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Volume 12(2); December 1982
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Original Articles
Nurses' Participation in Primary Health Care Korea
Young Soo Ham
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(2):27-30.   Published online April 3, 2017
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A Study about the Relationship between Maternal Attachment and Discharge Against Advice in High Risk Infants
Tae Im Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(2):31-44.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between maternal attachment and discharge against advice in high risk infants and determine the factors which affect discharge against advice. Data of this study were collected by means of reviewing the medical records of 127 in-patients who were diagnosed as high risk infants in admission and interviewing of the mothers of these patients was done by telephone. The high risk categories were neonatal hyperbiJirubinemia, congenital anomaly, congenital heart disease, Mood disorder, neonatal infection and birth injury. Maternal attachment was measured by deviding the subjects into 2 groups, the one the continuing treatment group and the other the discharge against advice group. Maternal attachment is determined by an interplay of maternal attitude and specific infant behaviors. Maternal attachment developes through continuous physical and psychological contact between mother and infants. Later it developes into maternal love. The results were as follows; 1. There was a significant association between maternal attachment and discharge against advice, that is, the attachment score was higher in the continuing treatment group. 2. Inspite of controlling medical insurance, severity of disease and the length of stay, it was found that there continued to be either a partially significant or fully significant relationship between maternal attachment and discharge against advice. Stepwise multiple regression revealed that maternal attachment was second in importance as a predictor of discharge against advice, which indicates that maternal attachment was a - significant predictor of discharge against advice. 3. Stepwise multiple regression revealed that in 32.3% of these cases the significant predictors of discharge against advice were length of stay, maternal attachment, delivery type, feeding type and income.

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Evaluation of the mental and physical health status of university woman students using the Cornell Medical Index
Kyung Bin Moh
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(2):45-56.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was carried out during the month of September 1982 to analyse and evaluate of the mental and physical health status of University woman students using the Cornell Medical Index. The purpose of the study was to provide basic data required by the University health program for planning related health need of woman students. The study sample is consisted of 486 students living in the dormitory enrolled for the fall semester 1982 in a Women's University in Seoul. The instrument used for the collection of data was an abridged version of a modified Cornell Medical Index. The questionarre includes 35 items related to physical health complaints and 22 items related to mental health complaints. The data was treated by a computer(SPSS) using one way analysis, and The Fishers' ratio and Chi-square test at the 5% level were also adjusted for the test for statistical significance. The interpretation of this study is limited due to the sample which was restricted to one University and not randomly selected. The followings are the results of the foundings so far achieved. 1. More than 60% of the Woman students have physical health problems in digestive system, cardio-vascular system, nervous system, respiratory system, and musculo skeletal system in the order named. 2. More than 50% of the woman students have mental problems because of anger inadequacy sensitivity tension, depression and anxiety in the order named. 3. There were no statistically significant differences among woman students in mental and physical health problems caused by year groups, major groups, growing regional groups. 4. There were significant differences caused by the number of brothers and sisters in the aspect of appealing mental and physical problems. 5. There were significant differences caused by the rate of satisfaction in the living cost, and the lower the rate of the satisfaction in the living cost goes, the higher the frequency rate of the appealing mental and physical health problems is. 6. There were significant differences caused by the rate of satisfaction of the living in the aspect of appealing mental and physical health problems. There fore, the lower the rate of the satisfaction of the living goes, the higher the frequency rate of the appealing mental and physical health problems is, and the more the complaints are, the more frequent the appealing of the problems of digestive system, circulating system and fatigue is.

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Study on the Determination of Nursing Hours by Self-Care Status of Patients
Jung Sook Park, Ju Hee Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(2):57-66.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This Study was undertaken to delineate the relationship between numerical score and the amount of nursing hours required in the nursing process. Score was a numerical description of the patients functional nursing needs. Therefore this study focused on standard nursing hours required by patient's self-care status. This study observed the 62 patients and 15 R.N. in H. university hospital from Aug. 7, 1982 to Aug. 13, 1982. 1. For the first time, each head nurse assessed self-care status by Schoening's self-care score. Minimal care patient (self-care score: 23,24) was placed in Group I, intermediate care patient (self-care score: ll~22) was Group II, and special care score: 0~10) was Group III. 2. We observed and recorded the nursing care received from nurses according to patient's group. (8AM-4PM) 3. And, We observed and recorded the activities of nurses in order to determine standard nursing hours required. (8AM~4PM) 4. If we apply the content of paragraph 3 to paragraph 2, we will predict the number of patient that nurse can care during day time by self-care status. The following results were obtained: 1) Patieat's mean self-care score were Group 1 : 23.9 score Group 2 : 17.8 score Group 3 : 1.6 score 2) Nursipg hours required by patient's physical function (self-care status) status were Group 1 : 35 min. Group 2 : 47.5 min. Group 3 : 104. 6 min. 3) Nurse's nursing time and distribution required in nursing activities during day duty were A.D.L. : 84.3min. (17.56%) Functional nursing activities: 279.9min.(58.31%) Education & Emotional support: 11. 3min.(2.35%) Task unrelated patients : 54min.(11.25%) Non Productive nursing care : 50. 5min.(10. 52%) 4) Mean nursing hours required by each patient and the number of patient that nurse can care during day duty by self-care status were Group 1 : 38.6min. 11.1 patients/1 nurse Group 2 : 51. 1min. 8.4 patients/1 nurse Group 3 : 108.2min. 4 patients/1 nurse It seems reasonable that this could be done effectively as each-unit has an established standard for hours required. This not only allows time for planning of staff but helps to avoid the very human inelination to predict excessive staffing requirements by placing the majority of patients in high care group.

