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Volume 32(1); February 2002
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Original Articles
Correlation Between Spiritual Well-Being and Mental Health of Nursing Students
Hwa In Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):7-15.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study is to test the correlation between spiritual well-being and mental health of nursing students and to provide baseline data of nursing education for the christian college. The data was collected from 10th to 30th September. 2000. The subjects were 220 nursing students. The instruments used for the study were the spiritual well-being scale developed by Paloutzian & Ellison (1982) and Gou Seong Hee's mental health (1989). The data was analyzed by using SPSS/PC. The study results were as follows: 1. There were significant differences between the type of religion (F=27.22, p=0.000), abscence of faith (F=65.33, p=0.000), grade (F=6.76, p=0.000), effect of religion on life style (F=14.21, p=0.000) and spiritual well-being. 2. There were significant differences between grade (F=4.87, p=0.009), satisfaction of nursing (F=6.47, p=0.000) and mental health. 3. There was positively significant partial correlation between spiritual well-being and mental health (r=0.52, p=0.000). The higher spiritual well-being score and the higher mental health was supported. 4. The mean score on the spiritual well-being scale was 3.48+/-0.64. The mean score on the mental health scale was 3.67+/-0.54. Viewing that, The type of religion, abscence of faith, effect of religion on life style, and grade contributed significantly in spiritual well-being for nursing students.

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Development and Test of the Hypothetical Model to Explain Smoking Cessation Behaviors Based on Triandis' Interpersonal Behavior Theory
Hyun Soo Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):16-27.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was conducted to develop and test the hypothetical model which explains smoking cessation behavior was established based on the Triandis' interpersonal behavior theory.
The data were collected from the 400 university student smokers enrolled in the universities located in Seoul and Kyung-In province. The study was analyzed by path analysis with LIESREL 8 program.
All of the fit statistics, except the Chi-square value, it showed the hypothetical model was well fitted to the data. Benefit, affect, and social influences related to smoking cessation behavior had significant direct effect on intention to smoking cessation as shown in the study of the hypothetical model. Perceived barrier and the physiologic arousal related to smoking cessation had significant direct effects on performing smoking cessation behavior, whereas numbers of previous attempts to quit smoking and intention to smoking cessation did not.

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Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence and Other Urologic Symptoms in a Community Residing Elderly People
Jeung Im Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):28-39.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to measure the prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI), urologic symptoms, chronic health problems they have, and to explore whether the differences in incidence of UI ware by age, sex, voiding pattern, and chronic health problems.
298 subject were selected, age range from 60 to 94 years residing in one city, in republic of Korea. Data was collected presence of UI, urologic symptoms, chronic health problems, knowledge, and the discomfort with incontinent. Collected data was analyzed with frequency, percentage, t-test, and x2-test.
The results of this study are as follows: 1. Mean age was 71.4 years. Prevalent rate of UI was 17.0%, woman showed more than man. 2. UI incidence was significant in age (t=7.84, p=.000), sex (x2 =9.47, p=.002), and voiding frequency (x2=18.34, p=.000). Also, UI incidence was significant relationship with chronic health problem of heart disease (x2 =10.65, p=0.001), hypertension (x2=4.04, p= 0.046) and respiratory problem (x2=9.67, p=0.002). 3. The UI was grouped into urgent incontinence (45%), stress incontinence (33%), and combined (22%). UI occurred during the daytime 48% and 17% at night. 4. Only 9.8 % of the UI seek advice and/or treatment for their symptoms, almost 90 % remained untreated due to lack of knowledge or improper information. 5. The discomforts due to their UI was no significant difference in their condition, the urgent use of the rest room, leaking urine, and nocturia.
This study suggests that 1 year and 3 year follow-up study is needed to compare health status of UI. Also suggests intervention study for urologic discomfort of incontinent and behavioral education for the elderly are needed.

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The Influencing Factors on Health Behavior of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Young Whee Lee, Hwa Soon Kim, Eui Young Cho
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):40-49.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influencing factors on health behavior among patients with coronary artery disease.
The subjects were 95 patients who visited the out-patient department of a university hospital for follow-up. The four health belief concepts (motivation, benefit, barrier, seriousness), general self-efficacy, health behaviors on medication, diet, exercise, stress management, smoking, and drinking were measured.
There were significant differences in the health behavior scores of subjects according to family support and the experience of surgical procedure. Subjects were found to have a high degree of compliance in taking medication. However subjects reported the lowest degree of compliance in regular exercise. In the multiple regression analysis, surgical procedure and motivation were significant predictors to explain diet. Motivation and barrier were significant predictors to explain exercise. Self-efficacy, motivation and family support were significant predictors to explain stress management. Family support and seriousness explained 16% of variance in drinking. Also, family support explained 30% of variance in smoking.
Since predicting factors on each health behavior indicator were different, then nurses should consider these differences to construct strategy enhancing patient's recovery.

