The Purpose of this study is to examine closely the causes influenced upon the comfort, and recovery of the woman delivered of a child in the hospital, at the same time, to understand environmental status of hospitals in order to promote mother's health recovery, and to improve hospital environment by emphasizing the meaning of environment and health before the medical staff and hospital administrative authority. In the method of survery of the research, 165 post partum patients have been randomly selected who were accomodated and delivered their babies at OB( obstetric ) & GY (Gynecologic) unit the 7 general hospitals for the period of 6 December 1976through 17 December 1976 As for the survey, it has been used of questionnaire where we have 65 items in the res pect of personal environment in the hospital such as trusting nurse, ability, reliability, kindness and etignette of nurse and the character of nurse, the relationhsip with patients, the other respectof physical environment included of temperature, moisture, airventilation, lightening noise, cleanness, facilities, and the third realm being of mother's harch ground, to have the following conclusion. 1. The feature of the collected personnel they are from OB or GY section,from OB unit of the other 5 hospitals except the two general hospitals of the college or school Otherwise, the rate of the patients to nurses would be 9 :I . As for the nurses' ground, it would be appeared of 20-25 years of age as the 76%, either 3 year course or 4 year course in the education would be each 50% and less than 2 year experience case would record as of 60%. In the respect of hospital physical environmental status, there we have two hospitals without any thermometers,on the other hand nowhere there's hygrometer, otherwise, the lightening is normal or over than normal. As for the structure of noise protection, the corridors' re, generally speaking worse than rooms, nevertheless, there's no ventilating system in the hospitals. The rooms're painted in white and yellow, light green, white, or green color. The patient' s clothings were in green, pink, blue, light green or in white color. There're not anything special in both decoration and equipments. Most of them used tall beds except in one hospital. 2. To the extent of perception of patient's hatch ground and hospital environment, it is presented that they perceived nurse's ability in highest in total human variable, though perceived kindness or etiquette in the lowest, otherise, comparatively high in total average. 3. In the respect of physical environment it is highest perceived of lightening terms, othe rwise, lowest perceived of air ventilation, and total average became lowest than the one of the original record 4. To ages, in the respect of hatch groun4 rather old aged mother than the younger one has perceived that nurse would be trusting, in good service character, able, at the same time, liable. Otherwise, in physical environment, regardless of age, they perceived lightening in high and remarkably lower in ventilation As a result of the examination of the difference in hospital environment to each age, it is appeared of statistical difference at 5 % level of ability in the personal environment, otherwise little difference as for physical environment, 5. In the respect of perceiving level to educational standard it is highly perceived of personal environment for higher ranking group rather than lower group in the educational standard In case of physical environment, it is highly perceived for lower level group rather than higher level group in educational background The variables which haue statistical sighificance at 5 % level are from trusting, kindness, etiquette and total kindness, etipuette and total al significance at 5 % level are from trusting, kindness, etiquette and total human enuironment variable in personal environment, otherwise, there's little difference in the physical environment. 6. The perceiving level due to times of admission and accomodation at the hospital would be cleared out as gradual higher perception both physical and personal environment in the hospital At 5 % siguificant level of the ventilation condition in physical environmental variable it is presented of meaningful difference otherwise, there we have little difference both in personal variable and other one. 7. In accordance with living standard, the perception degree of personal environment in tee hospital would be inclined to increase to higher living standard, on the other hand, in case of the physical environment, the perception level wonid increase to lower living standard. At 5 % level, the trustuariable and total scores in the personal eicuironmectal variable there appeared a meaningful/ significant difference otherwise, there presented little difference both in physical environmental and other variable to the living standard. 8. Pertaining to family unit, the mother of an independant family unit perceived highly in all respect of the personal and the physical environment in the hospital rather than the woman of succeeding family unit. At 5 % level, there appeared a difference in the respect of kindness and etiquette both in personal environment variable, on the other hand, there hardly marked a difference between other variable and physical environmental one. 9. The degree of perception to comforting level has little connection with a statistical difference the age, educational level, hospital admitting times, living standard or family unit. 10. The most effective variable to mother's comforting level will be nurse's ability, reliability, trusting manner, and total physical environment variable in order.
