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Volume 10(2); December 1980
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Original Articles
A Study on Fear and Anxiety of Pregnant Women
Jung Hee Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):1-12.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The process of having baby including pregnancy, labor and birth is considered as crises of life cycle. It is noted that most pregnat women experience fear and anxiety through the gestational period and this may effect to the health of the baby and the mother. Therefore we, nurses must focuse on this fear and anxiety of pregnant women and make an effort to relieve their emotional discomfort. This study was conducted to determine the pregnant women's intensity of fear and anxiety during pregnancy thus to provide some information for maternal care in terms of antenatal care. The specific objectives of this study are : 1. to determine what are the most frequently experienced fear and anxiety and how frequently the pregnant women perceive them as a fearful and anxious experience. 2. to find out the relations between the intensity of fear and anxiety of pregnancy and the demographic characteristics of the subjected women During the period May 15,1960 to June 4, 1980, 212 pregnant were asked to question are by trained student mures who visited to 4 obstetric clinic for antenatal care in C-city. The questionare were designed and and scheduled by author which covers 38 items about fears and anxiety during pregnancy and each item was answered by 5 seales according to it's intensity. The result analysed as percentile, mean and S.D.statistically and obtained as follows 1) The mean age was 27,4 years, the proportion of women completed high school are 45.3%, and 51.4% has no religion. 2) 68.6% seplied "positive"response about fears and anxiety during pregnancy. 3) Fear relevant to pain, particularly during labor noted most frequent rate. 4) Social factors may relate to the intensity of the fears or anxiety further more socioeconomic problem take important role and affects to the expectant women, 5) Primiaravida noted more fears and anxiety about pregnancy compared to multigravida and more intensity during aerly half gestational period than late. Majority of pregnant women have experienced fear and anxiety attendant upon pregnancy and so nurse can help the patient to be able experience tha difficult adjustment to be course of pregnancy and be able to get good result both fetus and mother through antenatal care.

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A study on the effect of sterilization of the thermometer c three disinfectant sponges
Su Kum Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):13-20.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This present study was undertaken to assess the effect of sterilization of the thermometer with three sorts of disinfectant sponges-0.1 % bichloride of mercury sponge, 70% alcohol sponge, 0.5% zephiran chloride sponge, -by bacterial culture methods in 10 admitted adult patients in S. Hopital, Mok Pocity. The results obtained were as follows ; 1. The thermometer sterilized with 0.1 % bichloride of mercury sponge showed no growth of bacteria organism in 5 cases but showed growth of pathogenic organism in 1 case and non pathogenic organism in 4 cases. 2. The thermomerer sterilized with 70% alcohol sponge showed no growth of bacteria organism in 8 cases but showed growth of nonpathogenic organism in 2 cases. 3. The themometer sterilized with 0.5% zephiran chloride sponge showed no growth of bacteria organism in all 10 cases. From these results it could be concluded that 0. 5 % zephiran chloride would be most effective in sterilization of thermometer.

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A Study on the Death Consciousness Among Health Care Personnels
Hye Jin Kwon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):21-40.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

