Herzberg and his associates concluded from their findings that job satisfaction consisted on two independent dimension; the first dimension was related to job satisfaction, the second to job dissatisfaction. According to the Herzberg theory, the satisfiers are related to the nature of the work itself and the rewards that flow directly from the performance of that work. The dissatisfaction factors are associated with the individual' s relation to the context or environment in which he works. The purpose of this study was to investigate selected factors which result in job satisfaction / dissatisfaction of nurses employed in general hospital. In a study of this nature, it is important that the population be as homogenous as possible in order to reduce the effects of the different environments and backgrounds on job satisfaction. A job satisfaction questionnaire developed by Slabitt et els. was used for this study. It contains 45 statements and utilizes a Likert type scale of 5. Participants were asked to select response which were congruent with their perceptions of the item. It was decided to conduct the study in one general hospital in Seoul. A sample of 505 clinical nurses were selected to participate in this study. The results of this study were as follows; 1. The overall mean score for the 45 five-point scales of job satisfaction items was 2.945, showing that the subjects of this study were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. 2. To identify the specific job related factors that result in Job satisfaction / dissatisfaction, the 45 items of job satisfaction were divided into 6 areas and the mean scores and % of agreement were compared. The specific job related factor that resulted in job satisfaction was the job status and those that resulted in job dissatisfaction were salaries, task requirements and organization requirements. But the areas of autuuuiuy and interaction did not belong to either side of the specific job related factors. 3. To identify the relationship between the job satisfaction and the subject's general characteristic, data was analyzed using the t-test and the Pearson correlation coefficient. It was found that the relationship between the job satisfaction and the request for rotation and intention to remain on the job were statistically significant at .05 level, but the relationship between the job satisfaction and age, work experience, and educational background were nor statistically' significant at the .05 level.
To ensure the autonomy of nursing care aetivies is one of the major and most interesting issues in the field of nursing. The pertaining autonomy demands the nurse to make decisions of her or his own with out interference and free of help from other sides of health care agency. The whole process of autonomous nursing behavior should be judged and conveyed by the nurse only on the basis of the internal factors of her care to solve the problems of the client's disorder in health. Truth of nursing science and relevence of nursing conduct depend on our construction of internal basis and establishment of self-sufficient reference system. The information for efficient decision-making at the scene of nursing can only be supplied by a systematic body of nursing science consisting of true or properly corroborated propositions. The science of nursing can be autonomous when we have framework of explanation, independently of other sciences and the behavior of nursing care can factually be independent of and peculiar to that of other but similar fields only when the science of nursing is correspondently autonomous.
The present study has been undertaken to assess the electrical activity of right tibialis anterior, right gastroc-nemius, right rectus femoris, right biceps femoris and right paralumbarvertebral muscles quantitatively by EMC while standing erect on the height of 0cm, 3cm, 5cm and 7cm heels. The inclinations of the heels were 0, 6, 11, 17 degrees, respectively. Fourty young women ranging from 18 to 24 of age were examined. Electrical activity of various muscles while standing erect on the height of various heels were compared with that of 0cm heel. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Electrical activity of the tibialis anterior increased significantly as the height of heels became higher ; which was thought to be due to the effort to counteract the instability standing with high heels. 2. There was a significant increase in electrical activity of the gastrocnemius as the height of heels increased. It might be due to compensatory activity against shifting of the center of gravity forward. 3. There was a significant increase.in electrical activity of the rectus femoris and biceps femoris at the height of 3cm, 5cm and 7cm heels ; which seemed to be due to the effort to stabilize the knee joint. 4. Electrical activity of the paralumbarvertebral muscles increased significantly at the height of 5cm and 7cm heels : which was considered to be due to the effort to prevent forward imbalance. From These results, it may be concluded that electrical activities of vanous postural muscles increase significantly while standing erect on the height of 3cm, 5cm and 7cm heels to counteract an instability of their posture and compensate the forward shifting tendency of the center of gravity.
This study was designed to investigate the nature and magnitude of disability among non-institutionalized elderly in urban area (Seoul city). From November 1987, through December 1987, 1,054 individuals aged over 65 years from the sampled of clustered ramdom sampling method were interviewed in person. The physical disability findings support the well known relationship between physical disability and age. The magnitude of disability, however, is not as great as conventional wisdom might suggest. And this paper reports results on the prevalence of social disability : housekeeping transportation, food prepatation, grocery shopping, social interaction, intellectual activity, and social role. The magnitude of social disability increase with advancing age. Women, in general, report a higher degree of social disability than man. These findings are compared with other investigations of physical and social disability among the elderly.
This study was planned and carried out to investigate the correlation between premenstrual syndrome and personality in order to provide informations basic to the prevention, alleviation, and care for the premenstrual syndrome. Data on premenstrual syndrome were gat-herd from October 20 to 25, 1986 by questionnaire modified by the researcher based on Endicott's Premenstrual Assessment Form. Reliability of the instrument was tested by Cronbach's a. Data on personality were gathered in March, 1986, by the high school autorities by standardized Personality Inventory Scale developed by Eung Yun Hwang were used. Subjects numbered 457, 95.2% of the first grade students of H. Girls High School located in Seoul. The correlation and difference between personality traits and premenstrual syndrome analysed by Pearson' s Correlation Coefficient, and difference between groups were analysed by the t-test. Personality traits influencing premenstrual syndromal categories were analysed by the multiple regression. The results are as follows: I. The five highist categories of premenstrual syndrome among 18 categories revealed to be Social withdrawal, General discomfort, Lability, Fatigue and Hos tility /Anger in rank order. II. Personality traits and Premenstrual syndrome; 1. Tendency of Psychoneuroses(r=0.43, P<.001), psychoses(r=.39, P<.001) and anti-social behav-iors (r=o.43, P<.001) revealed to be significantly correlated to premenstrual syndrome. Hypothesis 1 is accepted. 2. Emotional stability(r= -0.38, p<.00l), reflectiveness (r= -0.14, p<.01), masculinity (r= -0.10, p<05) and autonomy (r= -0.12, p<.05) revealed significant correlation, While activity, dominance, sociability and achivement revealed no significant correlation. Hypothesis 2 is partially accepted. III. Significant models of personality traits influencing the premenstrual syndromal categories are; 1. 5 personality traits ; tendency of psychoneuroses, emotional stability, dominance, activity and autonomy revealed to influence Low mood/loss of pleasure significantly.(R2=.19) 2. 3 personality traits ; tendency of psychoneuroses, emotional stability and sociahility revealed to in fluence Lability significantly. (R2-.15) 3. 5 personality traits ; tendency of psychoneuroses, activity, emotional stability, sociability and achievement revealed to influence Anxiety significan-tly.(R2=.18) 4. 3 personality traits ; tendency of psychoneuroses, emotional stability and sociability revealed to influence Miscellaneous mood / behavior changes significantly.(R2=.18) 5. 3 personality traits ; tendency of psychoneuroses, psychoses and reflectiveness revealed to influence Hysteroid features significantly.(R2=.16) IV. No significant correlation between irregularity of menstruation and premenstrual syndrome was revealed. No significant difference beteen group of dysmenorrhea and group of non-dysmenorrhea in premenstrual syndrome was revealed.