In our country, patients with diabetes mellitus are searching for complementary treatments to recover from illness, while they received treatments from the doctor. However, have been evaluated or investigated systematically. This study was carried out to explore application of complementary treatments for patients with DM. For this survey, questionnaires were developed by researchers and the data was collected from July to October of 1999. Among the 223 subjects, there is one general hospital, one oriental hospital, 15 area C.H.P, ahd 2 area health centers. The results were as follows: 1. The total number of cases was 223 and the average age was 62.85 years old and average duration of DM was 8.1 years. The number of patients who had experience with alternative therapies was 145 (65%). The number of those who have not undergone treatments was 78 (35%). 2. The 43.5% of experienced CAM were advised family and relatives. Only 30.3% approved the effect of CAM and 52.5% said that If another a new CAM is introduced, they will try it. 4. Ninety three kinds of complementary treatments were used. Among the used items, 63.7% was various types of plants, 21.6% was animal material and 14.7% was the mixed group. As a single item, Bombyx Mori (Silkworm) was the most frequently used (10.5%) followed by the bean, mushroom, Morus bombycis (mulberry), Ginseng, Commelina Communis (Dalgaebi), Chinese medicine, root of Rosa rugosa (Haedangwha). 5. Among the used items, Trichosanthes kirilowii Max. Eucommia ulmoides Oliver, Commelina Communis, Aralia elata, pine needle, mulberry fruit, root of Rosa rugosa. Ginseng, Lycii Fructus, Dioscorea radix, Polygonatum odoratum, Cassia tora L, Bombyx Mori, loach, Crucian carp were based upon the pharmacological function of effect for control of diabetes mellitus symptom. 6. In the analysis of the relationships between the general characters of the patients with new complementary alternative medicine try and hospital treatment; 1) The shorter group suffered from DM (p=.038), poor Self-MBG (p=.037) and wanted to try new complementary alternative medicine. 2) The group of DM education experience were carried out hospital treatment well (p=.045). In conclusion, further study will be required for the patients experience using alternative therapies as the D-M in terms of holistic view of patients.
This study was conducted to identify the effects of a planned exercise program based on Bandura's self efficacy model on metabolism, and the exercise compliance in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. The study design was a nonequivalent pre-test post-test control design. Thirty four type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, who received follow-up care regularly through the diabetic out-patient clinic, were randomly sampled for this study. Twenty patients were assigned to the experimental group and fourteen patients were assigned to the control group. In the experimental group, a planned exercise program is composed of an individualized exercise prescription for 12 weeks, an individual education, and even a telephone coach program. In the case of the control group, they were instructed to continue with their usual schedules. The data collection period was from March 1999 to February 2000 Data were analyzed using SPSS/WINDOW 10.0program. The results were as follows. 1. In the experimental group, the level of fasting blood sugar has significantly decreased from 188.20 mg/dl to 155.55 mg/dl after planned exercise program (F= 16.86, p=.000). For lipid metabolism, body fat per cutaneous decreased from 27.16% to 26.57% after planned exercise program. The score of self efficacy has increased from 64.20 to 66.65 after planned exercise program and it was statistically significant (F=4.850, p=.040) The functional vital capacity has increased from 3.28 liter to 3.37 liter and it was statistically significant(F=7.300, p=.020). 2. In an after effect of a planned exercise program, 35 percent of the subjects who participated in a planned exercise program continued to exercise for another six months. In conclusion, the planned exercise program can improve cardiopulmonary function, glucose, and lipid metabolism. This program was show a positive effect on the self efficacy and exercise compliance.
