This study examined the effects of husband's supportive behavior reinforcement education on stress relief of primigravidas. The purpose was to reinforce husbands’ supportive behavior and relieve primigravidas’ stress.
The purposes of this study were to determine factors influencing Primigravidas∗ stress and the effect of husbands’ supportive behavior reinforcement education on stress relief of primigravidas.
The subjects, consisting of 140 primigravidas who registered or visited in three obstetrics and gynecology clinics in J city, were divided into at random experimental and control groups. Data were collectpe from April To July, 1984 through interviews during hospital visits, and by questionaires.
The husbands’ supportive behavior reinforcement education and the measurement tools were developed by the investigator from the literature and during pilot study: the instruments to measure primigravidas∗ stress and husbands’ supportive behavior were tested for reliability and validity.
Personality characteristisc were measured by Chestnuts’ Stress Management instrument. T-test, ANO- VA, ω2、and Pearson. Correlation were used in analyzing the data to confirm the intensity of the influence and the relation between general characteristics and primigravidas’ stress. Pearson correlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression were used to confirm the predictors of primigravidas’ stress. Independent variables were compared by means of t-test and
The results of the study are summarized.
Results from analyzing the effect of husbands’ supportive behavior reinforcement education: There was no significant difference between the general characteristics of the experimental and control groups. And husbands∗ supportive behavior, personality, marital Satisfaction, natural abortion variables influenced at primigravidas’ stress.
A hypothetical test by comparative analysis of the measurement of primigravidas’ stress and husbands’ support behavior between the experimental and the control group before and after the experiment to confirm the effect of husbands’ supportive behavior reinforcement education resulted in the following:
The first hypothesis that husbands’ supportive behavior reinforcement education will increase husbands’ support behavior to relieve primigravidas’ stress was supported.
The second hypothesis that husbands’ supportive behavior reinforcement education will relieve primigravidas1 stress was supported. As a result, it was shown that husbands’ supportive behavior reinforcement education relieved primigravidas’ stress, and the hypotheses were supported.
The third hypothesis that the higher the degree of husbands’ supportive behavior, the lower the primi- gravidas’ stress was supported.
It was concluded that husbands’ supportive behavior reinforcemen education increase husbands’ supportive behavior and relieves Primigravidas’ stress.
This study was to explore on the rank of stressful events related to the experience of hospitalization. 180 hospitalized patients on surgical and medical wards were asked to rate 49 stress-producing events associated with the experience of hospitalization. Two university hospitals was used as the setting for this study. Because the nature of the events in the stress scale pertain mainly to general short-term hospitalizations, patients in the rehabilitation and psychiatric units of the hospital were not included. Prior to the beginning of the study, three times meeting were held with 12 head nurses and 3 investigators for discussing with the ethics subject related to the study. The pretest was done to determine whether items to use were pertinent or not. According to the result of the pretest, Volicer's Hospital Stress Rating Scale was selected as a study tool for this study. Data collection was used an interview and a card-sorting method. The interviewing was done by two authors and three graduate nursing students. A total 125 completed the card-sorting procedure. The stressful items were ordered from most to least stressful within the categories. Additional information such as; age, sex, marital status, and diagnosis was obtained from the kardex file. The ordered list of items, with mean values, as scored by the total of 125 respondents was significantly accepted at 1% level by Friedman test. (X2=1448.339) The event, "knowing you have a serious illness." was rated highest stressful and (M=41.54) "Being awakened in the night by the nurse" least stressful. (M=14.73) Highly rated items were orderly "Thinking you might have cancer" "Thinking you might lose a kidney or some other organ" "Not being told what your diagnosis is. "Not knowing for sure what illness you have," five lowerly rated items were orderly "Having to eat at different times than you usually do""Not being able to call family or friends on the phone" "Not having friends visit you," "Having strangers sleep in the same room with you." Further analysis of the data was done to ascertain the degree of similarity of judgment between different groups in the sample as to how events should be rated. The sample was divided into two groups according to the demographic characteristics and the degree of seriousness of illness. The rank order correlation was calculated for the two sets of ranks as a measure of consensus between the two groups. The correlations ranged from 0.85~0.99 all indicating a high degree of consensus.
