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Volume 29(1); February 1999
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Original Articles
Development of a Home-Based Multimedia Tutoring System for Postpartum Depression Management
Jeung Iee Bai
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):9-20.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Postpartu depression is one of the most serious problems in maternal health because it affects not only the mother but also her family. Postpartum depression disturbs maternal-infant interaction and attachment. However, most postpartum depression patients ignore this problem and do not seek treatment. Thus this study in conducted to development of a Home-Based Multimedia Tutoring System for postpartum depression management. With this computerized system, mothers in the postpartum periods can check the level of postpartum depression using a personal computer. This system will go through each mother's data and screen those who have abnormal values. In addition this system includes intervention programs-education for nutrition, hygiene care, sleep, postpartum exercise, methods of relaxation, deep breathing, visualization, music therapy and family therapy-to relieve postpartum depression. Using this system, a mother who has a minor level of depression can manage it by herself. Computer language used in this study were html 3.2 OS used was Microsoftware Ni Server 4.0, the graphic tool was Adobe Photoshop 4.0, and the Webpage tool was Notepade. The results of this study are show at internet "URL : Http://". Finally, the author suggests that this system could be adequately applied to assessing postpartum depression and as a intervention strategy for mothers during the postpartum period. Further this study contributes to designing an appropriate postpartum depression prevention strategy.

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A Basic Study on Improvement and Computerization of Nursing Record
Sung Ai Chi, Kyung Sook Choi, Kyung Sook Park, Yong Ki Jung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):21-33.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was designed to develop a basic plan for computerization of nursing records. The subjects were 7 nursing record forms, 58 charts, 23 nurses, 2 nurses managers, a nurse and computer specialist, 16 master course students and 3 professors. Data collection was conducted through questionnaire, observation and interview. The collected data were analyzed for problems, plan of improvement and needs for computerization. Based upon these results, it is recommended that nursing record computerization was needed a basic plan to integrate needs of nursing record computerization. The basic plan as follows: 1. To illustrate a data flow path of nursing record and data dictionary that show nurse's work and record process. 2. To establish a system in order to use multi-tasking and graphic user interface. 3. To establish hardware and software in order to embody integrated management of computer based system through structured walk through. 4. To choose effective database management system and to achieve Log as record unit.

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The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise and Biofeedback Treatment for Stress Incontinence in Korean Women
Young Hee Choi, Myung Sook Sung, Jae Yup Hong
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):34-47.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study evaluated the Comparison of the Effectiveness of Pelvic Floor Muscle exercise and Biofeedback treatment for Genuine Stress Incontinence I assigned 60 participants to 2 groups : 30 to the pelvic floor muscle exercise group and 30 to the biofeedback group. Treatment protocol lasted for 6 weeks. Peak pressure, and duration time of pelvic muscle contraction were evaluated by a perineometer. Lower urinary symptoms, sexual matter and life style scores were achieved by using Jackson's scale. The treatment efficacy of the pelvic floor muscle exercise is compared with the biofeedback group and the main results of the comparison are as follows: 1. Pelvic muscle contraction 1) The peak pressure in the biofeedback group was significantly increased(P=0.000). 2. The frequency and quantity of incontinence 1) The frequency of incontinence in the biofeedback group was significantly decreased(P=0.000). 2) The quantity of incontinence in the biofeedback group was significantly decreased(P=0.000). 3. The lower urinary symptoms Daily frequency(P=0.000), nocturia(P=0.000), urgency(P=0.000), bladder pain(P=0.000), unexplained incontinence(P=0.048), wearing protection(P=0.022), changing outer clothing(P=0.005), hesitancy(P=0.008), intermittent stream(P=0.000), abnormal strength of stream(P=0.004), retention(P=0.000), incomplete emptying(P=0.000), and inability to stop mid steam(P=0.006) of the lower urinary symptoms in the biofeedback group were significantly decreased. 4. The sexual matters The dry vagina(P=0.004) and pain during sexual intercourse(P=0.002) in the biofeedback group was significantly decreased. 5. The life style. The fluid intake restriction(P=0.007), affected daily task(P=0.003), avoidance of places & situation(P=0.003), interference in Physical activity(P=0.002), interference in relationship with other people(P=0.01), and feeling about the rest of life with urinary symptom(P=0.000) in the biofeedback group were significantly decreased. In conclusion, the biofeedback treatment was more effective than the pelvic floor muscle exercise in genuine stress incontinence.