This survey was made for a month starting from November 15 to December 15, 1977 covering 711 students taking the junior (3rd-year) and the senior (4th-year) at nine college of nursing in Seoul concerning their perception and attitude toward the profession of nursing, motive for the necessity of learning, environment of study, attitude of study and particulars relevant with study performance, particulars of library, references and reading, assignments and particulars of the degree of confidence for the learning achieve ment. Through the survey of the above particulars, the following results were obtained by classifying all subject matters and by analysing motive of the selection of their course, awarding or not awarding of scholarships. 1. General characteristics: it was revealed that 406 students (57.1%) were attending at the junior while 305 students (42.9%) were taking the senior. Thus, the total number was 711 and their average age was 21.4 years. Their dwelling category was; 73.9 percent of them resided at their parent's home, 214 students (30.1%) were awarded with scholar ships. The reason to be attracted by nursing science was the possibility of continuing social life after graduation (43.5%). 2. Their perception and attitude toward the profession of nursing; According to the perception of profession by the students of each grade, students of the 4th grade showed comparatively strong conception. Also, students of the 4th grade showed more positive attitude in the purchase and reading of magazines relative With the science of nursing, in the reading of Code for Nurses and in their interest in the acriviry of nursing field. For the necessity of mission of nurse, 97.7 percent of the entire number of students covered responded to necessity. For the necessity of the particular humanity and particularity in the character of nurses, 95.8 percent of those students responded to necessity. By the each grade, students of the 4th grade showed more response. 3. As to professional field desired after completing the professional course: 57 percent of those students desired for clincial nurse while 55 percents desired for communit health-nurse. 4. As to the environment of study: they were mostly satisfied with their present residential environment. However, they complained of inconvenience at their lecture-halls. Students of the 3rd grade showed more complain. As to their attitude toward the adjustment of environment of study, they showed a affirmative response. As to the opinion of factors which interfere with their study, comparatively strong response was showed in their scepticism in the science of nursing, insufficient comprehension in general learning, relation with professors and discrepancy in the method of study. According to opinions of students at each grade, students of the 4th grade showed more scepticism. 5. Particulars relative with their attitude and performance of study: As to their knowledge off the objectives of their study of subject, the majority was to study with a partial knowledge of the objectives of their study. As to the plan of study, a low percentage indicated management of routine life under regular scheduling. Students of the 4th grade responded to rather planned life. As to time spent in independent study, response to concentrated study when necessary was stronger than that to regular daily study. Students of the 4th grade showed stronger response to regular study than that of the 3rd grade. As to the contents of their note-taking, 67.4 percents of those students responded to such regulatory procedure performing in the lecture-hall as they listen to lectures. 17.3 percents of those students showed response to adding supplementary informations from references to what was entered in their note-taking at their lecture-halls. 6. Particulars of library, references and reading books: As to receiving of instruction for the utilization of library and time of receiving such instruction 64.7 percents of those students had received such instruction. 66.7 percents of the those responded received such instruction at orientation conducted for freshmen. As to the convenience of the utilization of library, 49.9 percents of those students responded to convenience. However, students of the 3rd grade showed a much stronger response to inconvenience. As to the time of the utilization of library, 92.5 percents of those students showed a response to occassional utilization for particular purpose than regular utilization. 53.2 percents of those students responded to ordinary in quantity that library have references. 34.2 percents of those students responded to insufficient. As to the particular relative with the method and field of reading: 53.5 percents of those students responded to intensive reading and was the majority. As to the reading field, fiction was the majority. When read any books for their major, they usually read Korean text-books. 7. Particular relative with giving assignment: All respondents were well aware of the objectives of giving home tasks. As to the attitude toward assignments and performing home tasks, 54.8 percents of those students to making ostentatious study because of an excessive quantity of assignments imposed. For performing assignment, they showed comparatively positive response. Also, 52.2 percents of those students responded that they usually submitted completed assignment with references. 