In order to take care of the dying persons and their survivors in a more positive and affirmative attitube, and to understand the valuable meaning of and dying, a survey was performed to 550 cases of health care personnels including 116 nursing students, 238 medical students, 137 nurses, and 59 doctors. Samplings were made through census Procedure from the entire group of medical and nursing students in College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, and of licenced nurses and doctors in Chung-Ang University Hospital, and in Han- Gang Sacred Heart Hospital from the first to the end of march, 1980. These collected data were computerized at KIST by SPSS programming and were statistically analyzed by chi-square test. Through content analysis of the word associated with death and descriptive analysis of the death-related variables, the following conclusion in is reached. First, Total numbers of death-word percieved by health care personnels were 198 kinds. Among them, 40 kinds of words associated with death were responded from than 1% of the total. As to the 10 death related word responded by free word association method, it was revealed that individual average number of death related word was 7.70 word, whi ch came from higher number of words in the senior students (8.96 word) or the graduates (8.10 word) compared with the freshman (6.84 word). Second, In Content specific analysis of the death related word, more frequently perceived types summarized as the following order; the affective context of death, the diseases, the disasters, the religion, the funeral ceremonies, the separation, the drakness, and the life. Third, The most prevalent 10 words associated with death which the the respondents gave response to the the first recalling werd, were as following o order; the dieases, the sadness, the vanity, the darkness, the frustration, the suicide, the incurable dieases, the graves, the dead, and the catastrophes. By sex, the dicase is outstanding in females, but the vanity is in males. By occupation, the vanity and the dead was frequently observed in student group including senior students, while the incurable dieases presented by doctors. Fourth, In health care personnels, the first perceived ages of death were 11.47+/-3.33 years (8.14-15.80 years). Among them, senior students were inclined to percept death at the earliest age of life (11.28 years), while doctors and nurses perceived death later in their life (12.98 years). Fifth, It is revealed in this survey that the most frequently responded death perceiving motives by health care personnels are 'psychological conflict" and "death of those around them". Death perceiving motives can be classified in two factors; personality and life circumstances. Sixth, It is of interest that only 11.3% health care personnels was found to feel death as inevitable or acceptable event. whereas 58.3% deny or reject it.

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Level Satisfaction on Clinical Practice of Baccalaureate Nursing Students
Sook Ja Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):41-52.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

As it Provides nursing students the opportunity for correlating principles and practice, clinical practice h s been considered as on of the most important part of nursing education. This study was desinged to measure the level of satisfaction in according with the conten, guidance, environment, hours and the evaluation of clinical pracice, and to investigate the extent of influence of the variables have on the level of satisfaction. Two hundred and fifty-two nursing students from 9 baccalaureat programs in Seoule were randomly sampled. Instrument consists of forty questionaires, developed by the researcher, was used to gather data data from September 7 through 22, 1978. The level of satisfaction was measured by 5 point rating scale(Likert-type), and level of significance were(t-test. F-test & X2-test). Results are as folow; 1. Level of satisfation according to the four variables { class health, academic achievement, motives) revealed no significant difference. (P>.05). Hypothesis 1,2,3,4, are rejected. 2. Level of satisfaction according to the two variables (clinical instructor, interpersonal relationship) revealed significant difference. (p<.01, p<.05). Hypothesis 5,6 are accepted. 3 Level of satisfaction of contents (mean score=3.02) revealed to be high. 4. Level of satisfaction on guidance (mean score=2.37), environment (mean score=2.59), hours (mean score=2.72) and evaluation (mean score=2.50) revealed to be low. 5. Level of satisfaction revealed to be low. (total mean satisfaction score =2.64).

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Study of bacterial contamination from the Cockroaches in hospital
Song Ja Ko
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):53-62.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Hospital has a limited environment in which all different patients are accommodated and therefore it should always be maintained as clean as possible in all its aspects. However the habitation of cockroaches which may be frequently observed in hospital gives us a very unfavuoraqble impression. It may not be difficult to presume that cocrkoaches carry various microganisms from ward to ward. This study was carried out from July to the end of August, 1979 with a total of 259 cockroaches captured from the three hospitals and general residences in Seoul. Investigation was made to see what kind of organisms they were imbued with and the results obtained are summarized as follows. Totaly 1) The nine species of the microganisms were isolated from the captured cockroaches and the isolated rate was showed 96.6%. This organisms consisted of Aerobacter aerogenes (29.7%). staphylo-cocci (22,4%). gram negative bacilli (16.6%), E.coli (10.4%), streptococci (9.7%), fugus (7.3), and yeast (0.4%). respectively. 2) The ratio of organism isolated from the cockroaches captured in each hopsital appeared 98 .6% in K pospital. 91.4% in P hospital and 100% in S hospital, respectively, 3) The total ratio of microganisms isolated from cockroaches captured in each ward of the hospitals was 96.9% and that by each ward was 96.0% in medical ward, 98.0% in surgical ward, 96.4% in operating room, and 100% in infant care room. 4) The ratio of the microganisms isolated from the cockroaches captured in the kitchen of each hospital was 94.1% and that in the K and S hospitals was 100% and the P hospital, 83.3%. 5) The germ-carrying ratio of cockroaches captured from the living rooms and kitchens of general residences was 100%. 6) The staphylococci was isolated as 22.4% of 259 the corchrnahes and all of them belonged to negative coagulase. 7) Finaly, E, coli (10.4%) and Aevbartar aerogenea(29.7%) were isolted from the 259 cockroaches. This was sugested that a great number of habitable cockroaches contacts directly with faces.