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Effects of Cardiac Rehabilitation Teaching Program on Knowledge Level and Compliance of Health Behavior for Patients with Myocardial Infarction
Hye Sun Jeong, Hee Seung Kim, Yang Sook Yoo, Jung Soon Moon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):50-61.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cardiac rehabilitation teaching program on knowledge level and compliance of health behavior for the patients with myocardial infarction.
The subjects were 47 patients 23 were assigned to the experimental group and 24 were for the control. The cardiac rehabilitation teaching program is a individualized teaching program which was delivered to the experimental group during hospitalization period by present researcher. Data were collected through questionnaire surveys for knowledge level and compliance of health behavior from September 15, 1999 to December 31, 2000. The collected data was analyzed by using the SAS program.
1. With regard to the knowledge scores 1) The total knowledge level in the experimental group was significantly higher than in the control group. 2) As to the knowledge domains, nature of disease, risk factors, diet, medication, exercise, and daily activities were significantly higher in score in the experimental group than in the control group. 2. With regard to the compliance of health behavior 1) The average compliance with good health behavior was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group. 2) As to the health behavior domains smoking cessation, diet, stress management, regular exercise, and other measures for lifestyle modification were significantly higher in score in the experimental group than in the control group. 3. The pre-treatment knowledge score was positively correlated to the post-treatment knowledge score and post-treatment knowledge score was positively correlated to the post-treatment compliance of health behaviors.
The above findings indicate that the cardiac rehabilitation teaching program for the experimental group was effective in increasing level of knowledge and improvement f compliance with good health behavior of patients with myocardial infarction.

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Construct a Structural Model for Health Promoting Behavior of Chronic Illness
Sook Ja Lee, So In Kim, Pyoung Sook Lee, Soon Yong Khim, Eun Sook Park, Young Joo Park, Ho Shin Ryu, Sung Ok Chang, Kuem Sun Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):62-76.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was designed to construct a structural model for health promoting behavior of patients with chronic disease. The hypothetical model was developed based on the literature review and Pender's health promotion model.
Data was collected by questionnaires from 1748 patients with chronic disease in General Hospital from December 1999 to July 2000 in Seoul. The disease of subject were cardiac disease included hypertension peptic ulcer, pulmonary disease included COPD and asthma, DM, and chronic kidney disease. Data analysis was done with SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and PC-LISREL 8.13 Program for Covariance structural analysis.
1. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate, it was modified by excluding 4 path and including free parameters to it. The modified model with path showed a good fitness to the empirical data (x2=591.83, p<.0001, GFI=0.97, AGFI= 0.94, NNFI=0.95, RMSR=0.01, RMSEA=0.05). 2. The perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and the plan for action were found to have significant direct effect on health promoting behavior of chronic disease. 3. The health concept, health perception, emotional state, social support were found to have indirect effects on health promoting behavior of chronic disease.
The derived model in this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting health promoting behavior of patients with chronic disease. Therefore, it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggested implication in nursing practice.

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A Predictive Model Comparison by Sex for Alcohol Consumption Behavior among Korea University Students
Myung Sook Choi, Mee Young Im, Young Mi Yoon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):77-88.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was designed to develope and test the structural model that explains alcohol consumption behaviors among university students in Republic of Korea. The hypothetical model was constructed on the basis of the literature review and Pender's Health promotion model. Data was collected from questionnaires from 512 university students in Republic of Korea, from August to September, 2000. The reliability of instruments was adequate (Cronbach's alpha= .69-.90). Data analysis was done with SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and LISREL 8.13 program for covariance structural analysis. The results are as follows;1. The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate. Thus it was modified by male and female models.2. The revised model has become parsimonious and had a better fit to the empirical data (male: x2=87.21 p=.00, GFI=.97, AGFI= .94, NFI=.99, NNFI=1.0, CN=619.17, female: x2=49.29 p=.31, GFI=.45, AGFI= .95, NFI=.99, NNFI=1.0, CN=370.02).3. Self-efficacy was most significant factor and personality of novelty seeking, reward compensation, alcohol expectancy and drinking attitude have significant effects on male alcohol consumption behavior. 4. Personality of novelty seeking was most significant factor and personality of harm avoidance, friend influence, self-efficacies, alcohol expectancy and drinking attitude have significant effects on female alcohol consumption behavior.

