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Volume 12(1); June 1982
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Original Articles
A Study on Nursing Students’ Attitudes toward the Elderly
Eurrll Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(1):1-12.   Published online January 23, 1982
AbstractAbstract PDF

Presently, there is increasing demand for geriatric nursing care due to increasing proportion of elderly population and extended age. And, of particular importance in determing the effectiveness ofæ nursing care given to the elderly is the attitude of nursing personnel toward the elderly patient.

This study was intendent to investigate the attitudes of baccalaureate nursing students toward the elderly, and to investigate any possible correlation between these attitudes and the following variables: the students’ levels (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), their preferences for various fields of specialization in nursing after graduation, their clinical experiences with geriatricæ patients, their personal experience with elderly family members, their educational experience of the elflerly's health problems and geriatric nursing, and their experience with relatives and acquaintances over 60 years of age. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compile basic data about ÿthe attitudes of nursing students toward the elderly in order to contribute to the improvement or geriatric nursing.

The; subjects for this study were 2&y nursing students: 163 in the College of Nursing at E_ Womans Limversity., and 96 in the Department of Nursing in K. College. Data was collected from the 11th of Sep., to the 8th of Oct., 1981ôusing the Tuckman-Lorge Attitude Questionnaire which contained 131 items excepting 6 items. The attitudes toward the elderly was scored by the usie of mean and standard deviation. The relations between attitudes toward the elderly and six independent vairables were analysed by T-test. The results which were obtained are as follows:

1. The attitude score of nursing students was M—S.D–16.IS. Nursing students agreed with of the stereotypic statements, and they had stereotypic attitudes toward the elderly relatively. (P<0.01).

2. There was a significant difference between the attitudes of nursing students toward the elderly·, and sophomores had a less stereotypic attitudes than juniors and seniors (Pく0.01).

3. Tfhere was significant difference between the attitudes toward the elderly and the preferences fot various fields of specialization in nursing after graduation, and nursing students those who wanted maternity fields had a more stereotypic attitudes than others (P<0.05, P<0.01).

4. there was no significant difference between the attitudes toward the elderly and the clin- ical e平erience with the geriatric patients (P>0.05).

5. There was no significant difference between the attitudes toward the elderly and the personal experience with elderly family members (P>0.05).

6. There was no significant difference between the attitudes toward the elderly and the educ ational experience of the elderly's health problems and geriatric nursing (P>0.05).

7. There was no significant difference between the attitudes toward the elderly and the expe rience with relatives and acquaintances over 60 years of age (P>0.05).

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A Study of the Attitudes of Psychiatric Registred Nurses towards Mental Illness and Mental Patients
Ilyang Mee Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(1):13-24.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Teh main purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes toward mental illness and the mentally ill of psychiatric nurses in Korea and to identify the relationships between the nurses' attitudes and demographic variables. Subjects in this study were 122 psychiatricnurses and 111non-psychiatric nurses in active service at 12 hospitals in Seoul. The insrtument used for measuring attitudes was a questionaire developed by Cohen and Struening (1962) referred to as the "Opinions about Mental Illness(OMI) Scale" made up to 51 Likert type items. The findings of this study indicated hatnurses showed negative attitudetoward mental illness and the mentally ill: Very high on social restrictiveness (factor D), low on Mental Health Ideology (factor C), and Interpersonal Etiology (factor E). Since the high score on Factor A,B and the low score on Factor B,C,E reflect a negative attitudes toward mental illness, this study population related extremely negative attitudes compared to any other surveys. And of the demographic variables that related to their attitudes the education degree and the kind of the hospital in active service showed very significant differences. On the basis of the investigation the findings indicated the followings; 1) Althohg attitudes toward mental illness and the mentally ill of psychiatric nurses were not siignificant differences from non-psychatric nurses, there was a trend that attitudes of psychaitric nurses did show more negative responses rather than those of non-psychiatric nurses. 2) Demographic variables that relate to their attitudes on the OMI scale were the education degree of the respondent and the kind of their hospital in active service. 3) About attitudes toward mental illness and the mentally ill baccalaureate nursesshowed more posttive attitudes in Factor A (Authoritarianism), Factor C (Mental Health Ideology) and Factor D (Social Restrictiveness) than diploma program murses. 4) Nurses in active Service in the private hospital revealed more positive attitudes(A,B,C,D) except Factor (E) than those in the national or public hospital. 5) The ages, duration of work, wanted or unwantedG roup of psychiatric ward and satisfactory level of psychiatric nursing service were non-significant.