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Determinants of Smoking-Cessation Behaviors in Female University Students
Hae Won Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):48-60.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was done to determine the factors influencing smoking-cessation behavior in female university students. a total of 534 students participated in this cross sectional study by answering a questionnaire. The data collection was done between September 1 and October 31, 1997. The measurement tools used in this study were the self help change process scale(Cronbach's alpha=.9930 : developed by Oh&Kim, 1996) for smoking-cessation behaviors, the self efficacy scale(Cronbach's alpha=.8250 : developed by Sherer et al, 1982), the sex role acceptance scale(KR-20=.7757 : developed by Kim, 1991) and the social support scale(Cronbach's alpha=.9172 : developed by Park, 1985). The summarized results are follows : 1. The mean scores for smoking-cessation behaviors in smokers(N=150) was 91.72 that was considered a middle score compared to the total possible score of measurement tool(150.0). The mean score for smoking-cessation behaviors by smoking-cessation step showed significant different between the groups(F=11.71, p= .000). 2. The group with no experience in smoking(N=332) showed a high general self efficacy score(t=5.24, p= .000), and more openness to sex role acceptance(t=-2.15, p= .032) compared to the group with smoking experience(N=202). 3. General self efficacy, sex role acceptance, and social support were not different significantly between the groups according to the steps in smoking-cessation. 4. Significant factors influencing smoking-cessation behavior(total, sub concepts) were religion, sex role acceptance, social support, smoking duration, smoking attitude, time of smoking onset, amount of smoking, drinking, and perception of health status. 5. Smoking-cessation behaviors which explained 11% of the variance were smoking attitude, and smoking duration. In conclusion, this study identified factors influencing smoking-cessation behavior. Thereby it will help in the development of smoking-cessation ration other determinants of smoking cessation behaviors, evaluation of intervention efficiency, and comparative study by gender characteristics are needed.

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Elderly Sleep Pattern and Disturbing Factors Before and After Hospitalization
Mi Young Kim, Sung Hee Cho, Sang Mi Lee, Su Jung Jung, Kyung Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):61-71.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Sleep is a necessity for survival, Disruption of sleep leads to numerous adverse physiological and psychological consequences. These could be particularly undesirable for older patients, who are subject to many additional factors. But there is limited research related to hospitalized elderly in Korea. The purpose of the study is to explore sleep patterns and disturbing factors of before and after hospitalization, in order to present basic information regarding elderly sleep to develop nursing intervention. The sample consisted of 32 elderly men and women between the ages of 60 and 87 years. Data collection was done from September to November 1997. Measures of sleep patterns and related factors were obtained from self-reported sleep questionnaires. Analysis of data was done by use of t-test, paired t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1. In comparison between before and after admission of their sleep pattern, "sleep onset" tends to be delayed and nocturnal sleep time was significantly reduced. So, hospitalized elderly reported less total sleep time than before admission. 2. Regarding the sleep disturbing factors, medication(hypnotics : 37.5%), physiological factor(snoring : 59.4%) environmental factor(pillow : 78.1%), emotional factor(anxiety related to disease : 37.5%), and illness factor(fatigue : 34.7%) were reported. 3. Significant differences in gender were found. Men had more disturbances in sleep than women owing to difficulty in falling a sleep and lack of nocturnal sleep. Women consumed more sleep inducing drugs. Significant increase was reported in napping during the day with increasing age. 4. Significant differences between good sleepers and poor sleepers were found for the following variables : nocturnal sleep time, total sleep time, bed time, sleep onset latency time, sleep latency time after nocturnal awakening, time spent in bed upon arousal, environmental factors, and emotional factors. In conclusion, it was found that the quantity and quality of sleep were significantly altered in hospitalized elderly, but adequate strategies for better sleep were not practiced. Further research is needed to develop intervention strategies to promote sleep and to prevent sleep problems.