8. As to motive to realize the necessity of study: 55.6 percents of those students responded that they realized such necessity in communication with patients when (hey were engaged in clinical practice. Also, 8.6, the lowest percents of those students responded that they realized such necessity in the course of conversation with nurses when they were engaged in clinical practice. 9. As to the determination of their confidence in the performance of study relative with clinical experience: They showed a general inclination of having in nursing. The major response was that they came to well comprehend the patients families. On the contrary, the lowest response was that they could apply what was learned at lecture-hall to practice. This response incidentally showed the distance the lecture-hall and practical study. In general items, students of the 4th grade showed more favorable response than students of the 3rd grade and there was a significant difference. 10. As to the perception and attitude toward profession according to the motive of selecting the nursing science: Those who selected the nursing voluntarily showed stronger conception than those who selected the nursing through indirect influence. However, there was no significant difference on this point. Only there was a remarkable difference in the reading of Code for Nurses. 11. Those who showed a stronger conception in the profession of nursing according to the motives of attractive nursing science indicated a strong will and ability to manage Stable life and comparatively strong response was shown in the management of good home life because of the good adaptability of the science to their character. This group showed a strong conception of the profession than those who responded that they prefer this profession out of a longing for the work of a hospital and for the easy obtaining of opportunity to immigrate to over seas and for economic cause and for high school grade. There was significant difference between these two groups. 12. As to the conception and attitude toward the profession of nursing according to benefits by scholarships, those who were benefitted by scholarship showed stronger conception of profession than those who did not receive scholarship and there was a remarkable difference between these two categories. However, there was no remarkable difference between these two categories in the extent of interest of the activities of nursing fields and in the reading of Code for Nurses. 13. As activation for study according to the benefits of scholarships, those who were benefitted by scholarships showed stronger response to the motive for study comparing with those who did not receive. 14. As to the field of reading according to the benefits by scholarships, those who received scholarships tended to read autobiographies and cssaies to a considerable extent. Those who did not receive scholarships tended to read novels. Those who received scholarships more read nursing books than those who did not receive scholarships. 15. As to the attitude of study and doing of assignment according to benefits of scholarships, those who received scholarships managed a favorable life with schedules for study. More students of receiving scholarship showed a regular study for more than one hour per day. Also, in the method of doing home tasks, more students of receiving scholarship showed reference to relative books frequently for the submission of completed assignments.
This study was designed to investigate the elderly people's attitude toward death for the purpose of identifying the issues needed in the, planning of health management and care activities for the aged. The total number of subjects in this study was 354 elderly people who were accomo dated in house for elderly people (185) and school for elderly people (169). The scale for the attitude toward death of aged persons as an instrument of this study was mainly constructed with reference to Schneidman's attitude questionare toward death modified of adjust the Korean cultural characteristics and attitudes concerning death. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Out of total 45.8% of the respondents consider that death is a natural phenomena and ending of life. The responses on the meaning of death appeared differently; non-religions (48.1%) and oriental religions (50.3%) consider death as a natural phenomena however western religions (47.4%) consider that death is God's call. This difference was statistically significant. (χ2 = 56.6419. df = 10. p<0.01). Respondents with a spouses (52.4%) think death is a natural phenomena opposed to respondent without spouses (33.3%). This was statistically significant, (χ2 = 14.7134. df = 5 p<0.05). 2. Respondents in the house for aged persons (51.9%) replied. They do not wanted death becouse it meant a separation from their family as compared to those from school for aged persons (26.0%). 57.9% responded that they want to be told when death is confronted. 3. 51.2% of the respondents replied that the main factor to influence their attitude toward concept of death was the dying of their friends & relatives. 79.9% of respondents expressed that wished to die. The main reason for dying was economic shortage (28.3%). 4. 70.1% of the respondents want thair body to be hurried while only 1,1% of the respondents want to donate their body to a medical research. 5. Over two thirds of the respondents replied that they do not believe in a life in heaven or that they will be rebirth. 6. The questionare of this study stimulated 56.8% of the respondents to feel that they should spend the rest of their life more effectively and 15.5% of the respondents felt it gave them the opportunity to think about their death seriously.
