold exposure, then declined slowly to the control level after two weeks. The serum thyroxine (T4) level decreased gradually throughout the cold exposure. Accordin'gly the T3/T4 ratio increased. The mitochondrial oxygen consumption and the Na+-dependent oxygen consumption of liver slices increased during the first two days and then remained unchanged thereafter. The activity of the Na+-K+-ATPase in liver preparations increased during cold exposure with a time course similar to that of oxygen consumption. Kinetic analysis indicated that the Vmax. of Na+-K+-ATPase increased. 3. Once the animal was adapted to cold, induction of hypothyroidism did not significantly alter the hepatic oxygen consumption and Na+-K+-ATPase activity. These results indicate that: 1) thyroid hormone increases capacities of mitochondrial respiration and active sodium transport in target tissues such as liver; 2) the increased T3 level during the initial period of cold exposure facilitates biosynthesis of Na+-K+-ATPase and mitochondrial enzymes for oxidative phosphorylation, leading to enhanced production and utilization of ATP, hence heat production.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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