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A Study on Nursing Diagnoses and Nursing Intervention Classification: focused on Home Health Care Clients
Cho Ja Kim, Ae Kyu Choi, Ki Ran Kim, Hee Young Song
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):72-83.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to classify, from collected home health care records data, nursing diagnoses according to the NANDA system and nursing interventions according to the NIC system, and to link nursing interventions to nursing diagnoses. For this study, 101 home health care records of clients seen between September, 1994 and November, 1996 at Yonsei Medical Center, Seoul, were analyzed. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The most frequent nursing diagnoses were 'Risk for infection' and 'Altered nutrition : Less than body requirements', then 'Impaired skin integrity' and 'Ineffective airway clearance' in the Exchange patterns of NANDA nine human response patterns. 2. The most frequent nursing interventions were the interventions in the Physiological : Complex domain, there were 690(50.7%) interventions among a total 1347 interventions. This results corresponds to Yom, Young Hee(1995)'s research, both Korean and U.S. nurses used the interventions in the Physiological : Complex domain most often on a daily basis. And respiratory nursing interventions were most frequent because 32.7% of the subjects were respiratory patients. 3. The next step was to link the nursing interventions to nursing diagnoses. The most frequent nursing diagnosis was 'Risk for infection' and 19 interventions for 'Risk for infection' were used 267 times. Then 14 interventions for 'Impaired skin integrity' were used 258 times, 12 interventions for 'Ineffective airway clearance' were used 193 times, 12 interventions for 'Altered nutrition : Less than body requirements' were used 122 times, 10 interventions for 'Activity intolerance' were used 75 times, and 11 interventions for 'Knowledge deficit' were used 52 times. 4. The use of standardized classification in the areas of nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions facilitates clinical decision making and prompt nursing activity, and so enhances the effectiveness of nursing care.

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The Burden and Social Support of Mothers of Nephrotic Syndrome Patients
Mi Hae Sung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):84-96.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was conducted to identity the degree of burden and social support perceived by mothers of nephrotic syndrome patients. Also, relations between burden and social support were investigated to provide basis data for their family health and nursing intervention. The study subjects were mothers of nephrotic syndrome patients whose children were hospitalized in 2 Pediatric wards of University Hospital in Seoul and 1 in Pusan from Jun. 1, 1998 to Jun. 30, 1998. Burden measurement instrument for this study was designed by the researcher and its basis in one developed by Montgomery et al.(1985) and the reliability was .78. Also. P.R.Q. Part I II, by Brandt and Weinert(1981) was used as social support measurement instrument and the reliability .71. The data analysis was done by SPSS, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation. The result were as follows. 1. Burden felt by mothers shows an average value of 60.82 (Maximum 86, Standard deviation 1.244). 2. Of the mother characteristics, the score of burden was high in case of no religion and low income. Of the patient characteristics, the score burden ranked as high MCNS, doing oral therapy, injection therapy at the same time and negative perceived patients condition. 3. The mean score of support was 77.54(Maximum 96, Standard deviation 1.096). 4. The main supporters were husband(the highest), brother, sister, health speciality and the subject expressed the highest satisfaction toward supporters in chronic disease. 5. Of the patient characteristics, the higher age group and the elder group showed high support. Also, positive perceived patients condition, high support. 6. The relationship between burden and social support is not significant. In conclusion to the above study, the researcher suggests. 1. The Qualitative research to investigate influential factors on burden of family of nephrotic syndrome patients in needed.

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The Effect of a Hand Massage Program on Anxiety and Immune Function in Clients with Cataract Surgery under Local Anesthesia
Kyung Sook Cho
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):97-106.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was designed to investigate the effect of a hand massage program on anxiety and immune function in patients during cataract surgery. The hand massage program, in this study, consisted of hand massage and hand-holding. The subjects were sixty-three patients, thirty for the experimental and thirty-three for the control group, who were admitted at Kang Nam St. Mary's Hospital for cataract surgery. This study was carried out from December 10, 1997 to February 26, 1998. The level of anxiety as measured by the Visual Analogue Scale, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and pulse rate were measured before, after hand massage, and after hand-holding. Epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, blood sugar levels, neutrophil, lymphocyte, and natural killer cell percentages also were measured before hand massage and five minutes before the end of the operation. Data were analyzed by t-test, ANCOVA, repeated measure ANOVA, and Bonferroni multiple comparisons. The results were as follows : 1) After hand massage, psychological anxiety levels decreased significantly compare with before hand massage in the experimental group, not in the control group. After hand holding, there were significant decrease in both groups. 2) There were no significant differences on systolic blood pressure, diastorlc blood pressure, and pulse rates in both groups. 3) The hand massage program decreased epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol significantly in the experimental group and increased epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol in the control group. 4) There were no differences in blood sugar levels, neutrophil and lymphocyte percentages in white blood cells after the hand massage program. However, natural killer cells in lymphocytes were significantly increased in the experimental group. These findings indicate that a hand massage program could be a effective nursing intervention in decreasing the psychological and physiological anxiety levels and improving immune function in clients having cataract surgery under local anesthesia.