For the study on occurrence of backache related to types of daily activities in adulthood Nine hundred twenty six adults living in Seoul were randomly selected as subjects from the eight kinds of occupation; housewives, teachers, nurses, officers, physicians, labourers, beauticians & barbers, and students. The purpose of this study was to identify various factors related to backache in daily activities and to apply these factors in clinical situations as well as in the community situations. This survey was conducted from September 21 through October 8, 1976. Under the ten hypothesis designed for this study, the followings were obtained; 1. Significant difference on occurrence of backache was revealed according to sex difference at 0.5% level. (x2 = 27.85, df= 1, p<0.005) 2. Significant difference on occurrence of backache was revealed according to age groups at 2.5% level. (x2 = 11.13, df=3, p<0.025) 3. Significant difference on occurrence of backache was revealed according to types of occupation at 2.5% level. (x2 = 18.04, df=7, p<0.025) 4. Significant difference on occurrence of backache was revealed according to types of movement originated by hand during occupational activities at 1% level. (x2 = 14.23, df=4, p<0.01) 5. Significant difference on occurrence of backache was revealed according to types of movement of legs during occupational activities at 0.5% level, (x2 = 20.78, df=3, p<0.005) 6. No significant difference on occurrence of backache was revealed according to length of daily working hours. 7. Significant difference on occurrence of backache was revealed according to degree of exercises at 5% level. (x2 = 6.01, df = 2, p<0.05) 8. Significant difference on occurrence of backache was revealed according to sleeping posture at 1% level. (x2 = 9.61, df=2, p<0.01) 9. Significant difference on occurrence of backache was revealed according to ordinary pattern of mean posture scure at 0.5% level. (t = 4.27, df = 924, p<0.005) 10. Significant difference was revealed mean posture scores according to period of backache history at 0.5% level. (f-ratio = 3,73, df= 4,562 p<0.005)
This study of nurse educator's attitudes which found aspects of professional nursing was carried out from September 10 to 30, 1977. Subjects were 205 respondents from a total population of 314 nurse educators from the level of instructors to professors in all the diploma (post high school 3 year), professional junior college (3 year level) and university (4 year) nursing schools in Korea. Specific objectives were to determine their attitudes about the 1. social position of nursing as a profession, 2. nurses attitudes towards their word, 3. factors influencing the development of nursing, 4. the future of nursing, 5. nursing educational problems, 6. their own educational position's intrinsic job satisfaction and 7. their salary and benefits. The instrument used was a questionnaire developped from consultations with nursing educators and sociologists, and based on earlier works by Burke (1976), Muson (1974) and Hong 1969. Data were analysis by computer using one-way analysis. Statistically significant findings included the following; 1. Responses were positive toward all seven aspects of professional nursing. 2. Compared to diploma nursing school staff whose responses were positive, professional and university school faculty response toward the social position of nursing were neutral. 3. Faculty with clinical experience of 10 to 19 years were most positive in their responses about nurses' attitudes towards their work. In all three types of schools, in comparrison to professors, associate professors' responses were more positive about nurses' attitudes toward their work. Faculty with longer clinical experience expressed high agreement with statements about factors which influence the development of nursing. Without any differences between school, all faculty had positive attitudes towards the future of nursing, the younger the staff member, the more positive were the responses. 4. Faculty in diploma schools and those with 10 to 19 years clinical experience expressed high agreement with statement about nursing educational problems while responses from faculty from professional schools and those without clinical experience were neutral. 5. Responses showed general satisfaction with intrinsic aspects of teaching in all school. Associate professors were positive about satisfaction with salary and other benefits but full professors' responses were neutral.