Liver cirrhosis is the common cause of death in Korea today. But, if liver cirrhosis patients were treated in the early stage of the disease process, they can have a chance to carry their daily lives with prescribed medical and nursing regimens. Each patient has different health beliefs that there is a different Sick Role Behavior in the process of treatment. In order to increase and control the desired patient's Sick Role Behavior, it is important for nurses to understand the health beliefs influencing Sick Role Behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine factors influencing Sick Role Behavior and provide objective and scientific data to health education, treatment and nursing care. The subjects for this study were 80 Liver Cirrhosis patients selected from in and out patients of the medical department of four University Hospitals in Seoul, Won Joo and Mok Po city. Data was collected from Sep. 18, to Oct. 15, 1984. The measurement tool was the questionnaire that developed by the investigator from the literature review based on Health Belief Model. The data Collection was done by interview. Analysis of data was done by use Mean, S.D., ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The result of study were as follows: 1. The significant influencing variables on the Liver Cirrhosis Patient's Sick Role Behavior in general characteristics were Sex, Marital Status, Educational levels, Family's income and Duration after diagnosis. 2. Between the Sick Role Behavior and Health Belief Model, a) The first hypothesis that the stronger degree of Health Motivation, the higher degree of Liver Cirrhosis Patient's Sick Role Behavior was supported (r=0.7892, p=0.0000). b) The second hypothesis that the higher degree of perceived susceptibility, the higher degree of Liver Cirrhosis Patients' Sick Role Behavior was supported (r=0.6383, p=0.0000) c) The third hypothesis that the higher degree of perceived severity, the higher degree of Live Cirrhosis Patients' Sick Role Behavior was supported (r=0.5869, p=0.0000). d) The fourth hypothesis that the higher degree of perceived benefit, the higher degree of Liver Cirrhosis patient's Sick role Behavior was supported (r=0.7535, p=0.0000). e) The fifth hypothesis that the lower degree of perceived barrier, the higher degree of Liver Cirrhosis Patient's Sick Role Behavior was supported (r=-0.7709, p=0.0000). f) The sixth hypothesis that the higher degree of knowledge in disease, the higher degree of Liver Cirrhosis patients' Sick Role Behavior was supported (r=0.7538, p=0.0000). g) In the correlation among variables, it was found positive correlation except that perceived barrier was negatively correlated. 3. In the Stepwise Multiple Regression and Independent Variables, the factor "Health Motivation" could account for Sick Role Behavior in 62.28% of the Sample (F=128.786, p<0.01). When the factor "perceived barrier" is added to this, it account for 70.38% of Sick Role Behavior (F=93.479, p<0.01) and the factor "knowledge in disease" is also included, it account for 74.78% of Sick Role Behavior (F=75.131, p<0.01). Finally, when the factor "perceived susceptibility" is included, it account for 75.03% of Sick Role Behavior (F=56.329, p<0.01).
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role conflict of head nurse; to identify the degree of the role conflict, the sources of the conflict, and the relation between the degree of the conflict and the general characteristics of head nurse. During the period from July 23, 1984 to August 4, 1984, data were collected from 109 head nurses working in 7 general hospitals in seoul. The results of this study were; 1. The degree of the role conflict of head nurse was moderate. But among the three areas in performing head nurse's role, the degree of role conflict as a operational manager was slightly serious. 2. In the various sources of the role conflict of head nurse, the main sources were the shortage of personnel (20.7%), lack of equipment (19.3%), and lack of time(17.6%). 3. In comparison of the degree of role conflict of head nurse, there is no significant difference in the general characteristics of head nurse. But the role conflict of head nurse as a operational manager, there is a significant difference in hospital types in which the head nurse were working(P<0.01). And as a operational manager, there is a significant difference of role conflict in educational levels(P<0.01).
This study was attempted to investigate the main factors affecting health perception of the patients following cardiac valve replacement surgery. Data were collected from Sept. 1 to Oct. 31, 1984 through administration of questionnaire developed for this study by the researcher. The subject was 95 patients who received follow up care following cardiac valve replacement surgery at S.N.U.H. The data were analyzed by T-test, oneway ANOVA, pearson correlation and multiple regression according to dependent variables. The results were as follows. (1) Average self-health perception of those patients were 4.62, (maximum;7 minimum;1) and they showed on affirmative response for their health condition. (2) There was significant difference in health perception according to sex difference. Men had higher health perception than women. (t=2.83, p=0.006) (3) There was significant difference in health perception according to occupation. Those who had occupation showed higher health perception those who had no occupation. (t=3.25, p=0.002) (4) The longer post-operative period elapsed, the higher health perception was, and there was significant difference in health perception. (gamma=-0.2958, p=0.002) (5) The higher age was, the lower health perception was, and there was a significant difference in health perception. (gamma=-0.2485, p=0.008) (6) The fewer subjective psychosomatic symptoms were, the higher health perception was, and there was a significant difference in health perception. (gamma=-0.4988, p=0.0000) (7) The more active daily activities were, the higher health perception was, and there was a significant difference in health perception. (gamma=0.6359, p=0.0000) (8) The main factors predicting health perception are like these. Daily activities (42.7%), highest variable. Psychosomatic symptoms (7.29%) Elapsed period after cardiac valve replacement (1,89%) Existence of occupation (1.87%) Sex (1.78%) Age (0.8%)