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The Effects of Loneliness on Alcohol Drinking, Smoking, and Health Perception in College Students
Ok Soo Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):107-116.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of loneliness on drinking, smoking, and health perception(symptom pattern & subjective health) in college students. The convenience sample consisted of 417 college students attending four universities. The Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale(RULS) and the Symptom Pattern Scale were used to collect the data. In this study, 84.7% of the subjects used alcohol, with a mean of 5.52 drinks per week, and 32.9% of the subjects smoked for a mean of 5.08 cigarette packs per week during the previous month. The mean score loneliness measured by the RULS was 40.82, indicating that the subjects were moderately lonely. The majority of the subjects had a low level of symptom pattern and evaluated their health as either very good or good. The level of alcohol drinking and the smoking increased and symptom pattern decreased with age. Female students were lonelier than male students in this study. Also, the female students had a lower level of symptom pattern and evaluated their health worse than the male students. Male students consumed more alcohol and smoked more cigarette than female students. Living arrangement was significantly related to the level of loneliness. The subjects who lived with their parents and siblings were less lonely than those who lived with their friends, or relatives or who lived in a dormitory. Age and religion were not related to the level of loneliness. The level of loneliness influenced drinking, symptom pattern, and subjective health. The study found that subjects who were more lonely consumed alcohol less, had a higher level of symptom pattern, and perceived their health worse than those who were less lonely. Smoking was not influenced by loneliness in this study.

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A Study on the Occurrences and Causes of Accidents I Lower Grade Elementary School Children
So Sun Kim, Eun Sook Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):117-126.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Accidents involving children are an important cause of death and disability. They also have enomorous financial implication. In order to prevent childhood accidents, research and education for safety should be strengthened. The purpose of this study was to determine how often young children have accidents and what factors affect the accident rate. The sample consisted of 771 children who were in the second, third and forth grades of two elementary schools located in Kyung-gi Province. One school had students from middle class families living in apartment complexes and the other, students from lower income families mainly living in single house. The questionnaires included items on the occurrence of accidents and the parents' attitudes regarding accidents during the academic year from March 1997 to February 1998. The questionnaires were distributed to conveniently selected students to be completed by their parents and collected during the period of May 28, to June 6, 1998. The data were analyzed using SAS PC statistical package. The results of the study are as follows : 1. Of 771 student subjects, 393 had 887 accidental injuries during the study period. 2. The month, the day and the time with the highest accident rate were May, Sunday, and between 1 and 4 p.m. each. 3. In the analysis of the location where the injury took place, the most frequent place was on around their homes followed by school and, then, inside the home. 4. Most of the accidents were caused by carelessness on the part of the children and the most frequent type of injury was an abrasion. 5. Children most injured their legs. 6. They were treated at home most often and usually emergency treatment was performed by family members with, disinfection being the main type of first aid. Cost of the treatment ranged from 8,000 to 20,000 won in most cases. 7. House type and parents' education level were statistically significant in chi-square analysis. 8. Parents educate their children about traffic safety most frequently followed by fire safety and, then, prevention of violence. 9. Parents think that prevention of violence should be the most important part of injury prevention education both at school and home. 10. To identify factors related to accident occurrence, multiple logistic regression was performed and the main factors were birth order and house type.

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A Study on the Consciousness and Preventive Strategies of Adolescent Drug Abuse: The Center of Chun Nam Area
Chung Sun Park, Chong Young Eun, Mi Young Jeong
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):127-138.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was done to examine consciousness and preventive strategies of adolescent drug abuse. This study design was descriptive survey. The data were collected from 1,830 students from 32 middle and high schools from November 11 to December 20, 1997, using questionnaires. The data were analyzed using SAS computer programs. The study results are as follows : Most of adolescent get the information on narcotics and drug abuse from TV, newspaper, magazine and advertisement. Some of them(48.8%) have received education on drug prevention. However, respondents(49.3%) answered unsatisfactory on preventive education. 69.2% of respondents do not know the legal regulation on alcohol and cigarette. The survey on the degree of cognition on drug abuse shows the serious results : cigarette(79.1%), alcohol(74.1%), bonds(55.1%), gas(49.8%), excitants(48.5%), narcotics(29%), marihwana(27.8%) and, diuretics(21.9%). The situation of adolescent drug abuse is also serious in the order of alcohol 38.2%, cigarette 14.3%, marihwana 9.4%.