The change of society has brought about various health problems which have become to demand comprehensive health services not only for individuals but also for families and communities as the unit. To meet the societal needs W Hospital in a rural Korea established a Department of Community Health Nursing Services and provided nursing services to patients under a early discharge program. This study is to evaluate the community health nursing services carried out the department in general, and has following specific objectives: 1. To learn attitude of the consumers and the "referers" toward early discharge program. 2. To find out attitude toward home care and cure services. 3. To find out the consumers and the "Referers" attitude toward the 15 selected home care and cure activities by public health nurse. 4. To investigate possibility of charging fee for the 15 selected home care and cure activities by public health nurse. Three different study population were chosen: namely the consumer, the "referer" 1 and II. Excluding families moved out and not able to be contacted, the total families (77) referred to the department during the study period of September 1974 - December 1975 are defined as the consumer. Thirty seven nurses among 81 nurses who have been working in W Hospital since the inception of the Community Health Nursing Service Program were ramdomly selected. Thirty two nurses were defined as the "referer" I, because 5 questionnaires were not able to be collected. Twenty four doctors out of 37 who have been working since the Community Health Nursing Service Program started, and who were able to contact were called as the "referer" II. Data collection method employed for the consumers was direct interviewing with prepared interview schedules, and for the "referers" questionnaire method was utilized. x2 test and 100-percentage were employed in analyzing the data. The study findings are follows: 1. Attitude toward early discharge: Above 85% of the consumers and the "referers" approved the early discharge program. 2. Attitude toward the home care and cure services: Above 75% of the consumers and the "referers" showed positive attitude toward the home care and cure serviees by public health nurses, 3. Attitude toward 15 selected home care and curative activities by public health nurses: On the average more than 50% of the consumers and the "referers" expressed an affirmative attitude to perform 15 selected home care and cure services by public health nurses, 4. Attitude toward charging fee for 15 selected home care and curative activities by public health nurses: Above 85% of the consumers thought that they would pay for the services. Only 12.8% of the consumers and 5% of the "referers" what to have the services for nothing. Based upon the findings of this study; That is, the home care and cure services to be given by public health nurse were positively responded by the consumers and the professionals, one can conclude that the services provided by the Department of Community Health Nursing Service of W Hospital have been well accepted, and that early discharge program of hospital is believed to be a means to lessen the expenses of patients from hospitalization and to promote recovery from illness. It is recommended that hospital centered cure services should be reconsidered and scrutinized to meet community health needs. NOTE ; "Referers" are nurses and doctors who refer the early discharged patient to the Department of Community Health Nursing Service.
This study is to observe the effects of nursing care according to change of position for comfort during labor and safe delivery of newborn infants and parturient women, Fifty antcpartal primipara with labor pain who were admitted to the delivery soom of H University Medical Center from September 1, 1976 to November 15, 1976 (Estimate Delivery Confinement) were selected for this investigation. Among the 50 parturiencys, the experimental group (28 primipara) were placed in 30 degree upright sitting position and the control group (22 primipara) were placed in the supine position. Following placement, both groups were observed, The summarized findings of the study were as follows; 1. There was a noticeably significant difference in the duration of the first stage of labor (defined as 4 cm. dilatation of the cervical os with the fetal presenting part engaged to full or 10 cm. dilatation), between the two groups. For women in the 30 degree upright sitting position, the first stage of labor was close to 33.66 minutes shorter than for the women in the supine position, (t = 32.79, D-F = 48,p<0.05) 2. Although slight differences were observed between the Apgar Scores of the newborn Infants of primipara in the two groups, these were not significant. The mean Apgar Score among the newborn infants of primipara in the 30 degree upright sitting position was 9.64 compared with 9.04 for the newborn infants of primipara in the supine position, a difference of 0.6. (chi-square = 2.44, D-F = 2, p>0.05) /. There was a sign, ficant difference in the comfortability of the parturient women between the two groups because the shortened duration of the first stage and the high level of comfort core calculated for six factors (body activity, serving bed pan, serving kidney basin, pushing, deep breathing and parturient women's feelings), that affect nursing care.