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The Study of Mother's Nursing Need and Perceived Her Role During Puerperium Period
Kyung Hye Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(2):67-79.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was undertaken to determine the nursing need of mother herself and her baby in puerperium period at home alone with percevied her role. It was hoped that this nursing information would help nurses plan effective for their nursing care. This study involved 100 postpartum mothers and the period for data cellection was from May to July, 1982. The results of study were as follows; 1. The mother's mean age of 27.45, more than half of mother's was high school graduate, most of the mother have their religion, 78.4% was housewives, and 21.6% have occupation. Their mean marriage period was 30.2 years, 61% was nuclear family with 4.2 family members and primipara was higher then multipara. 2. Most mothers showed that positive attitude for their delivery and perceived higher their mother's role. 3. Mother showed more nursing need about infant (for example, bathing, meaning of crying) than herself. 4. There was a positive correlation between mother's education, wether or not their occupation, marriage periode, parity and mother's role and their nursing need.


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  • Parenting Stress in Mothers of Premature Infants.
    Hyun Sook Hwang, Hee Soon Kim, Il Young Yoo, Hyun Sook Shin
    Child Health Nursing Research.2013; 19(1): 39.     CrossRef
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A Study of the Influence of Illness on Body Image and Self Concept: Specifically in Children with Asthma
Hyo Soon Jang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(2):80-90.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was undertaken to determine the influence of a chronic disease on body image, and to show that body image is directly related to one's self concept. Body image is the concept of one's own body based on present and past perception, and is related to one's self concept. Body image is a dynamic concept constantly changing throughout the life cycle but it changes greatly in illness, surgery, and accident. The child with a chronic disease experiences pain and immobilization due to illness and he/she experiences a strange environment in the hospital. Illness often brings feeling of frustration and loss of self-esteem. Therefore this study was done to compare the body image of a child with a chronic disease (Asthma), with that of a normal healthy child, and to determine the relationship between the body image and self concept. The subjects in this study were 36 children being treated for asthma at the allergy clinic of Y University Hospital in Seoul (patient group) and 44 children attending elementary school in Kwanak Ku Seoul (normal healthy group). For the measurement of the body image, the researcher used Secord & Jourard's Body Cathexis Scale, and another scale which was constructed after reading about Osgood's Semantic Differential Method. For the measurement of the self concept, the researcher used Jacox & Stewart's Health Self Concept. The period for data collection was from October 7th to October 27th, 1982. The analysis of data was done by use of Percentage, t-test, Chi-square test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and ANOVA. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The first hypothesis, "That the chronically ill (Asthma) child will have a more negative body image than the normal healthy child." was supported. 2. The second hypothesis, "The more negative the body image, the lower the self concept." was also supported. 3. The researcher failed to obtain statistically significant results in the analysis of the general Characteristics which affect the body image except in the case of the older child as compare to the younger child having a more positive body image (r=. 2751, r=. 2481, p<. 05). However it was found that, 1) Boy's have a more positive body image than girls (Mean=[37.81,141.09], [37.00,126.54]). 2) The child who has been hospitalized has a more negative body image than the child' who has never been hospitalized (Mean=[33.25,122.45], [35.68,129.93]). 3) The younger the child when the disease is discovered and diagnosed, the more negative the body image (Onset of Illness: Mean= [31.44,117.33], [34.00,103.50], [35.75,140.38], [36.33,130.00], Time of Diagnosis: Mean= [29. 00, 117. 33], [33.89,115.00], [33.36,124.93], [37.70,139.20]). In conclusion the chronically ill (Asthma) child has a more negative body image than the normal healthy child, and the more negative the body image the lower the self concept. Therefore the concept of body image is useful in understanding the influences of chronic disease on body image and self concept.


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  • Sexual maturation, Body image, and Self-esteem among Girls of Lower Grades in Elementary School
    So Young Roh, Kyeha Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2012; 23(4): 405.     CrossRef
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A Comparative Study on Stressful Life Events and Coping Methods of Medical Inpatients and Community People
Young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(2):91-104.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study on stressful life events and coping methods of medical patints and community people was applied to people who was divided into two groups from July 19 to Aug. 7, 1982. One is hospitalized patients in medical wards of two university hospitals in Seoul. The other is inhibitants in eight Dongs of Seoul. This study compared the number and seversity of stressful life events reported by medical patients and community people within last six months, identified coping methods used by the two groups and explored the relationship between stressful life events and coping methods. Two instruments are used in this study. The first one to measure stressful life events, is Holmes & Rahe(1967)'s S.R.R.S.(Soual Readjustment Rating Scale), which is translated & amended, So that it consists of 51 items. The second one is for evaluating coping method. It consists of 36 items amended through preliminary test after consideration of related literature review and survey on the basis of Bell(1877)'s '18-item-Questionnaire.' The materials were analized by S.P.S.S.(Statistical Package for the Social Science) program. The results of analysis were as follows: 1. There were no signiflcant difference in the number and severity of stressful life events reported by medical patients and community people (p>. 05). 2. There were no significant difference in use of coping methods (p>. 05). 3. Stressful life events showed a positive correlation with coping methods (r=.363).

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