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The Change of Nurse's Stauts According to the Status of Women II: From the post medieval epoche to late modern epoche
Soon Ock Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):139-149.   Published online March 29, 2017
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It is very important to establish precisely the historical phases of nursing. We nurses should try to acquire the central social position in the health management system in the near the future, the 21st Century. Therefore my treatise aims to orient the desirable phase of the history of nursing through the feministic survey of the history of nursing from the post medieval epoche to the modern epoche. During the time of the renaissance which gave morning light to the modern epoche the antique Athenian thinking of sex was again revived. Athenian excluded the women from the public and autonomous regions. All the medical activity, once dominated by the women, was misfortunately regarded as superstition acted by witches. Accordingly, the nursing women were to hunted as witches. In short, in the early modern epoche, women began to be excluded from the history of medical activities. In the middle modern epoche characterized by the enlightenment movement and early capital economic system, capitalistic patriarchal system began to be formed by change in the economic system. The status of women began to be greatly dropped below by the social distinction of the private dimension of home and the public dimension of job. The woman was deprived of even the occasion to get the official license of medicine and medical institutions were handed to the states or the powerful and rich merchants. Accordingly, nursing acted mainly in the nunnery as the total approach to the patients was destructed wholly and transformed into the means of earning the money. Therefore unprepared low class-women began to engage in nursing only for the money. From then on, nursing activity was tunneled through the dark age for 200 years. In the late modern epoche characterized by the contrast of the accumulated vast capital by industrialization and vast poverty of the peoples, feminism began to float over the surface for the acquisition of equality of men and women from England. A feminist, Nightingale insisted that the women as nurses should be responsible for the healthy life of man. She tried the professional nursing education for women. Accordingly she not only contributed to the intellectual progress of women but also inspired in women the consciousness of the professional job. She tired to realize the ideal of at-that-time-feminists by engaging in nursing all through life. She really paved the road to contemporary nursing. In the near the future, I will write to describe how the late modern epoche nursing has fallen into the dilemma through the 1st and 2nd world wars and matured capitalism and to consider contemporary nursing with the status of women. All these papers aim to give proper recognition of nursing and right orientation of the future 21st Century nursing.

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The Effects of Prevention Programs on Drug Use in Korean Adolescents
Sayaja Kim, Sunah Kim, Sung Suk Kong, Myung Ah Kim, Mia Seo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):150-160.   Published online March 29, 2017
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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Drug abuse is one of the most serious problems among the Korean adolescents today and has been associated with delinquent behavior in adolescents. The number of adolescents who abuse drugs is increasing yearly. Solutions to the problem, however, have not been well developed. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a drug use prevention program which was developed by researchers. The program was a modified DARE(Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program for Korean adolescents. MEHTODS: This study used an experimental, one-group pretest-posttest design with a convenience sample of 122 middle school students who were at one middle school located in Seoul. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire where 'knowledge and attitude about drug use', 'social skill', and 'self-esteem' were measured. The program had 12 sessions to improve knowledge and attitudes towards drugs, decision making skills, social resistance skills, management of stress and self-esteem of students. Teaching strategies for each session were varied : lectures, group discussion, role-playing, question-and-answer sessions and audiovisual materials. Paired t-test was used to analyze the differences between the pre- and post-test scores on knowledge of and attitudes towards drug use, social skills, and self-esteem. RESULTS: There were significant differences in knowledge and attitudes about drug use between pretest and post-test(p<.05), but no significant differences in social skill and self-esteem(p>.05). CONCLUSION: Our results showed that the drug use prevention program was not effective in promoting social-skill and self-esteem of Korean adolescents. These findings might be due to the respondents being in the period of early adolescence(puberty) and not being good at group discussion. So, further study is needed to develop a drug use prevention program appropriate to students 9 and 10 years old, and to encourage small group discussion.