Accepting the health as the fundamental human right, the nation and society came to admit the duty to give it to all the people. Korean government is expanding the Primary Health Care as one of the policies for developing the people's health by the lead of community. Like this current situation the School Health Service which is the center of community Health Service should be active to keep, promote and maintain the health of students and teachers. This investigation was attempted to help to establish the basis of the Health Education Program which would perform the health education efficiently and bring the reforming of student's health control, by measuring the degree of junior high school student's practice concerning health care and confirming the relationship of knowledge, concern and level of health. The subjects for this study were made up 296 boys at the third grade in a school, located in Seoul. The tool for this study was questionnaire. Data were collected for five days, September 22~26, 1983. The investigators explained the students how to answer the questions of the survey questionnaire and then collected the survey cards immediately. The data were analyzed by means of percentages, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results of this study are as follows. 1. The subjects' reaction to the practice concerning Health Care; According to the average proportion of practice concerning health car, subjects' practice in the aspect of Infectious Disease Care is the highest 82.4% and they showed their practice in the aspect of the accident prevention by 77.5% and in the aspect of mental health by 74.8%. Their practice in the aspect of personal hygiene and daily life habit is the lowest 71.2%. 2. Health Knowledge; The whole mark distribution of health knowledge is ranged from the lowest 4 point to the highest, 30 point, therefore point range is 26.9. The Average point is 16.58. 11.2% of students solved more than two thirds of personal knowledge levels. 81.4% of students did more than one third of them. 7.4 % of students did less than one third of them. 3. Health Concern; The Students of the average 3.99 point respond positively to the question about the health concern, 'They think health is more important than money', this is the highest rate. The students of the average 2.78 respond "when they are sick, they enter the appointed hospital where they own choose", while it is the lowest. 4. Subjects' response to the health level are as follow; Very healthy 26.0%, healthy 47.0%, less healthy 10.5%, 34.9% of them have ever been sick within two weeks, the number of symptoms they reported amount to 114 and the number of cases per one person is 0.38. 5. The hypotheses test about the practice concerning health care and the factor which effect on it. 1) The main first hypothesis; "The more knowledge of health the subjects have, the better they practice health care." was accepted. (r=0.1582, p<0.05) 2) The minor first hypothesis; "The more interest in health subjects have, the better they practice" was accepted. (r=0.4354, p<0.001) 3) The minor second hypothesis; "The healthier subjects are, the better they practice health care" was accepted. (r=0.1069, p<0.05) As other test, practical correlation test is performed in other refine whether health knowledge, a fact influencing the students practice concerning health care, is associated with the practice, after controlling the third variables. First, after controlling health concern, the correlation of health knowledge and practice concerning health care was kept. (r=0.1347, p<0.005) Second, after controlling health level, the correlation of health knowledge and practice concerning health care was kept. (r=0.1526, p<0.005) And finally, after controlling economic state, the correlation of health knowledge and practice concerning health care was kept. (r=0.1413, p<0.05) Additionally Stepwise Multiple Regression between practice concerning health care and variables. 1.65% of compliance was explained with the knowledge (F=5.584, p<0.05), 20.0% of compliance was explained with the health concern added to knowledge. (F=63.213, p<0.005) As the above, health knowledge obviously have affects on the practice about the health care. But, contrary to researcher's expectation. health concern has more affects than health knowledge. Therefore, we must grope the plan to enhance health concern through the regular curriculum and systematic health education for students. Besides, we must study further on, to find the factors which have affect on the practice concerning health care.
Postoperative pain is one of the most frequently occurred pain in hospitals, but it has been underestimated because it is only a part of postoperative physiological process and may disappear in time. It is necessary that nurses use the relaxation technique, planning and implementing by themselves independently, to reduce this postoperative pain. This study is aimed at showing the effect of relaxation technique on reduction of postoperative pain, and exploring the factors influencing postoperative pain. Fifty-seven patients with abdominal surgery who admitted in attached D Medical Center to K University in Daegu have been studied. Of them twenty-nine were experimental group and the remaining twenty-eight were control group. This study has been conducted for collecting data through interviews and observation from August 23 to October 24, 1984. The tools of this study were two kinds; Postoperative Pain Scale is obtained from a review of references by the researcher, and relaxation technique, designed to use postoperative setting adequately, is also obtained from a review of references by the researcher. After confirming no significant differences between the two groups, the hypotheses were statistically verified by x2-test, t-test, and pearson Correlation Coefficient. The results of this study are summarized as follows; The main hypothesis that the experimental group who use relaxation technique will have less degree of postoperative pain than the control group who don't use relaxation technique is divided into three sub-hypotheses. 1. The first sub-hypothesis that the experimental group will have less score of postoperative pain than control group was accepted(t=7.810, p<0.01). Even with controlling pain threshold, showing difference in some degree between the two groups, the experimental group has less score of postoperative pain than the control group. Therefore this confirms the acceptance of the first sub-hypothesis more strongly. 2. The second sub-hypothesis that the experimental group will have less frequency of analgesics than the control group is accepted(x2=9.85, p<0.01). 3. The third sub-hypothesis that the experimental group will have less variation of pulse, respiration, and blood pressure between pre and post operative periods than the control group is rejected. So this hypothesis is reverified through comparing the variation of pulse, respiration, and blood pressure between pre and post changing-position to measure the pure effect of relaxation technique. Pulse and respiration is significantly lowered in the experimental group (t=7.209, p<0.01, t=3.473, p<0.01), but systolic and diastolic blood pressure is not different significantly between to two groups (t=1.309, p>0.05, t=1.727, p>0.05). Therefore the third sub-hypothesis is partially accepted. Conclusively, the researcher thinks that it is necessary that nurses should provide patients with relaxation technique to reduce postoperative pain, and to increase independence of nursing.