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A Study for Investigating of Predictors of Compliance for Preventive Health Behavior: centered on early detection of cervical cancer
Jong Kyung Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(1):25-38.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

As technological civilization and medical science has developed, standards of living have improved and human life expectancy has been extended. But the incidence and mortality rate of cancer have been gradually increasing due to the pollution of the environment. Even though cancer is still a great threat to human beings, the etiology and appropriate cure for cancer have not yet been discovered. The early detection and treatment of cancer is urgently needed. This study concentrates on the health behavior of woman regarding the papanicolau smear for early detection of cervical cancer. It was done in order to provide a direction for scientific health education materials by investigating predictors of preventive health behavior. The subjects for this study were made up of 54 woman, who comply with preventive health practices(compliant) who attended the Cervical Cancer Center of Y University Hospital in order to have tests for early detection of cervical cancer and 54 woman who did not comply with preventive health practices (noncompliant) selected from 100 housewives of E apartment, Kang Nam Ku, Seoul. The study method used, was a questionnaire for the compliance group and an interview for the noncompliance group. The period for data collection was from October 13th to October 24th. 1981. Analysis of the data was done using percentages, T-test, Pearson Correlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results of study were as follows: 1. The hypotheses tested were based on the health belief model; 1) The first hypothesis, "The compliant may have more knowledge of the cervical cancer than the noncompliant" was rejected(T=-1.86, p>.05) 2) The second hypothesis, "The compliant may have a higher severity of cervical cancer than the noncompliant" was accepted(T=5.41, p<.001) 3) The third hypothesis, "The compliant may have a higher susceptability to cervical cancer than the nonoompliant" was accepted(T=3.51, p<.01). 4) The fourth hypothesis, "The compliant may have more benefit than cost from the cervical cancer tests than the noncompliant" was accepted(T=7.46, p<.001). 5) The fifth hypothesis, "The compliant may have more health concern than the noncompliant". was accepted (T=3.39, p<.01). These results show that severity, susceptability, benefit (over cost) and health concern influence the preventive health behavior in this Study. 2. In the correlation among variables, it was found that the knowledge of cervical cancer and the benefit(over cost) of preventive health behavior were negatively correlated(r=- 2.75, P<.01), Severity of cervical cancer and benefit (over cost) of preventive health behavior were post-itively correlated(r=.280, p<.01), severity and susceptability of cervical cancer were positively correlated(r=.238, p<.01), benefit(over cost) and health concern were positively correlated (r=. 299, P<.01). The benefit (over cost) may be raised by increasing the severity and health concern. Therefore the compliance rate of woman may be raised through health education by increasing the benefit(over cost) of the individual. 3. The Stepwise Multiple Regression between health behavior and predictors. 1) The factor "Benefit(over cost)" could account for preventive health behavior in 34.4% of the sample(F=55.6204 P<.01). 2) When the factor "Severity" is added to this, it accounts for 44.3% of preventive health behavior(F=41.679, p<.01). 3) When the factor "Susceptibility" is also included, it accounts for 46.7% of preventive health behavior (F=30.373, P<.01). 4) When the factor "Health concern" is included, it accounts for 48.1% of preventive health behavior (F=23859, p<.05). This means that other factors appear to influence preventive health behavior, since the combination of variables explains only 48.1% of the preventive health behavior. Therefore further study to investigate the predictors of preventive health behavior is necessary.

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A Study on Airborne Microbes Contamination that Influences on Nosocomial Infection
Young Hee Choi, Jong Ho Park, Hae Sang Yoon, Young Sook Moon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(1):39-52.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Nosocomial infection is important in the management of the nursing care and has been found to be related with the airborne microbes contamination. The purpose of this study is to identify the differences of the airborne microbes between hospitals, nursing units, days and times and to identify the difference in the types of microorg-anisms between hospitals, nursing units, days and times. This study was conducted from May 25, to July 10, 1981, according to R. Koch's methods for quantative samplings of airborne microbes and the results of this study were reviewed in a statistical method. The following conclusions were obtained: 1. There was a significant difference in the types of airborne microbes between 8 hospitals (F=5.0491, P<0.01) 2. There was a significant difference in the types of airborne microbes between surgical, medical, nursery, I.C.U., operating theatre and outpatient nursing unit, (F=2.1764, P<0.05) 3. There was not a significant difference in the types of airborne microbes between Monday, Thrusday and Saturday (F=1.6365, P>0.05) 4. There was a significant difference in the types of airborne microbes between AM 7 : 00, AM 11: 00 and PM 3 : 00. (F=7.2951, P<0.01) 5. 4061 colonies were divided into more 48 types and the classification was as follows. gram positive cocci (2024 colonies) 49.3% gram positive bacillus (1211 colonies) 29.8% gram negative bacillus (577 colonies) 14. 2% fungus (200 colonies) 4.9% gram negative cocci (41 colonies) 1.0% other's (8 colonies) 0.3% 6. There was a significant difference of airborne microbes between 8 hospitals. (F=7.7943, P<0.01) 7. There was not a significant difference of airborne microbes between 6 nursing units. (F= 1.8461, P>0.05) outpatient nursing unit : 12.6 colonies surgical nursing unit: 10.4 colonies Medical nursing unit : 9.8 colonies nursery nursing unit: 9.4 colonies operating theatre nursing unit: 8.2 colonies Intensive care nursing unit: 7.8 colonies 8. There was not a significant difference of airborne microbes between Monday, Thursday and Saturday. (F=1.4371, P>0.05) Saturday : 11.0 colonies Monday : 9.1 colonies Thursday : 9,1 colonies 9. There was a significant difference of airborne microbes between A.M. 7 : 00, A.M. 11 : 00 and P.M. 3 : 00 (F=7.6658, P<0.05) P.M. 3 : 00 : 12.2 colonies A.M. 11 : 00 : 10.0 colonies A.M. 7 : 00 : 7.1 colonies.

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Alternative Views on Health Care Utilization
Kitack Suh
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(1):53-66.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

No abstract available.

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