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A Structural model for Quality of Life in Women Having Hysterectomies
Sook Nam Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):161-173.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to develope and test the structural model for quality of life in women having hysterectomies. A hypothetical model was constructed on the basis of previous studies and a review of literature. The conceptual framework was built around eight constructs. Exogenous variables included in this model were marital intimacy, importance of uterus, professional support, positive coping behavior and pre-operative symptoms. Endogenous variables were spouse's support sense of loss and quality of life. Empirical data for testing the hypothetical model was collected using a self-report questionnaire from 203 women having hysterectomies at the outpatient clinics of four general hospitals and a mail survey in Pusan City. The Data was collected from December, 1997 to January, 1998. Reliability of the eight instruments was tested with Cronbach's alpha which ranged from 0.639-0.915. For the data analysis, SPSS 7.5 WIN Program and LISREL 8.12 WIN Program were used for descriptive statistics and covariance structural analysis. The results of covariance structure analysis were as follows : 1. Hypothetical model showed a good fit with the empirical data. [x2=6.93(df=5, P=.23), GFI=.99, AGFI=.94, RMSR=.019, NNFI=.97, NFI=.98, CN=440, standardized residuals(-2.14-2.10)] 2. For the parsimony of model, a modified model was constructed by deleting 3 paths and adding 1 path according to the criteria of statistical significance and meaning. 3. the modified model also showed a good fit with the data. [x2=5.26(df=7, P=.63), GFI=.99, AGFI=.97, RMSR=.014, NNFI=1.02, NFI=.99, CN=710, standardized residuals(-1.46-1.70)] Results of the testing of the hypothesis were as follows : 1. Marital intimacy(gamma11=.78, t=14.37) and professional support(gamma13=.12, t=2.12) had a significant direct effect on the spouse's support. 2. Pre-operative symptoms(gamma25=.32, t=3.12) , importance of uterus(gamma22=.20, t=2.61) and spouse's support(beta21=-.19, t=-2.43) had a significant direct effect on the sense of loss. 3. Sense of loss(beta32=-.66, t=-9.83) had a direct effect on the quality of life. Marital intimacy had a direct(gamma31=.19, t=3.33), indirect(gamma31=.14, t=2.52) and total effect(gamma31=.25, t=4.41) on the quality of life. Professional support had a direct effect(gamma33=.11, t=2.07) and total effect(gamma33=.13, t=2.31) on the quality of life. The direct effect of pre-operative symptoms(gamma35=-.36, t=-4.02) and positive coping behavior(gamma34=.15, t=2.06) had the insignificant effect on the quality of life while, due to the indirect effect these variables had overall significant effect on the quality of life. The results of this study showed that the sense of loss had the most significant direct effect on the quality of life. Marital intimacy, pre-operative symptoms and spouse's support had a significant direct effect on this sense of loss. These four variables, the sense of loss, marital intimacy, pre-operative symptoms and spouse's support, were identified as relatively important variables. The results of this study suggested that there is needed to determine if nursing intervention would alleviate this sense of loss and promote a greater quality of life in women who have had hysterectomies.

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Parental Role Stress and Perception of the Newborn in Mothers of Preterm Babies
Young Im Moon, Hyun Young Koo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):174-182.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to contribute to neonatal nursing and maternal nursing to reduce parental role stress in mothers of preterm babies and to improve perception of the newborn to by the parents. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires which were consisted of a parental role stress scale and a neonatal perception inventory. The subjects were 100 mothers of fullterm babies and 50 mothers of preterm babies, all in the early postpartum stage and admitted to three hospitals I the Kyoung-In area between November 8 1997 and May 30, 1998. The data were analyzed by a SPSS program and the results are as follows : 1. There were no significantly differences in the means for parental role stress between mothers of fullterm babies and preterm babies. The mean for perception of the newborn was significantly lower in mothers of preterm babies than in mothers of fullterm babies. 2. In mothers of preterm babies, the level of parental role stress was correlated to the one minute Apgar score. The level of perception of the newborn was correlated to gestational age and birth weight. 3. The mothers of preterm babies whose education level was above graduation from college had lower parental role stress than those who had a lowers level of education. The mothers who had experienced cesarean section had higher parental role stress than those who gave birth to their baby prematurely. The above findings indicate that mothers of preterm babies had lower perception of the newborn than mothers of fullterm babies. Therefore, nursing intervention should be provided for mothers of preterm babies to manage parental role stress and improve perception of the newborn.

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Health Care Status of First Generation Korean Immigrants in New Zealand
Eun Sook Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):183-195.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to describe the health care status of Korean Immigrants in New Zealand. The sample consisted of 155 Koreans who were randomly selected from the Korean Immigrants telephone book in Auckland, N.Z. They had health problems that required health management both physically(50.3%) and psychologically(70.3%). During the previous year, the average rate of medical contact with a general practitioner was 1+/-1.29 times. Korean immigrants who had health problems first attempted to resolve the problem through self medication rather than utilize health care services. They would only visit a general practitioner if they had severe subjective symptoms or no relief from self medication. Even if they think they need to visit the health care service, 41.9% of the subjects did not go back for follow-up care. Generally, the person who demonstrated positive health care behaviors was male, a college level graduate or higher, lived in N.Z. longer than 2 years, had a high score on health status by self assessment, and he placed few demands on health care services. Barriers to a healthy lifestyle are communication difficulties in expressing subjective symptoms, understanding the physician's treatment and medication plans, difficulty in accessing the appointment system, ant the high cost of service.

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