The desire to maintain health is increasing, consequently the role of nursing which has as one chief aim the solving of man's basic problems is more and more important. Today, in spite of a growing concern about the nursing activities which nurses provide for individual human having specific needs, clinically in fact, it is questionable that indivi dual's expectation of nursing activities agrees with nurse's performance of nursing activities. In this study, the importance and agreement of the importance of the nursing activities during the hospitalized puerperal period as viewed by women in the puerperal period and by nurses caring for them, were assessed. The present study was undertaken in an attempt to furnish the basic data for expediting the progress of research activities in this area and further to be helpful in planning maternity nursing practice. The study population defined and selected was nurses (13) caring for women in the puerperal period and doing duty on obstetric & gynecologic ward at Y, hospital, and the women in puerperal period (39) as sum of 3 women selected by each nurse during the period of May 13th-June 4th 1976. The study data was collected by the direct interview method based on the questionnaire which the investigator made out. The study result was analyzed by percentage, t - test. The findings can be summarized as follows: 1. General characteristics of nurses doing duty on puerperal ward: a. Nurses' average age was 24.8 years old, b. 84.6% had educational background of 4 years of college. c. 69.2% had a religion. d. 53.8% were married. e. 53.8% had clinical experience of 1 year - 3 years, f. 61.5% did duty on puerperal ward during 1 year - 3 years. g. 46.2% desired to do duty on obstetric & gynecologic ward. 2. General characteristics of the women who were studied during their puerperal period: a. Women's average age was 26.4 years old, b. 79.5% had educational background above high school. c. 56.4% had a religion. d. 84.6% had living standard above medium. e. 89.7% had no occupation. f. 53.8% had previous hospitailization experience. g. 56.4% had previous delivery experience. 3. Examining the importance of 39 nursing activities during puerperal period selected by investigator, studied group of women considered that the most important nursing activity was "Record precisely about condition, medical treatment and nursing activity results etc.". Nurses considered that the most important nursing activity was "Notice whether having pain and care for that". Both groups considered that the least important nursing activity was "Talk with her about topics such as news, hobbies, other interests". 4. Examining the importance of nursing activities in 4 specific categories, studied group of women considered that the most important nursing activity in physical nursing category was "Be sure of safety measure to prevent accidents, injuries", and nurses considered that the most important nursing activity was "Make her sleep and rest sufficiently". Studied group of women considered that the most important nursing activity in psychological category was "Explain about medical treatment and nursing activity ahead of time so she knows what to expect", and nurses considered that the most important nursing activity was "Explain about puerperal period so she understands". Studied group of women considered that the most important nursing activity in relation to medical care was "Record precisely about condition, medical treatment and nursing activity results etc.", and nurses considered that the most important nursing activity was "Observing, cleaning and protecting the perineum" Studied group of women considered that the most important nursing acitivity in nursing category in preparation for discharge was "Instruct about personnel hygiene dining puerperal period", and nurses considered that the most important nursing activity was "Instruct self-care to protect the perineum". 5. The analysis of this study showed a significant amount of disagreement computed by subtracting the nurse's score from the patient's score. Studied group of women put greater importance on physical nursing category, psychological nursing category, nursing in relation to medical care, than the nurses. These results were statistically significant at 0.01 level.