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A Survey on Knowledge and Attitude of Food and Nutrition Held by Schoolgirls in Korea
Moon Hee Jung, Myeong Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):63-72.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This survey was conducted to provide fundamental data for a practical school health education by grasping the extent to what schoolgirls in Korea made out the conceptions for nutrition often misunderstood. Questionnaires were given to schoolgirls in the 3 classes per grade in a school in Seoul and in the 2 classes in a school in a rural area from the ist grade in the middle school to the 3rd grade in the high school; which were selected at random by school nurses. 96.6% of qnestionnaires were collected (total 1,689) and by means of computational treatment of them the anthor obtained statistically highly significant results. 1. on the average sghoolgirls had incorrect conceptions on 9.29 items (37.16%) of total 25 items which are often misunderstood. 2. Shoolgirls in higher grades revealed misconceptions on less items than those in lower ones : on 9.66 items in the case of those in the middle school and on 8.82 items in the case of those in the high school. 3. Three major misconceptions of total 25 ones were as follows, (1) Chemical additives are dangerous in food (86.7%). (2) Spinach is a highly concentrated source of vitamins and minerals (82.8%). (3) The more vitamins you take the better (71.3%).

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A Study on Hypertensive Patients' Compliance to Medical Recommendations
Young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):73-86.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the compliance behavior of hypertensive patients in light of their health belief model that explains an individual's compliance with health maintenance or getting well. Although there are many effective regimens and treatments for hypertension nowadays, the most important point to be taken to consideration in their behavioral aspect is their compliance with regard to the control of body weight, eating habits as to salt and cholesterol intake, stresses, activity patterns and smoking as related to their life style. The important reasons for the failure in the control of hypertensive patients are the complexity of regimens to be complied to, irregular medication and the life long restrictions in their own life style. The compliance of patients to medical regimens and rocommendations or failure to do so is an essential factor. Accordingly, the degree of the patient's compliance is an important determinant as to the success or failure of hypertension control. The subjects for this study were 187 hypertensive patients selected from admitted and out patients of the medical department at seven University Hospitals in Seoul. Data was collected from Dec. 1, 1979 to Feb. 15, 1980 using the questionaire method and was analys ed by the use of means, standard deviations, coefficient of correlations, analysis of variance and mul tiple regression analysis. The results obtained are as follows : A. Of the seven independent variables in light of health belief model, benefit, barrier and severity are closely related to patient's compliance behavior. Therefore these variables could be used as determinants to predict and modify the hypertensive behavior. 1. Benefit is the most important and significant of the variables for explaining the dependent variables. It accounts for the highest variance of patient's compliance. (23.62%) 2. Then taking the former together with barrier, the variance of compliance showed on increase. (26 .59%) 3. And with the addition of severity to the first two. the variance of compliance was also increased. (28.12%) B. Except for susceptibility all the independent variables such as severity, benefit, knowledge, motivation and barrier are correlated to dependent variable compliance. C. Sex, marital status and religion appeared to have significant influence on the dependent variables. Therefore one could conclude that the more the patients are aware that hypertension is a threat to health, the more they understand the benefit of taking actions to prevent such a threat, and the less they perceive any barrier when taking action. the more compliant they become in following medical regimens and recommendations. Age, marital status and religion played a significant influence to their compliance. Accordingly, the selected structural variables and demographic variables which have influenced sick role behavior of the hypertensive patient must be integrated to teaching and counselling programs for better hypertension control.