This study was done to evaluate the effect reducing artificial dead space on intubated children. Data were collected from July 1st, 1998 to August 31st, 1999. The subjects were selected from a pediatric intensive care unit of 'S' hospital and intubated with 3.5 mm or 4.5 mm endotracheal tube after open heart surgery. They were composed of 34 patients : 17 patients were assigned to the experimental group and the rest of them were placed in the control group. The artificial airway volume was minimized in the experimental group, and the control group maintained the artificial airway volume. ETCO2, PaCO2, SPO2 were measured as indicators of pulmonary ventilation. The tools of this study were GEM-Premier and Space-Lab patient monitors. The data were analyzed using the SPSS/PC+ program. The Chi2 -test was used to find general characteristics. The t-test was used to test the homogenety of the pulmonary ventilation status and mechanical ventilation setting before intervention between the two groups. Also, the paired t-test was used to examine the hypothesis. The results can be summerized as : 1. CO2 can be expelled effectively from the body in case artificial dead space was decreased. 2. As the artificial dead space was reduced, the difference between ETCO2 and PaCO2 was decreased, in other words pulmonary ventilation was improved. 3. If the artificial dead space occupied above 15 percent of tidal volume, the effect of CO2 was retention revealed in the body. 4. If the artificial dead space occupied below 1.5 percent of tidal volume, there was no dead space effect. Based on the results, the following is suggested to be applied practically : 1. A kind of the ventilator circuit acting artificial dead space should be removed from the intubated children with mechanical ventilaion. 2. The endotracheal tube should not be cut because extra-body space of the endotracheal tube did not have an effect on the dead space of the intubated children. Since the researcher could not cover this aspect in the study, they recommend the following. 1. The study should be extended to the other pulmonary disease patients for the effect of improving pulmonary ventilation. 2. Also, further studying with a more narrow interval in the extra-body space of the artificial airway will be able to explain the point of artificial dead space with proper ventilation.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between health locus of control (HLOC) and the eating behaviors in obese high school girls. The sample consisted of 262 obese high school girls in Seoul and Kangwon-Do. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The average scores of HLOC were HLOC- Internal; 4.06, HLOC-External; 2.47, and HLOC-Chance; 2.15. 2. The average scores of eating behavior factors were Disinhibition ; 2.91, Hunger ; 2.73, Dietary Restraint ; 2.55. 3. The HLOC-Internal and eating behavior (dietary restraint, disinhibition and hunger) were correlated positively. The HLOC- Chance and hunger was correlated positively. But HLOC-Chance and other eating behavior factors (dietary restraint & disinhibition) were not correlated in the level of statistical significances. The HLOC-External and eating behavior (dietary restraint, disinhibition and hunger) were correlated positively. 4. There was not a significant difference in HLOC depending on the existence of an obese sibling. There were significant differences in HLOC-Internal and HLOC- External depending on the evaluation of one's body figure. 5. There were significant differences in disinhibition and hunger depending on the existence of obese sibling. Also, there were significant difference in dietary restraint according to self perception of who is obese or not (t=3.342, p=.001). This study has shown a correlation between HLOC and eating behavior. As a result of these findings, clinical and school nurses should be involved in management and counselling obese girls concerning individual health locus of control and eating behavior.
A phenomenological study was conducted to investigate the experiences of mothers pregnant via in vitro fertilization (IVF). Sample of nine mothers participated. Ten theme clusters emerged when the formulated meanings were organized into categories. During the infertility period, the participants were subject to self- depreciation, envy, anxiety, and depression. It changed their priorities in life from a job-oriented life to one where having a baby was the most important thing. After trying numerous alternative therapies, IVF became their last hope in having a baby. Since the success rate for IVF is low (only 20-30%), the participants for the treatment were overwhelmed with uncertainty, and it led to further anxiety, depression and despair. Success of pregnancy gave them extreme satisfaction, but they became very cautious in their day-to-day life because of their fear of abortion and early delivery. Some were even worried about the side effect of IVF during the pregnancy. Finally, the delivery of the baby gave them relief from the obligation of having a baby. Women did not have any difficulties in rearing a "test tube baby" except in the case of twins. Most women had no ethical difficulty in having a baby by IVF. However they did not wish this information to be revealed to other people. They again turned to IVF to have a son(s) when the resultory child(s) was a daughter(s). This is because of the strong preference for sons in Korean society.