Much of a person's energy is spent in the effort of becoming a productive member of to day's complex society. This activity may cause tension, and chronic unrelieved tension is an influential factor in blood pressure elevation. The problem of this study was to identify manifest needs and self-actualization of partients with essential hypertension, and to analyse and compare their maniifest needs and self-actualization with the selected general characteristics of age, sex, religion, occupation and level of education with a control group of patients with normal blood pressure readings. The purpose was to contribute to the planning of nursing interventions toward reducing the impact of complex psycho-somatic factors on the anxiety of patients with essential hypertension. The instruments used included selected items from the Edwards (1959) Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) as adapted by Hwang (1965) and from the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) (Shostrom 1964, 1974) adapted by Kim and Lee (1977) to measure manifest needs and self-actualization. The convenience sample was chosen from 149 persons who presented themselves for general physical examinations at Ewha University Medical Centre and 41 patients diagnosed with essential hypertension at three general hospitals in Seoul during June 1 and August 31, 1977. Forty-nine persons from the Ewha group with blood-pressure readings exceeding 150/90 were added to the experimental group. Data were analysed by the S.P.S.S. computer programme using t-test and f-tests for statistical significance. Statistically significant findings were as follows: A. Blood Pressure and Manifest Needs. 1. With the exception of Autonomy, patients with hypertension had significantly high scores on all variables Abasement, Achievement, Affiliation, Aggression, Dominance, Emotionality, Exhibitionism and Sex. 2. When mean scores of normal persons were compared by age groups, normal persons had higher scores in the following order on Abasement (50"s, 40's, 20's, 30's), Achievement (50's, 30's, 40's, 20's), Affiliation (50's, 40's, 30's 20's), Dominance (50's, 30's, 40's, 20's) and Exhibitionism (30's, 50's, 40's, 20's). In each case, there was a significant difference between the first and last age group scores. 3. When the mean scores of normal persons were compared by sex, normal men had higher scores than women on Achievement, Affiliation, Aggression, Dominance, Exhibitionism and Sex, Male patients had higher scores than female patients on Achievement, Dominance, Exhibitionism and Sex, but female patients scored higher in Emotionality. 4. Normal persons had higher scores related to religion in the following order on Achievemeint (Buddhism, no religion, Christianity). Hypertensive patients had kigher scores on Exhibitionism (no religion, Christianity, Buddhism). 5. Nofmal persons had higher scores related to occupation in the following order on Achievement and Exhibitionism (unemployed, office workers, teacherss, businessmen), Emotionality (office workers, unemployed, businessmen, teachers) and Sex (office workers, unemployed, teachers, businessmen). Hypertensive patients had higher scores on Achievement and Aggression (teachers, businessmen, office workers, unemployed), Dominance and Exhibitionism (businessmen, teachers, office workers, unemployed) and Sex (teachers, office workers, businessmen, unemployed). 6. Normal persons had higher scores related to level of education in the following order on Abasement, Emotionality and Autonomy (secondary school graduation, university). Hypertensive patients had higher scores on Abasement (no education, primary, university, secondary), Achievement (no education, secondary, university, primary), Dominance (university, no education, secondary, primary), Exhibitionism (university, secondary, no education, primary), and Sex (university, secondary, primary, no education). B. Blood Pressure and Self-Actualization 1. Patients with hypertension had significantly lower scores on all variables. 2. Normal persons had higher scores related to age groups in the following order on Existentiality (20's, 3')'s, 40's, 50's). Hypcrtensive patients showed no significantly different scores. 3. Normal women had higher scores than men on Time Competence. Normal men had higher scores on Feeling Reactivity. Male patients had higher scores than women on Self-Actualizing lalue and Self-Regard. 4. Normal persons he 1 higher scores related to religion on spontaneity (Buddhism, no religion, Christianity). Hypertensive patients had higher scores on Time Competence and Nature of Man (Buddhism, Christianity, no religion). 5. Normal persons had higher scores related to occupation in the following order on Existentiality (teachers, office workers, businessmen, unemployed) and Self-Regard {unemployed, office workers, teachers, businessmen}. Hypertensive patients showed no significantly different scores. 6. Normal persons had higher scores related to level of education in the following order on Existentiality and Self-Acceptance (university, secondary). Hypertensive patients had higher scores on Inner-Director (university, secondary, no education, primary) and Existentiality (university, secondary, primary, no education), Recommendations for nursing interventions with hypertensive patients with emotional problems or low self-actualization were made. 1. The nurse should encourage the patient through her interactions with other members of the medical team to accept counselling and health education. 2. Through her therapeutic interpersonal relationships with the patient, the nurse should help him discover the causes of his emotional tension. 3. Through her health teaching with the family, the nurse should encourage them to participate with the medical team in the patient's therapeutic plan and in providing him with the maximum possible emotional support. 4. Through frequent counselling with the obsessive-thinking and inflexible patient, the nurse should reevaluate the patient's behaviour and her interventions. 5. Seriously ill patients should be given needed reeducation by members of the professional medical team.