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A Study on the Relationships between Osteoporosis Knowledge, Self-efficacy and Health Belief of Women in an Island
Kyung Rim Shin, Young Mi Kang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):89-99.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was to examine the relationships between knowledge, health belief and self-efficacy of osteoporosis with the women residents in an island. METHOD: The subjects were 64 women who lived in an island located in Incheon metropolitan city. Data collection was performed by using questionnaire that included Osteoporosis Knowledge Test, Osteoporosis Self-Efficacy Scale and Osteoporosis Health Belief Scale by Kim, Horan & Gendler (1991). The Data were analyzed using SAS computer program that included descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient. RESULT: 1) The mean of osteoporosis knowledge was 10.03 in the range of 0 to 24, shows the relatively lower score than mean score. The mean of osteoporosis health belief variables were susceptibility 18.95, seriousness 19.05, benefits of exercise 22.35, benefits of calcium 21.81, barriers to exercise 16.95, barriers to calcium 13.13, and health motivation 19.75 in every range of 6 to 30. The mean of osteoporosis self-efficacy was 37.95 in the range of 12 to 60, shows a relatively higher score than mean score. 2) There were statistically significant differences in the degree of osteoporosis knowledge according to age, education. But There was no significant difference in the degree of osteoporosis and self-efficacy according to general characteristics. There were statistically significant differences in the degree of susceptibility according to religion, family income. There were statistically significant differences in the degree of seriousness, health motivation according to family income. There was statistically significant difference in the degree of barriers to exercise according to education. 3) There were statistically significant positive correlations between osteoporosis knowledge and benefits to exercise, benefits of calcium intake. There was statistically no significant correlation between osteoporosis knowledge and osteoporosis self-efficacy. There was statistically a significant positive correlation between osteoporosis self-efficacy and barriers to exercise. There was statistically a significant negative correlation between osteoporosis self-efficacy and health motivation. CONCLUSION: According to the result, osteoporosis education program including exercise, calcium intake should be operated to increase benefits to exercise and calcium intake for osteoporosis prevention. In addition, the program of improving self-efficacy should be designed and operated to decrease the perception of barriers to exercise and to increase the perception of health motivation of women in island.

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Analysis of the Nursing Curricula in Graduate Programs in Korea
Eun Sook Park, Soon Ok Yang, So Sun Kim, Soo Yang, Young Joo Park, Na Sun Ha, Kyung Hee Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):100-113.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was designed to analyze the nursing curricula in graduate programs and suggest the direction of future nursing curricula. Thirty-two nursing curricula for a master's degree and fifteen curricula for a doctoral degree from general graduate programs, fifteen nursing curricula for a master's degree from fifteen educational graduate programs, eight nursing curricula for master degree from eight out of twelve public health graduate programs, three nursing curricula for a master's degree from three administrative graduate programs, and four nursing curricula for a master's degree from four clinical nursing graduate programs, were analyzed. Consequently, It was hard to find a clear difference between the educational goals and objectives, the subjects open in nursing curricula for a master's degree and those for a doctoral degree of graduate programs. The educational graduate programs, public health graduate programs, administrative graduate programs, and clinical nursing graduate programs, each program showed ittle diffrent in each educational goal and objective. However, because the various kinds of subjects open in each program were not based on the core curricula, the quality of the nursing curricula need to be evaluated and develope the curricula to difference are the goal and objective. Accordingly, future studies need to be focused on developing core nursing curricula reflecting the characteristics of each graduate program.

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The Trends of Nursing Research in the Journals of Seven Branches of the Korean Academy of Nursing
Soya Ja Kim, Kwuy Bun Kim, Myung Sun Yi, Kwang Ja Lee, Yang Heui Ahn, Hee Soon Kim, Young Joo Park, Myung Suk Koh, Kyeong Yae Sohng
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):114-130.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was designed to analyze the research methodology and the key concepts used in articles published in each nursing journal of seven branches of the Korean Academy of Nursing. The purpose of this study was for reflecting the trends of nursing research and suggesting the direction of future nursing research in Korea. One thousand three hundred seventy two articles published in seven nursing journals from the beginning year of 2000 were analyzed. The prevailing research designs for these journals were the non-experimental design ranging from 54.3% to 75.7%, the experimental design ranging from 6.2% to 30.4%, and qualitative research design ranging from 3.7% to 10.6%. Research subjects were 10.0% to 46.0% for clients with health problems, 2.1% to 42.4% for generally healthy persons, 1.4% to 43.9% for primary care-givers, 7.0% to 53.5% for nurses or nursing students, and 3.1% to 7.3% for health organizations or nursing organizations. The data collection method used most often self-report questionnaires using psychosocial measures. Interviewing methods and physiologic measures were used relatively few times. The domains of the key concepts that prevailed was personal domain and health domain. This study has the limitation of focusing on only the superficial structural analysis rather than in-depth content analysis of each article. However, this study is the first study for reflecting the trends of nursing research based on each journal of seven branches of the Korean Academy of Nursing.

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