The purpose of this study is to analyze ER patient's Triage and other statistical data. The subjects were 12,618 patients who visited the ER during the year 1998. The study showed the following results; 1. The male vs female ratio was 1.3 : 1.0, the male were in the majority (56.6%), and the age range of 20-29 old was the majority (15.3). The patients who visited ER at 8-10 pm were the majority (11.5%). On Sunday the number of patients who visited the ER were 2,189, and the majority were 17.4%. On Saturday the number of patients was visited the ER were 1,944 patients the second majority (15.4%). Their traffic means : the general passenger cars (75.5%), 119 or hospital ambulance (11.3%). 2. The reasons of visiting ER were : diseases (59.2%), injuries (23.7%). The disease vs injury ratio was 100 : 69. 3. Triage : urgent 40.7%, non-urgent 38.2%, acute 17.8%, and critical 3.2%. 4. The time of waiting and staying in the ER by the Triaget: the average time was 572 minutes (9.53 hrs.). The majority of critical patients (20.5%), acute patients (24.7%) and urgent patients (21.2%) stayed 12-24 hrs., but the majority of non-emergent (27.8%) stayed not longer than one hour. 5. Treatments by the Triage : the 42.9% of critical patients, and 61.3% of acute patients, 57.5% of urgent patients were admitted. But 91.8% of the non-emergents were discharged and 4.7% was admitted. Mortality of total ER visiter were 1.7%. DAA portion was 0.86%. 26.6% of the critical patients were DAA. DAA vs DOA ratio was 1.3 : 1.0. 6. Visiting time, monthly and seasonal distribution by the Triage : the majority of critical patients (12.2%), visited 10-12 am. The majority of acute (12.9%) and urgent (11.7%) visited 4-6 pm, but the majority of non-emergents (15.1%) visited during 8-10 pm. Autumn visiter were the majority (27.6%). The percentage of non-emergent visited in Spring was 41.4% and Autumn was 41.3%. The percentage of urgents who visited in the Summer was 45.3% and the Winter was 40.4%. By clinical departments: the 48.0% of critical patients was NS. The 45.5% of acute and the 33.6% of urgent patients were IM. But the majority of non-emergent patients was PS (21.2%), and the second majority of non-emergent patients was oral Surgery (12.8%).
The purpose of this study was to develop a continuing nursing care program for cancer patients and the caregivers staying at their home and to test its effects on patients' symptom distress, caregiver burden, and satisfaction of life. The continuing nursing care program was based on the homecare needs of cancer patients, and was provided by three clinical nurses who took care of the patients while they were hospitalized. The program consisted of discharge education about selfcare using education materials(book and handout) and provisions of direct care. These were counselling and education during which visiting patients' home one week after discharge and telephone counseling two weeks after discharge. Counseling by telephone was always available during the research period. A quasi-experimental research design was used to test the effects of the program. Subjects for this study were 53 cancer patients discharged from the hospital and caregivers. These subjects were assigned to an experimental group (n=23) receiving continuous nursing care, or to a control group (n=30) not receiving continuous nursing care. Data from control group was collected first to protect from contamination. Data collection was done from October of 1998 to February of 2000. The collected data was analysed using mean, t-test, and chi-square test computed by SPSS software. The summary of results was as follows: 1) The symptom distress was a little decreased at posttest, but there were no significant differences between the experimental and the control group in symptom distress. 2) The score of caregiver burden was significantly decreased in experimental group at posttest, but no differences in control group. 3) There were no significant differences between the experimental and control group in the satisfaction of life. 4) The score of satisfaction of continuing nursing care program in experimental group at posttest was 2.321 of 3. In conclusion, even though this study did not obtain evidence of effectiveness of continuing nursing care program on patients, such as. It is still expected to be effective by a more improved program. Therefore we want to give some suggestions for further studies. 1) It is needed to make a communication channel with the patient's doctor to response promptly and appropriately to patient's conditions. 2) The research is necessary on patients in terminal stage or early stage of cancer diagnosis who have many nursing needs. 3) It is needed to readjust the roles and job assignment of clinical nurse to implement effectively as a program provider.
The purpose of this study was to verify the use of Seo's Elderly Stress Scale (SESS), which was developed in 1996. Through the modified tool, it is possible to examine the stress of Korean elders and to contribute to the welfare of them. The subjects were 350 elders over 65 years old who live in Seoul, Kwang-Ju, Yang-Ju Gun Kyung-ki Do, Ui-Jong Bu, and Young-Am Kun, Jeun-Ra Nam Do. the data of 331 elders (94%) were analyzed. Data were collected between January and March in 1996 and analyzed using the SPSS Win 8.0. The result are as follows: 1. Items with low correlation with the total items were removed. So 27 items were removed and 37 items remained. This 37 items were death in the family and/or close friends, family member's behavior not meeting expectations, marriage of daughter, marriage of son, friction with daughter- in-law, argument among children, children refuse to live with parent, children leaving home, sex injury or accident, in frequest visits from children and grandchildren, providing care for your daughter or daughter-in-law post-partum, decrease in decision making and authority in home, Lunar new year and the harvest featival, house sitting, working in the house, performing a sacrificial rite, missed birthday, not living with the eldest son, decreased eyesight, decreased strength, decreased memory, sleep pattern changes, thoughts about death, loneliness, decreased hearing, change of dental condition, change in your diet or eating style, difficulty in self care, moving because of disease or aging, argument with friend or neighbour, travel, dealing with the procedure of heritage, loss of money or property, not enough pocket money, hearing on elderly neglect in television or radio, hope of going home and ignorant from others. 2. Overlapped items were discussed by colleagues and were modified. 'marriage of daughter' and 'marriage of son' were modified in 'marriage of children'. 'self injury or accidents' and 'family accidents' were modified in to self or family accidents. 3. Factor analysis was done in order to identify validity and three factors were obtained from the result. The first factor familial relation area, included 17 items. The second factor, physical area, included 9 items. The third factor, psycho-socio-economic area, included 9 items. Cronbach coefficient alpha for the 35 items was .923. 4. Pearson's correlation was .704 between SESS and SOS (Symptoms of Stress) in order to confirm construct validity. Based on the result, the following is suggested; 1. The modified SESS needs to be reverified with elder. 2. Korean elder's health promotion can be made by development of stress intervention which was accurately measured with SESS.