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The Nursing Record Evaluation of the Application of the Nursing Process
Kyung Hye Lee, Moon Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):87-94.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

According to the provious study, it was suggested a need for improvement of nursing care through application of nursing process in Ewha Womans University Hospital With those data, it has been applied to the nursing care at maternity ward by nurses. This study was undertaken to determine the evaluation of the application of the nursing process which is an orderly, systemic manner of determing the patient's /client's nursing problems. This study involved 191 cases with patient chart and was carried out from Feb. 1979 to Feb. 1980 is Ewha Womans University Hospital. The results were as follows : 1. Actual performance of "Assessment" stage was 59%, and 45% for the nursing diagnosis. 2. It was achieved with specific planning of nursing; care for 71.6% and the plan was safely and effective implemented (97.9%). 3. Afer "Implement" stage it was made of evaluation and feedback process (39%). 4. Nurses in Eha womans University hospital, they showed the positive attitude toward the application of nursing process, but they saggested that there were lack of manpower and the consideration of time allocation. Recommandation are as follows : 1. All nursing staff must participate in continious education program for nursing process. 2. The results suggest a need for modification for the nursing history formeat and SOAPIER. 3. A need for improvement of physical condition for interview and effective utilization of nursing staff. 4. It Will more effective When Dr's medical record replace by problem arientcd acdical record(POMR).

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Ego Structure in Life Process of the Aged in Korea
Sook Ja Yoo
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):95-115.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Current statistics reveal remarkable prolongation of the average longevity in this country for the past decade. Welfare of the aged is no longer sole concern of the person or/and family, but has aroused social concern on the community and national level. This study was designed to assess social, economic and emotional needs of the aged, and to identify problems they are confronting. Data were gathered through questioning 273 subjects living in Seoul from July 25, to August 31, 19 80. Frequencies and percentile scores were analysed to describe the fact, and the significance of inter-variabie differences was tested by Chi-square method. Results are : 1. Majority of the subjects (male : 65.38%). (female : 62.13%) "talk about past experiences" to recollect their past days, the difference between male and female respondents was not significant. 2. Except few who earn their pocket money (4.21%), majority were doing household errands (34.52%) and looking after their garnd children (29.26%). Main sources of their pocket money revealed to be their children (84.02%) and their own savings (24.64%). Except few (15%} engaged with social activities directly or indirectly, leisure hours are spent in chatting with aged neighbors (44.81%). Highest in the rank order on the joyous moments for the aged revealed to be when the members of family living apart paying a visit (male : 37.5%,female : 63.72%)difference of male and female was significant (P<0.05). Among female respondents, significant difference between age group was revealed (p<0.05). 3. Majority prefered single houses (84.30%). as residential environment, the suburban (36.26%) area was the first in the rank order : difference between age group and the educational status were not significant. Majority of respondents revealed to have their own room in the house. The first preference was given to live with their children (68.86%). Memory of the past (37.36%) revealed to be the highest in the rank order among the reasons why they dislike moving the house. 4. Majority favored current welfare benef ts provided for the old age, however, the ideal way to live at their old age they responded was to live on their own savings (50.54%). 5. Majority revealed to be daunted occasionally (62.27%) by not being less active (34.16%) socially and by poor physical health (29.75%). Male and female differ in the causes of loneliness significantly (p<0.00l) : retirement (37.89%) in male and helplessness (43.05%) in female revealed the highest in the rank oredr. Majority talk over their feelings with aged neighbors to overcome the loneliness. 6. Majority were in favor of planting and looking after pet animal in the house, however, male and female differ in the kind significantly (p<0.001), 7. Majority think about death and dying occasionally or more (84.11%), Many of the respondents believes in the life after life (53,49%) : female revealed to be significantly higher (p <0.01), and subjects with Christian belief were significantly higher than non-christians (p<0.00l). Attitude towards death and dying differs significantly between male and female (p<0. 001) and between Christians ans and nonchristians (p<0.001). Highest preference was given to simple funeral (69.85%), Precious heritage that they would pass on to their descendants was onoscience and ethical value(57. 51%) : Christian response as the first value was Christian belief (52.38%).

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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