This study was designed to construct a structural model for quality of life of chronic gastric disease. The hypothetical model was developed based on the literature review and Pender's health promotion model. Data were collected by questionnaires from 459 patients with chronic gastric disease in a General Hospital from July 1999 to August 2000 in Seoul. Data analysis was done with SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and PC-LISREL 8.13 Program for Covariance structural analysis. The results are as follows : 1. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate, thus it was modified by excluding 1 path and including free parameters and 2 path to it. The modified model with path showed a good fitness to the empirical data (Chi2=934.87, p<.0001, GFI=0.88, AGFI=0.83, NNFI=0.86, RMSR =0.02, RMSEA=0.07). 2. The perceived barrier, health promoting behavior, self-efficacy, and self-esteem were found to have significant direct effects on the quality of life. 3. The health concept, health perception, emotional state, and social support were found to have indirect effects on quality of life of chronic gastric disease. In conclusion, the derived model in this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting quality of life of chronic gastric disease. Therefore it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggested direction in nursing practice.
The purpose of this study is to act nursing intervention strategies to promote quality of life (QOL) in Spinal Cord Injury patients. Therefore, the study is designed to evaluate religion, marital status, educational background economic status, level of injury, voiding pattern, transportation by driving, rehabilitation education, self-concept, sexual status, perceived barrier, powerlessness, depression, hope, social support, self-efficacy, anxiety, ADL, perceived hopelessness, personality and pain for QOL at the same time. It was gathered empirical data was collected using a self report questionnaire from 61 patients during a six month period after SCI at 5 general hospitals, at 2 rehabilitation centers and at 2 rehabilitation schools located in Seoul, Dae-jeon city, and Kyung-ki province from Jun. 18, 1999 through Sep. 28, 1999. The reliability of the 19 instruments was tested with Cronbach's alpha which ranged from .6319 to .9769. For the data analysis a SAS program was used for Pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression. The results were as follows; 1. The mean of total item score in the QOL scale was 2.814, which showed a much lower score than the cancer points. 2. There was a significant correlation between self concept, transportation by driving, perceived barrier, powerlessness, depression, hope, social support, self-efficacy, anxiety, ADL and QOL.(gamma= .27~-.79, p< .05) 3. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that; a) Depression was the main predictor of QOL and account for 53.7% of the variance in QOL. b) Hope, ecomic status and body satisfaction accounted for 8%, 4%, 3.4% respectively and these variables combined accounted for 69.2% of the variance in QOL. In conclusion, to begin with, it is important to reduce depression and to help for SCI points to inspire hope, economic status and body satisfaction. That will be short cut for nursing strategies to enhance QOL.
The purpose of this study was to analyze characteristics related to the activity of Daily Living (ADL) and dementia among the elderly people who have Medicaid. The cross-sectional descriptive survey study was a nationwide randomization sampling among the population of elderly families who have Medicaid. The data were collected during the month of October, 1999 and total sample was 1,027 elderly people. There were major findings according to the studies. In the results of the ADL assessment most of elderly people were within the 24 to 45 point range. Also, 63.3% of elderly people who made 45 points do not need help when performing daily activities according to the 15 areas of activity components, and 4.9% of these people couldn't do their daily activities. The results of the Dementia assessment were 70.6% of elderly people were in the normal range, 21.7% have a mild case, and 2.8% have severe case of dementia. These were found by using instruments for mental states, which simplified to items of detection of early dementia. In the result of these tests, there was a significantly positive correlation between ADL and degree of dementia with the pearson correlation coefficients. As a result of these studies, the author recommend to strengthen function and organization of public health like a visiting nurse center for elderly people who are over 65 years old. In addition, the government should apply early detection and management system for dementia in the community continuously and cost-effectively, especially for elderly people who live alone and are vulnerable elderly as our priority.